Forums Discussions Protein shake confusion !!

  • Protein shake confusion !!

    Posted by amberpoledancer on March 26, 2013 at 7:30 pm

    Ok folks I’m a pole instructor/studio owner and pole around 4/5 days per week maybe more depending, I’m trying to eat clean and become more defined and lean. I have a lot of friends who are fellow polers, areial artists and regular gym users and they always seem to drink protein shakes. After a bit if advice and doing my research ( although I could only find conflicting stuff) I decided to buy fusion for pole fitness shake ( apparently designed for pole dancers so I thought hey why not) iv only been on it a week don’t feel any different but since then iv been getting A LOT of confusing advise from people. Some have said its good I’m on them and will help my muscles recover, be more flexible, prevent injury and help me loose weight. Others said I need to watch I don’t gain weight because if I eat some protein throughout the day in my meals and take the shakes ill bulk up?? Others say this is not true. Some friends said if I eat carbs and the shakes ill gain weight??! And one fitness instructor gave me a telling off for touching it at all saying the sakes are bad for my body and they all should be banned and they can make you infertile!!! What the hell? I’m utterly confused as to wether I should be drinking these or not. So far I’m drinking two per day one, one hour before class and 1 hour after class. I try to stick to good carbs, like nuts, seeds, while grains, fruit veg, sweet potato ect and I have protein meals such as chicken and rice dish, cottage cheese, feta cheese low fat milk and natural yoghurt. I don’t eat a lot of meat and maybe only eat chicken twice a week, but I do drink a lot of milk, as in a big glass or two every day. Is this too much protein then? Do I even need shakes? I’m so utterly confused with this. HELP!!

    ShonaLancs replied 11 years, 11 months ago 10 Members · 20 Replies
  • 20 Replies
  • Danielle Tillie

    March 26, 2013 at 7:39 pm

    I'm not expert on this but I do use protein shakes. From what I understanding, whey isolate protein is used best by the body, so anything that has it will work (the isolate part is the important bit). If you'd like to use the protein shake to aid in muscle recovery, it is suggested to drink it within a half hour after the workout. I don't think it's necessary to have it before the workout. That's pretty much how I deal with the protein shake. If I work out, I drink one, and that's it.

  • megan12

    March 26, 2013 at 7:59 pm

    The only protein shake I'll drink is Core Power. It doesn't taste like chalky disgustingness and doesn't give you terrible bad breath like pretty much every other protein shake I've ever tried. It's made from milk but it's lactose free. It gives you a ton of calcium and a good amount of protein. The Core Power Light is 150 calories and the regular is 230, I think. 

    I drink them sometimes as a snack, sort of. I eat small meals throughout the day so usually in the afternoon or after a morning workout, I'll drink one. It's not a miracle cure or anything, I don't think. Protein is the building block of muscles, so theoretically it will help with gaining muscle mass. I use it mainly as a nutritional supplement, to increase the amount of protein in my diet. Drinking them isn't going to hurt you unless you drink them all the time. I've heard people say they clog your kidneys and that's simply untrue. 

  • PlatinumAni

    March 26, 2013 at 8:15 pm

    I have just went back on my protein shakes. I have 1 directly after working out (as soon as I stop panting that is) and have to slam it while its cold. That goes for any kind I have ever tried. For me it helps with muscle fatigue and soreness. 🙂

  • amberpoledancer

    March 26, 2013 at 8:24 pm

    The pole ones I drink actually taste really nice so I don’t mind the taste at all, it’s 100 cals a recommended scoop ( high protein / diet) version I chose. Just so worried ill actually get bigger! I’m told that’s nonsense and that girls don’t bulk up but then I hear other things that suggest otherwise, I’m not fat, far from it but I’m hardly skinny either, last thing I need is to look bigger. As said before I want to loose fat and look more toned. Ideally avoiding kidney faliure along the way

