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Question about shoe sizes
Posted by Elyse Hauke on October 7, 2009 at 12:19 amI know that all companies are different but I am in the market for a pair of heels and the size charts seem to run a bit large. Do any of you gals out there with size 10 or 11 find that pole heels run on the larger side? I wanted to order mine online and I don’t really know where I can go in my area to try a pair on first to see how they fit.
velvetvixen replied 15 years, 5 months ago 6 Members · 15 Replies -
15 Replies
So I’m a 9.5 which is annoying with half sizes cause they don’t do them. I know some gals like to get a size smaller cause the plastic will stretch, however some sites recommend 1 size bigger. From my experience (and granted I only have 2 pairs of shoes but both bought online) the pleasers tend to be about true to size, meaning I got a 10 and they fit the same as my 10 normal heels. But Ellie seems to run big (again only in my experience) and I got a 10 and could have easily rocked a 9 and still prob woulda had a bit of room.
If you’re really not sure get a company with a decent return policy. Or go to an adult store nearby, try on some styles/brands similar to what you are considering buying so you can test the sizes yourself. It also prob depends on if you’re going for basic heels or boots since boots tend to be a little more constraining than heels. -
Thanks this your advice was tremendously helpful! Especially about the plastic stretching. I was definitely looking at either plastic or patent since I hear they tend to stick better. Most of the adult stores in my area are pretty awful to begin with and they usually only carry toys and dvds but I will definitely keep searching for a place to try some shoes on first.
Thanks again!
- has free shipping and FREE RETURNS. They also match competitors prices, they did for me. I got two different size pleasers (10,11) b/c I wasn’t sure which would be better. I should be receiving them Thursday. Then which ever size I don’t want I’ll send back and get the right size. I have trouble b/c I have narrow feet and the part over the toes tends to be 1" above my toes! I went to Hustler locally to try some one but they don’t carry anything past a 10. Good luck!
I have the exact opposite problem, my feet are really wide. So most of the time the 11 fits width wise but then slides off the back of my foot. Shoebuy rocks, you really can’t beat free shipping both ways! Let me know how the your new shoes work out for you.
Good luck with your shoe searching. Shoebuy seems like a good way to go if you can’t find a store to try some on in (another place to try on shoes would be a place that sells more gothic or punkish stuff and shoes since they often have a few "stripper shoes" in stock too).
No matter what the width of your foot, your foot will naturally try to slide down in the shoe. I’m a half size so I always go down a size (6.5 so I buy a 6).
Here’s a tip for plastic (and maybe patent?) shoes… I know it was mentioned before that they will stretch an mold to your foot as it warms up. If they are REALLY tight, you can heat them up with a blow dryer and then stretch them out when the plastic is warm. Just be careful though… cuz if you over-stretch them, there is no going back!
Good luck!
I got my shoes today. So disappointed. *cries* I received my 2 pairs of shoes I ordered from (who has free returns luckily) and toe strap gaps over my toes! I checked out Halloween/ adult / hustler but none carry my size or have same gaping problem about an 1 in over my toes. I ordered an 10 and and 11 and there isn’t much difference b/t them. I wonder if I have to go up to 11? My toes stick over the edge slightly still. I normally wear a 9 in dress shoe and 10 in tennis. I have a narrow foot and I guess a "thin height" foot as well. Think skeleton foot, grr.
I need shoes b/c I dont like the looks of barefeet. Sigh. Hopefully returns are easy. Anyone have any suggestions or know any shoes with a adjustable toe strap?
why would you go to an 11 when you were a 9 and 10 in other shoes? Stick with a 9 or 10. For toe gappage you can get heel inserts (like Dr.Sholls) or there is this "tape" that is essentially foam that I lined the inside of my toe strap with and it fits much better. One of the shoes I had to do 2 layers but it works for me. I think it is supposed to be used inside backs of heels to prevent blisters or something
I wear a 10 in normal shoes and the one pair of heels I have is a 9. when I bought them at the studio they told me to go down a size and it worked out ok….of course I got to try them on first…soooo…I guess I’m no help here LOL.
