Forums Discussions Problem with new Xpert!!

  • SimpllySweet

    April 6, 2010 at 5:36 am

    Ok I am getting really nervous. My new pole is suppose to be here this week. But I’m wondering if I didn’t make a mistake ordering the new XPert. I love my XPole and when I had a problem with a spot that chipped, I sent an email to the ladies at XPole and they shipped me a new peice out really quick. But dang, I never heard this many complaints about one of their poles! I hope I didn’t just waist $400.00

  • PoleDanceABCs

    April 6, 2010 at 2:06 pm

    Like any new model there are issues… just think about iPods, cars, and many other things.
    I was looking at the x-joints and it doesn’t look like plastic to me at all. More like oxidized/black steel.
    I like this pole but they do really need to work out these issues.

  • kmahly

    June 21, 2010 at 9:50 pm

    I know this thread is a couple of months old now… but I too, am having issues. I’ve had my Xpert pole a couple of months, and now one of my joints is stuck and off center, so I can’t reach the hole to loosen it.

  • co244co2000

    June 22, 2010 at 4:01 am

    I know this thread is a couple of months old now… but I too, am having issues. I’ve had my Xpert pole a couple of months, and now one of my joints is stuck and off center, so I can’t reach the hole to loosen it.
    Same here….. The only thing I can think of for now is to do all of my spins the opposite way until it’s centered…… Somebody help PLEASE!!!

  • kmahly

    June 22, 2010 at 2:33 pm

    I called Xpole USA last night. She sent me that same PDF that has been referred to. Here’s the instruction customer service gave me…

    Put a broom, or any other strong rod/pole that is smaller than the Xpole pole, into the pole. Have it so that the joint is at the top, near your head, and the open end of the pole is pointing down toward the floor, toward the broom bristles. Then, "bounce" the pole hard on the broom stick, slowly trying to bang out the joint. (This works much easier than just trying to hold the pole in one hand, and the broom in the other, and trying to just jam it down in there- it’s much easier to use gravity and the floor to help you). Once the hex bolt hole is exposed, loosen it to narrow the joint and pull it out the rest of the way.


    I asked her what was up, and explained to her that I knew lots of people were having this problem. She admitted that "yes," many people were having an issue with the joints getting stuck or rotated. She said that the company is currently working on a solution and mentioned a joint-extraction tool was in the works for now.

  • kleigh

    June 23, 2010 at 2:46 am

    I wanted to share that my xpert xpole also mysteriously developed a dent in the dome after a few uses. I didn’t call to complain about it. I’m just going to live with it. I’m planning to sell it and buy a brass platinum stage removable pole in about 6 months or so anyways.
    : Kristin

  • VerticalKat

    June 29, 2010 at 9:07 pm

    I am Really concerned and saddened to hear so many people are having problems. I own a studio and set up an X-pole at least weekly or more. My problems with rotating X-joints have ALL been related to the person I have tasked to set up the pole. I do not wish to upset any of you with that. I have 15 X-poles and 2 X-stages. They have been installed to 14 feet in height and the joints have been adjusted for straightness during and after installation they have rotated and been rotated back to fix. This is all of no use to you. On to useful information….

    You can use a strap wrench to rotate a stuck joint. Your body can not exert more force than a strap wrench. The joints have very small protrusions from the sides that align with small indentations on the inside edge of the sections of pole. You must insure the joints are centered correctly and clean as well as the inside surface of the pole. The sections must be fully seated and you must ensure you are using the full length joints not the short "top" joint. The dents in the dome are usually due to over tensioning the pole, dropping something on it, or proper tension on an un-level surface. Oh back to the X-joints. This is THE MOST IMPORTANT PART: They need to be tightened repeatedly three, four, or even five times until (the screws) no longer move. I use close to 75ft/lbs of pressure (the allen wrench actually flexes). That is equal to say a hard twist off beer bottle. MAKE SURE THE WRENCH IS FULLY SEATED or you will strip the bolt.

    I hope this is helpful to somebody

  • pinksheep

    July 6, 2010 at 9:44 pm

    I have a question, I just recieved my XPERT pole on Friday, and it has scraches/scrapes/scuffs at the edge of it on the main pole. Do you think I should return it? I contacted XPole and they said take a picture of it and send them an email. So, I did do it, but it is very hard to capture on camera. Anyways, just wanted to see what you guys might think!


