Forums Discussions Powder Coated X-pole? Lil Mynx Rotator? Please help!

  • Powder Coated X-pole? Lil Mynx Rotator? Please help!

    Posted by branquinha on September 30, 2018 at 9:18 pm

    I want to get back to poling after a break of over 6 years and am in the market for a new pole. I was going for a brass pole but after reading that it is rather temperamental I am leaning towards powder coated finishes.
    I have not found a lot of reviews for Powder Coated x-pole and would like to know if people have strong opinions regarding which brand (Lil Mynx or X pole) has the best option.
    Thank you!

    Veena replied 6 years, 3 months ago 4 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Runemist34

    October 1, 2018 at 4:21 am

    Some people do have very strong opinions on brands, but personally, I don’t. I’ve only ever used Lil Mynx at home, and mostly X-pole in studios. They’re fine.
    My current home pole is powder coated, and I really love it. The grip is, obviously, different from the ones in the studio (which are all stainless steel), but I find I second-guess my grip a lot less at home, and once it’s warm, it’s like… grip for days. I live in a fairly humid climate, and I have dry skin, so… it works out for me 🙂
    Good luck!

  • x falcon 3 0 x

    October 1, 2018 at 5:20 am

    I used to have the SV Lil Minx pole until I switched out my flooring and lost a 1/4″ of height. I loved it and the ease of alternating from static to spin. I now have the 2 X Poles, brass and powder coated. When it gets cold I cannot stick to the brass (I have dry skin, too) but the pc one is great year-round. Pc poles are great for trickin’ but sliding your skin on it for spins or drops can sting a bit.

  • branquinha

    October 2, 2018 at 2:26 am

    Thank you very much for your replies, Stiletto Jeau and Runemist34! I am sold on PC, just need to think a bit more about what brand. Thanks again!

  • Veena

    October 2, 2018 at 2:56 pm

    I love the PC finish on my SV pole (I don’t use it now because my ceilings now are too high. ☹️ I have the xpole PC, it’s not the same. I prefer my new brass Plantinum stages to the xpole PC.

    The Lil mynx PC is not the same as the PC SV pole, either tho! I’m guessing it might be close. I love how light the Lil mynx pole is and the quick set up. If you don’t need to remove your pole a permanent brass is my new favorite.

  • Veena

    October 2, 2018 at 2:57 pm

    Oh and I prefer the Platinum stages brass finish over the xpole brass. My xpole brass can be temperamental

  • branquinha

    October 4, 2018 at 1:32 am

    Thank you so much for your input Veena. I have read great things about the SV pole, it is a pity you no longer offer it. I am renting so I cannot really invest on a permanent pole right now. In effect, the “lego” capabilities of the x-pole are very attractive right now, but I would really love the easiness of getting the pole up and down of the little mynx. Thank you again!

  • Veena

    October 4, 2018 at 2:03 am

    Whatever you decide if you have trouble gripping I have found that as long as you are not having grip issues do to sweat this grip aid combo makes every pole finish workable!

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