Forums Discussions Pushups and painful elbow!

  • Pushups and painful elbow!

    Posted by Runemist34 on April 20, 2011 at 7:17 pm

    Hey everyone!

    So, quite some time ago, like more than a month, I tried getting into the pushups. I thought they would be a good way to gain some strength! I'm doing them with bent-knees, and I can only get so far down, and I can do…maybe five. I'm really not that strong!

    I also started doing some plank holds, where I would lift up my body in a straight line, feet and forearm on the floor to keep me up. It's supposed to help core strength, and is recommended in some of my pole dance DVD's!

    However, after doing these (particularly, after trying out the pushups a couple of times) my left elbow hurt a LOT! It didn't quite feel like tendonitis (which I get often), but it sort of did? So, I left off on the elbow-centric exercises, and tried to keep things low-key for a bit, just in case it was pole-elbow, or something like that.

    But…the pain persists! It's quite a lot less now, I get the odd twinge when I rest my elbow on something hard, but it lasted WAY longer than it should have! Or at least, I thought so!

    So, there's my question: What do you think it is? I would say it's located just below the Tricep area, on the back of my upper arm. It was rather concentrated. Should I keep trying at the pushups? Will I ever be able to do them?

    msusagi replied 10 years, 3 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • LoneStarDiva

    April 21, 2011 at 12:43 pm

    No tellin' What it is! 😉  From one with a 'bitchy body'… keep going for it, but not past the pain.  You know .. just til you can't stand it. *grin*  

    My body finds more ways to hurt than a cat finds things to play with!  BUT.. as I get in a little bit better shape.. it lessens. 🙂

    You might want to try reflexology (self induced) on that very spot that is hurting.   Just put pressure on it w/finger for 30 seconds; then move to the 'ends' or where you think it connects to the bone, and do it again.  SOMETIMES you can get relief from pain this way.  (Or get a significant other or child to do it when you can't reach. :):)

    I guess you and I can be the Push Up wimps? lol.. We'll GET IT. Eventually. :):)  I'm only going about half way down and worked up to 8.  I refuse to do More til I can do them RIGHT. 🙂

  • Runemist34

    April 21, 2011 at 12:58 pm

    Hehe, that sounds like me, too! My body knows how to complain, that's for sure!

    I've not tried the reflexology thing, but I'll give it a go if the elbow starts getting bitchy again. If it IS tendonitis (which, to be honest, is likely…I get tendonitis in EVERYTHING) then strengthening the muscles will help a lot with that.

    I'm totally fine with being a Push up wimp with you 😉 Though it sounds like you're a little farther along than I am! And yes, I also refuse to increase the amount of push up till I can get them right! It's funny, push ups are one of the most well-known exercises, and yet they seem so complex when you're trying to learn how to do them!

  • msusagi

    November 26, 2014 at 6:12 am

    You might have conquered it already. If not or if it’s still hurting, try wall pushups.

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