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Putting the word out against Peek-a-boo!
Posted by Foxy_Rei on July 16, 2009 at 1:28 amAs most of you know, I have a video on here called "Why Peekaboo Sucks" taking a look at my crappy first pole – the Carmen Electra Pole. Well I promised myself when I got my new camera for my birthday in June I would make another one, except comparing it to my X-Pole and putting it on YouTube so the world could see what a piece of crap that type of pole really is.
Well, I did.
After not touching my computer for 3 hours and wondering if it was going to work, it finally finished uploading to YouTube.
I’ll post it on SV later on. The uploading video here makes my browser freeze for the time it’s uploading the video, so I must do it right before I go to bed so it has time to finish uploading before I need the computer again.
I’m very much excited by this. I was just mad at myself for not wearing one of my Studio Veena shirts when I made the video! I was tempted to do another one just for that reason, but I never got around to it
Here’s to hoping this video will help prevent more poor souls from wasting their money on crappy poles!
New_Dancer replied 15 years, 8 months ago 9 Members · 15 Replies -
15 Replies
awww! hopefully it will work! that’s sweet that you made that vid. i was in a porn shop last night with my friends and they had a peek-a-boo pole…..we were chatty with the cashiers and i was telling them how dangerous it is, they were shocked- one because they didn’t expect me to know how to pole dance and two because the pole is dangerous
yea i had my vdo up from when i first got mine and how shitty it was also.
the lady from peekaboo saw my vdo and offered to have fedex come and take it to do tests on it because she says usually theyre tested and what not and that u should be able to spin both ways.. well
needless to say they didnt say there was anything wrong, just straight up sent me a check and a couple shirts so i was like ok~ so in return i took the vdo down.doesnt mean tho that i say hey use the pole! cuz i mean in all honesty i bought bought poles (the first one cuz i was in a hurry and didnt even look at the package) got home.. aw man wtf?!?!? and havent even touched it its still at my moms.
long story short.. the money i spent on the shitastic poles.. i coulda just bought an xpole and saved me the trouble.
the things i dont like about the carmen pole is: it is a shower rod.. u can only spin one way.. go the other way and it screws back in and yea..
the bottom nut… WTF IS THAT?!?!? all scratchin ur feel and your thighs and ur back..
thats like the stupidest thing ever -_-but i guess if moneys tight and ur that desperate;;;
I got my Carmen pole out of desperation. I was looking for a cheap buy and didn’t do much research outside of what the manufacturer said. Bad idea and what a waste of money. It’s still sitting in my closet. I wouldn’t even resell that thing. I couldn’t sleep at night knowing I had taken someones money in exchange for that thing
The link’s up, I edited the original post so it’s in there
great post! if i had thought about it, i should have done a vid like that in regards to the "flirty fitness" pole! it was the same price as the lil mynx i now own except that it was GARBAGE!!! i guess the lesson here is DO YOUR HOMEWORK! price doesn’t matter either, something can still suck and be expensive! foxy, you were so good to explain the differences and what to look for…i hope newbies will take your advice
You know what Veena, you should have a sticky thread that explains the pros and cons of all the major poles available so that when people ask about what pole to get, what size and what finish they can just be directed there. Foxys video can also be linked so people can see what they’re in for with the peek a bo.
You know what Veena, you should have a sticky thread that explains the pros and cons of all the major poles available so that when people ask about what pole to get, what size and what finish they can just be directed there. Foxys video can also be linked so people can see what they’re in for with the peek a bo.
I always refer people to this article we did
I see.
So I wasn’t coming up with a bright idea.
It’s already been thought!
Who’d a thunk -
A sticky thread about the different types of poles as far as diameter and finishes and such would be cool, Sissy, we get those questions a lot… we’re actually getting a lot of repeat questions with the forum getting more members. But really if anyone just runs a simple search or browses around for a few minutes will find any of that information. So maybe a sticky thread wouldn’t be necessary after all.
While I’m at it, I just want to say what a friendly environment it is here as far as that kind of stuff goes. I’ve been on forums (anime forums, not pole dancing) where they bite your head off if you post a repeat thread, double post (posting more than once in a row in a thread), or don’t say anything meaningful to add to the idea. While it does irritate me when I see a newbie on the site saying they couldn’t find an answer to such-n-such question when an exact same thread is listed only 5 links below it, it’s nice that they don’t get yelled at, that their question is answered, and/or they are simply referred to the other thread(s). This is the first forum I’ve seen with no moderators, too.
And getting back to the original topic, thanks for everyone enjoying my video. I appreciate all the support!
Perhaps a sticky in the Dance Poles forum pointing at that article?
"Things to know BEFORE you buy your Pole." ???
I hate to sound like I’m tooting my own horn but I didn’t rush in to buy a crappy pole. I asked around A LOT but that is because I’m a cautious (some may say cheap) person; I research anything I pay more than $100 for.
Thanks for posting this. Even with the word out people are still buying crappy poles because they are so visible.
As a newbie, I appreciate the willingness to answer questions. I did read through quite a few posts before I posted and I know some of my questions about poles were repetitive but it felt a bit like information overload. I was having a hard time piecing together what I learned from this post and that post. For example, I got that 50 mm was standard, but I couldn’t figure out the difference between stainless and chrome (as both were less sticky than other poles by the company that produced them). So being able to post my question in my own words helped me get a clearer understanding more quickly. I want to order my pole ASAP but wanted to make sure I don’t order and then think "I wish I’d considered ______ before ordering!"
New Dancer
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