  • UTpoler

    July 7, 2010 at 8:37 pm

    …but it is very hard to capture on camera.
    I’m a photographer so I may be able to help here…. I’m assuming you’re using a point & shoot camera…but does your camera have a macro setting? It usually a small graphic of a flower. If so, zoom your lens all the way OUT (do not zoom in), turn on the flower setting, and then physically move your camera closer to the pole. You should be able to tell how close you can get before the lens isn’t capable of focusing (usually about 8 or so inches away).

  • sable

    July 8, 2010 at 6:05 am

    I have a regular chrome spinning Xpole and I thought I noticed a small dent in the dome. I wonder if this is some kind of defect. I didn’t recall seeing it when I first got it but then weeks later I noticed it. I’m very careful and nothing has ever happen to cause this dent. I don’t know what’s up with this.

  • PJ Piglet Poles

    July 8, 2010 at 11:51 am

    I have a question, I just recieved my XPERT pole on Friday, and it has scraches/scrapes/scuffs at the edge of it on the main pole. Do you think I should return it? I contacted XPole and they said take a picture of it and send them an email. So, I did do it, but it is very hard to capture on camera. Anyways, just wanted to see what you guys might think!


    My xpert also had a dent…but in the ‘A’ pole. It actually was on the lip where the A pole joins the B pole, it looked like a rip in the metal.

    All that being said I called xpole USA and they sent me a new A pole free of charge to Toronto, Canada. They where very helpful.

    Call asap.

  • PennyGirl

    July 29, 2010 at 12:42 am

    OK, so I am having the friggin same problem. ALL of my joints have rotated into the pole. Apparently when you don’t tighten the hex’s (like super tight) it leaves the joint room to wiggle when you apply pressure to the pole. ( as in when you spin the pole actually will spin around the exjoint in stationary mode) So, I called x-pole. I told them I have three sections stuck with two joints. The main pole A came loose but the joint is still stuck in it. (and the broom trick did not help) Now I’ve got 2 main poles B stuck together ( with no luck of ever coming apart) and one main pole A with a joint rotated into it. I have to call back tomorrow to see if a technician can offer further assistance with this problem. Heidi did mention that if I can not take apart the parts they will send me new parts but, now what do I do with my baby lying on the floor? I can’t very well pole dance with the air

    I’m not sure is this is an issue with the pole, or if I am just not strong enough to get those hex things tight enough. I did check them three times. (like I bowed out the key trying to tighten them) soooooo, IDK. what do you think about this?

  • lozzii

    August 22, 2010 at 4:18 pm

    Hey guys
    I have just got my new xpert I have been reading this tread with interest determined to use all of your advice to make sure I do everything right but when I started putting it together I found that the locking pin on my 180 xjoint is to large and doesn’t fit into its slot on the main pole so i cant get the hex holes to line up to tighten it. I haven’t been able to get through to Xpole yet but I was just wondering if anyone else has had the same problem?

  • co244co2000

    August 23, 2010 at 3:03 am

    I think the 180 joint has to be pointing a certain way… Does it have a huge arrow etched into it? If so, the arrow has to be pointing up to the ceiling. Or maybe you’re not lining the little metal part that sticks out of the X Joint with the groove on the inside of the pole (check both ends of each pole for the groove)…. If not, leave it where it is, take a nap and try again… I was sooo tired when I first put mine up (but too excited to wait until the next day), it truly took me over an hour just b/c of silly mistakes and losing my trains of thought.

  • Mary Ellyn

    August 23, 2010 at 4:14 am

    Lozzii…the locking pin was sticking out too far on one of my poles when we got our studio poles and we fixed it by lightly tapping it into the pole with a phillips head screw diver set into the center of it and gentle taps.

    This is NOT an official XPole guide to fixing this problem…you may with to check with them first.

    I’ve found that the broom stick seldom works to get the XJoint unstuck from the pole, but instead we use a piece of metal conduit/pipe and it works better because it’s so solid.

    And as mentioned before, you have to tighten the nuts well and go back and forth between the two nuts on each joint…do not tighten one all the way and then tighten the other all the way.

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