  • chemgoddess1

    March 26, 2013 at 8:41 pm

    Protein within 30 minutes after working out.  For heavy bodybuilders they aim for about 1 g of protein for each lb of weight per day.  The branch chain amino acids that are in protein drinks are what our bodies need to repair tissue damage (basically what we do when we lift…we create tiny tears in teh tissue).  Isolate is the easiest to digest but casein is slower to digest (usually taken before bed to aid in repair).  Look for powders that 1: you can stomach and 2: have a decent amino acid profile.  If a powder does not give the breakdown or is more filler than protein, pass it up.  There are other proteins (soy, pea, hemp, egg white) but they do not have as good of a profile as good old whey.


    Carbs before working out

    Protein after


    Talk to Lilbit…she used to be a bodybuilder.

  • Krista Bocko

    March 26, 2013 at 9:33 pm

    What are good brands? I get frustrated looking at labels and seeing crap ingredients (fillers, etc) so I never know what to buy. :/

  • CalBear

    March 27, 2013 at 2:54 am

    I like jay robb the best…comes from grass fed cows…organic, microfiltered and preserves all the immunoglobulins for your immune system:)

  • chemgoddess1

    March 27, 2013 at 5:50 am

    I buy Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey Isolate at Walmart.  It is $22 for a 2 lb container and tastes really good.  I am not fond of their regular whey protein….taste is not as good and has more calories.  Kroger tends to carry it also.  A few years back protein prices spiked and have stayed kind of high.  I found this stuff, the BCAA profile is really good and it does not break my wallet (between me and my husband we kill a tub a month, sometimes less than).


  • amberpoledancer

    March 27, 2013 at 6:11 am

    Hey this is what I’m drinking just now can any of you ladies tell if its any good? I’m still confused as to wether ill gain weight from drinking these 🙁

  • amberpoledancer

    March 27, 2013 at 6:12 am
  • chemgoddess1

    March 27, 2013 at 7:18 am

    The only way you will gain weight is 1: if your caloric intake is higher than your expenditure or 2: you start gaining muscle mass.  I have actually put on weight since I started poing however I wear a smaller size (except in shirts and bras, there I have increased due to my lats).

  • amberpoledancer

    March 27, 2013 at 7:38 am

    Yep I’m heavier too due to my pole muscles, but the same dress size or smaller. What I mean Is will my muscles get even bigger with the shakes ( I don’t think I could cope with bigger thighs, they are nice and toned and just now and I’m happy with that) I’m just looking for definition and obviously to be more productive, look far leaner ect.

  • megan12

    March 27, 2013 at 8:26 am

    Yeah, chemgoddess is correct. It's all about calories. Most protein powders and shakes are not calorically dense. So if you eat a sensible diet, you will most likely not gain weight. If you gain muscle mass, you can gain weight but you'll look leaner. Usually women don't get huge muscles unless you're trying to bodybuild and take testosterone and anabolic steroids. Our testosterone levels are miniscule compared to that of a man's. The best thing to do is lift weights and then stretch. It makes your muscles longer and appear leaner. So no, unless you're power lifting and eating massive amount of protein (which is sounds like you're not), you're not going to be huge. 

  • chemgoddess1

    March 27, 2013 at 9:07 am

    How big your muscles get is mostly based on genetics.  Now you can push the envelope by adding test and making other tweeks to your biological code but unless you are injecting stuff to do this I would not be so concerned about you getting huuuuuge.  Now if you start squatting 250 lbs you might see some changes.  Look around Oxygen magazine at the women who lift heavy.  Look at the majority of pole "stars"….with the exception of a few most are just lean with definition.  Hell, Look at Pantera who lifts and trains heavy….and I mean HEAVY.


  • chemgoddess1

    March 27, 2013 at 9:10 am

    Now compare her build to someone like Karol.  Karol keeps protein drinks with her and drinks a ton of water yet she is super slim.  Genetics…


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