Question about inverting and associated back pain.
Hey everyone, I got some more questions to pick your brains at https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_wink.gif
I've read other threads about this subject but none that really answered my specific question. This may be something silly or self explanatory but I'd rather ask people in the "pole world" than ask my massage therapist about, you know? Anyways heres my main question. When inverting and going upside down in a basic chopper, what specific upper body/back muscles are used?
I started pole dancing 2 years ago and starting inverting 6 months after. Once I stopped using momentum to get my body up and around the pole and started muscling it, the side of my body that is closest to the pole would hurt intensly for a while, like I had strained something. Well fast forward to a year and a half later, and I am working on cleaning up my invert on my opposite side (yes, late I know). I've always been able to do it, but not cleanly like my dominant side and it always feels very strange to me so I rarely do it. I had a practice session last night where I was focusing on straddling up, holding it for a few seconds while my arms are straight and then coming down slowly. I bend my knees as I come down as my right side is not strong enough to do this with straight legs. Well this morning I had that familiar pain again, this time on my right side. It's right in the center of my back, but on the right side. Could it possibly be a rib? I can't really tell if the pain I'm feeling is from a muscle or a bone. I assume this happens with a lot of people, but I'm just curious if I'm doing something wrong to cause this pain? I know that pole dancing can be an intense activity and hard on our bodies. Is this just a routine occurance that happens when our bodies are getting stronger and used to being held in such unnatural positions? I know this pain will go away but I still want to know.
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