Damn. Why do I kepp doing that? -
Velvetvixen, I’m sorry to hear about you shoe experience! I am officially a shoe whore because I have over 40 pairs…
So here’s my two cents. If you wear a 9 in dress shoes, it has been my experience that you would need a 9 or 8 (probably a 9) in dance shoes. I understand that your foot is skinny and the toe strap gaps on you. I know it is counter intuitive but if your toes are falling off the edge, you probably need a smaller size. Getting a bigger size will only make this worse.
Dance shoes are not meant to fit like the regular shoes you are used to. They need to be small enough on you that they are snug. This prevents "stripper toes" (where your toes hang WAY off the edge) and prevents having a bunch of left over shoe at your heel. For them to fit correctly, your toes should be close to the end of the shoe bed and your heel should be right at or slightly over the back of the shoe bed. You don’t want the little bit of extra room that you would have in regular dress shoes.
Now onto your foot width. Once you find a shoe that’s the right length for your foot, you might still need to accommodate for your narrow width. Lining the inside of the toe strap like FreeTheSun suggested is great idea. I also use those little cushy pad inserts that you put under the balls of your feet to take up extra room. In all the shoe shopping I’ve done, I have unfortunately never come across a shoe with an adjustable toe strap. If these ideas don’t work for you, you might check into a closed-toe shoe instead (they make some sexy as hell closed-toe styles too).
If you’ve managed to read this far, I’m impressed! Good luck on your search. Keep us posted on how things work out for you, ok?
The insert idea for the gap in the toe strap is a great idea! I use heel liners for the backs of my everyday heels for slippage and they work wonders! The Kiwi brand makes them in a gel so they are super comfortable. The heel liner is also a great choice because of the shape and size, it can be easily hidden. Unless of course you bought clear plastic/lucite heels. Otherwise, I think this will work out great for you, even if you have to layer them to get the snug fit you need. You can get them anywhere, walmart is typically the first place I would go, the last time I bought them there, they were around $2-$4. I saw some at target the other day and they were charging nearly $9 for one pair. Forget that. Another good place to check would be the dollar store if you have one close by they don’t usually have the gel kind but they sometimes have the cushiony liners. Good luck!" onclick=";return false;
Good suggestions everyone! Sorry this is so short. I’m heading to leave for vacation. I’ll deal with the shoe situation later and take the great advice.
I end up finding some pole shoes with an adjustable toe strap but wonder if they will scratch the pole or if be better to pad the "regular" shoes. See shoes here:
I have an extremely wide foot and usually have a hard time finding shoes, but I want some Pleaser 6" heels sooo bad! I’ve been looking at and they are not that expensive at all!! I have a pair of pleaser knee high boots (5 1/2" heels), but I am limited in what I can do in them b/c I stick to the pole in them.. Guess I’d have to have my pole on spinny mode to really get good use out of them! I read that the patent will stretch, but not sure if it will stretch enough. My boots are tight on my feet, but aren’t too bad. I just always worry about strappy shoes b/c they rarely ever fit!!
I think these are pretty hot too, but I think I need to try 6" before I move up to 7" lol guess I could try buying them at, since they match prices and have free shipping and returns… I’ve tried finding stores around where I live that sell these type of shoes, but no luck. any advice?
I tried some Halloween stores but it was hit or miss, you may have some luck." onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false; has free shipping and free RETURNS. They also price match. I have a couple of $10 off of $50 coupon I can send anybody and I get credit for it (its legit from their site) so let me know if you go that route.
The first shoes you posted are the ones I got. I love the look of them and they were higher than I expected.If you have carpet I wouldn’t recommend the stiletto heels though, they are fine on other floors. Ellies are narrower than Pleasers by the way. Good luck!
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