Forums Discussions Quick funny story

  • Quick funny story

    Posted by chemgoddess1 on May 12, 2010 at 3:33 pm

    We had a "know your numbers" fair today at work where they are drawing blood and running tests for free. So there I am with the rubber band around my left arm and she is trying to get the vein to pop. She is feeling, feeling, feeling…..DUH.

    "Um, can you use my right arm? I pole dance and that is the elbow I use for some of the grips so you might have problems on that one."

    She banded my right arm and instantly was able to get the vein to pop!

    Sassafrassle replied 14 years, 10 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • MommaBear

    May 12, 2010 at 3:43 pm I would be an ideal candidate, all I have to is drop my arms down and my veins plump up and stick out – they never have a problem getting my blood.

    Why is it though that some kind poke you and you never feel a thing and then others poke you and it stings like a mother? When I get a bad nurse who hurts me I feel like giving her a swift kick in the shin – whoops, sorry ’bout that – involuntary muscle spasm

    On the topic of blood and needles – my hubby stood proud through the births of our children and never once got woozy, until the nurse came into do an IV. She did her thing and left. I starting to get this feeling like I had peed myself because my bed got all warm and liquidy – nah, no pee – just tons of my blood everywhere – soaked into my bed, dripped onto the floor – it looked like a crime scene She forgot to cap off the other end or something and my IV turned into a blood squirting contraption. I never saw my husband so ghostly white in all my life!! Ah, childbirth, what lovely memories.

  • Charley

    May 12, 2010 at 10:25 pm

    haha, that is too funny! But now you’ll have to wait a couple days to do elbow grips…lol.

  • Veena

    May 12, 2010 at 11:57 pm
  • Sassafrassle

    May 14, 2010 at 8:38 pm

    Heh I had to get a tetanus booster last week as a precautionary measure because I’m going overseas for a holiday starting from next week and it had been a while since I’d had my last shot. The nurse asked me which arm I wanted it in and seeing as I’d heard that tetanus shots can be one of the more lingeringly painful ones, I instantly said "left. I need the right one for my pole class tonight" I think these belong on those "You know you’re a pole addict when…" list!

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