Forums Discussions Public Poling

  • Veena

    July 17, 2009 at 2:22 am
  • Avast

    July 17, 2009 at 7:18 am

    Road signs are great, makes the walk home from town a little more interesting and enjoyable.

  • azzwoo

    July 17, 2009 at 12:19 pm

    Love it!! all the time! I drive my poor boyfriend nuts lol. Trees, playground poles, road signs, anything! My fav one is a pic thats in my profile (it wouldn’t let me attach it to the thread) where I found a random sign up one of the mountains in the swiss alps we climbed while I was on my queens scout expedition…. there weren’t many people around to see that tho!!

  • RoxyPink

    July 17, 2009 at 12:20 pm

    haha…sissy you are too cute!! The only outside place that I’ve poled is at my mom’s on the kids club house/swingset b/c it has a fireman pole on it!

  • untamedshrew

    July 17, 2009 at 7:21 pm

    Azzwoo- LOVE that pic!
    My husband got embarrassed last weekend when I started poling on a tree at our campsight.
    After my sons joined in, I thought our neighbors would faint!!

  • lily

    July 18, 2009 at 12:50 am

    Cute Sissy! LOL, that first link Veena posted is me – jumping on a pole at a dance club – it was outside and not a real dance pole, part of the building structure but it looked good to me

    I totally have to fight to keep my almost 4-year old daughter off every pole we see…….

  • pole-twista

    July 19, 2009 at 2:36 pm

    you know its funny before my pole came i went on a serious hunt for any pole that would be suitable to try some spins on and was pretty disappointed street signs around here are mostly square shaped ( probably bc of peeps like me that see any pole as a chance to play) and the rounded st.signs are too wide. the other day ( now that i have 2 poles in my home) i found a park that has a skinny pole. (prob skinnier than the 45mm) and its a little crowded so cant do too much but i did the chopper and a couple of other basic spins. now that i know about this will b stopping by after work most days to hit the playground poling outside is great. will try to get a pic soon.

  • violet

    July 19, 2009 at 2:50 pm

    Haha! I did some outdoor pole stuff @ the local park on the 4th of july. My back was messed up but i couldnt pass up the opportunity to Wrist Sit & do an Archer on the Disabled Parking sign!!! Unfortunately the only playground pole they had was about as wide as my thumb so was VERY awkward to do moves on.
    I really wanna go back and take some pics tho! I will be sure to post some when i do. I wish I would have had a camera with me on the 4th…. boooo i didnt.
    Now I wanna go on a park pole scavenger hunt and scope out all the parks in the area, LOL

  • pole-twista

    July 22, 2009 at 2:36 pm

    i went to the park the other day and waited almost an hour and half to go on the pole ( even though that was my main reason for going) bc there were kids around and even though i had on shorts/tank top and flip flops ( not too sexy ) and wasnt planning on grinding or doing anything even a little sexual, i still felt weird so i just waited. just curious what do people think of poling at the park/in public if kids are around? i know some of you are moms so how would you feel if your kids were on the playground and a stranger started doing inverts and spins on a pole? i know outright i wouldnt have been doing anything wrong or weird, just didnt want parents/kids to feel uncomfortable…

  • untamedshrew

    July 27, 2009 at 6:43 pm

    I just got back from a week working in Manhattan, where I poled all over: Street signs, brass poles holding up canopies in front of fancy hotels(excellent for poling, always well polished!), Park Avenue, Central Park. I couldn’t help myself, I missed my pole!! My co-worker was a tad uncomfortable being my photograopher, I had to buy her a few drinks. I got some interesting looks and comments and hopefully a few good pics for my profile!

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