Forums Discussions Putting up pole on click-lock flooring?

  • Putting up pole on click-lock flooring?

    Posted by shannabanana on September 14, 2010 at 10:30 pm

    Hi guys!

    I’ve been poling for a while on my platinum stages removeable multi-piece pole, and just recently we re-did our floors to click-lock flooring (floating floors). my dad is worried that the pressure from the pole on the floor will somehow unclick the floors. he says putting a rug over it won’t really do much, so i’m wondering if anyone has any experience with putting up a pole on floating floors? i’m desperate to get my pole back up

    TiaMaria27 replied 13 years ago 6 Members · 17 Replies
  • 17 Replies
  • litlbit

    September 14, 2010 at 10:51 pm

    I have floating floors…we put them in in April and it has not been a problem, they are made to distribute weight on uneven surfaces…I spoke with my contractor before it was installed…he stated ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEM…so Happy POLING!!!!

  • litlbit

    September 14, 2010 at 10:55 pm

    Oh forgot to mention…I have not had any issues with my floor and I move my pole around a lot because we don’t have enough room for it to stay up all the time.

  • shannabanana

    September 14, 2010 at 11:05 pm

    thanks so much for this info. when they were installed did you have to leave 1/4 inch around the edges? we did (for the wood to expand or something), so my concern is that they might move that 1/4 inch from the pressure.

  • litlbit

    September 14, 2010 at 11:24 pm

    YUP! You have to leave space for expanding and contracting. The pole doesn’t cause any more pressure than a heavy piece of furniture, my contractor had to ease our minds by putting my pole up and hanging on it himself! LOL

  • shannabanana

    September 15, 2010 at 5:00 am

    thanks so much! just put it up and looks like it’s just fine

  • Tali Kat

    February 13, 2012 at 7:48 pm

    I'm about to receive my first pole (X-pert 40mm chrome) next week and I have to put it on wooden floating floors too. The house I'm renting is quite old but I don't know how old the floors are. All I know is you can easily feel the 'flex' of the floors as you walk on them. I'm really freaking out that the pole might not be stable. I was thinking of trying to get some solid large piece of wood to put under my pole to distribute the weight but I don't know where to get one or even how to get it home. Has anyone else got any floating floor stories/suggestions???

  • TiaMaria27

    February 14, 2012 at 1:31 am

    My x-pole is on floating floorboards and I've never had a problem with it! Never even crossed my mind really. So no advice from me sorry, although it might be rather uncomfortable to do floor work if you place a peice of wood under the pole lol

  • Tali Kat

    February 14, 2012 at 5:51 am

    That's a relief to hear! I was hoping I'd get it up and find out I was freaking over nothing… I guess I'll find out early next week and take it from there *crosses fingers it won't be a problem*

  • Tali Kat

    February 14, 2012 at 6:55 pm

    Btw TiaMaria, are you floors quite flexible? Like can you really notice the flex as you walk over them??

  • TiaMaria27

    February 15, 2012 at 4:19 am

    Nope, mine aren't overly flexy. There is one part of the floor which has water damage and is flexy and some parts along the edge of the floor which are flexy but in general, not really. My pole is right in the middle of my dining room so the floor is pretty solid there

  • Tali Kat

    February 15, 2012 at 4:39 am

    Hmmm… mine are. People always comment on it when they walk on them for the first time.. Now I'm worried again 🙁

  • nymphdancer

    February 15, 2012 at 6:10 am

    for my studio we are talking about cutting out a circle in the flooring to put the poles up.

  • TiaMaria27

    February 16, 2012 at 2:04 am

    Tali Kat, what if you put a rug or some carpet underneat? I know shannabanana said her dad didn't think it would help but I have a nice solid rug in my dining room and if my floors were more flexy I imagine it would be fine under my pole to help distribute the weight. Good luck with whatever you decide!

  • smalltownboy

    February 17, 2012 at 3:37 am

    On occasion I put my pole up in a room that has this sort of flooring. Although the flooring is designed for everyday wear and tear I was concerned that:

    1) I would damage the surface around the pole with the constant “traffic” around the pole especially if I was wearing footwear rather than barefoot.

    2) The pressure of the pole on such a small area would damage the locking edges in the boards directly under the pole.

    My solution may not be suitable for you (just saying that as a disclaimer in case it doesnt work for you and you want to sue me!). I bought a pack of click-lock boards that made a square meter and clicked them together. I placed a layer of underlay, the same as I had used under the permanent flooring – this was to protect the surface of the floor and to give some traction to prevent slipping. I put my “dance area boards” at 90 degrees to the permanent flooring – this ensure that the pressure of the pole is spread over large area.

    This worked for me but I will be honest and say it wasn’t the most attractive solution which may have looked better if I had cut my overlay into a circle or chosen a different colour to the flooring it was sitting on. There was still some “spring” in the floor but not enough to cause any problem, just check your pole before you start and throughout your session as per normal.

    One thing I would warn you of though……sand the edges of your boards, in particular the corners. They can be quite sharp and when you make contact with the edge, at speed, in bare feet…….well let’s just leave it that I lost a toenail and the neighbours found out how many swear words I knew!

  • Tali Kat

    February 17, 2012 at 4:09 pm

    Thanks for all your advice people!! 😀 I'm going to go a hardware store this weekend and see what I can find, and I also think I will just try the pole without anything under it to see how it reacts. Hopefully I find some sort of solution that works. I can't wait to get the pole and try it out! I'm so bummed cos our house doesn't have a door bell and the pole actually came yesterday while I was home but I had my head in a cupboard doing some scrubbing and I didn't hear them knock!! Now it's the weekend and I have to wait til Monday!! *heartbroken* D:

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