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Random Question about Sarah Cretul & USPDF Vids
azblanco replied 11 years, 10 months ago 29 Members · 68 Replies
Hi Sarah! I also wanted to chime in here, you were one of the first polers I ever watched with awe on YouTube. Your style is so strong and fierce, it was beautiful to watch. Glad to hear you are back into the pole world, best of luck with your new studio, maybe I will come take a class from you someday =)
Um. I question the authenticity of the account above me. Just sayin’.
Well I am questioning some of the data here on this page b/c I told Sarah about this website last year. I told her boyfriend @ the time too, so I'm just wondering if this is really Sarah or not. Also, there has been weird requests demanding money on her fb page and all and it's a really demanding tone and it seems that the person is getting defensive and upset about not having the money to open "her" business but everyone has to work hard to have what they do. Sorry but I'm in school taking 16 credits a semester and work 3 jobs while taking care of 3 kids and no on is feeding me money b/c I say well I want xyz everyone…please give me 25000?! That's a lot to come up with and we all would like it,but we all have to work for it. You get me? I mean I wish Sarah well and I just hope the person who is asking for it is herself. She also said she quit dancing b/c her man said it wasn't a good idea?! Ummm wtf, how is she supposed to come up with the money then to support herself? I'd be leary of any man asking me to stop doing anything simply b/c it was close to the opening date of May 25! If I needed money for it and had danced the last 10 yrs. I'd keep doing it. I hope she is safe and no one is forcing her to do anything or forcing her to ask for money for their OWN profit. Sounds like someone is using her or her profile is hacked! Idk what to believe at this point.
That being said, I love Sarah and she will always be my number 1 pole love!
I have recently gotten emails from both Sarah and Chris (the guy who posted all the stuff on fb). Sarah has been trying to open a studio where she is located. When she realized she was going to be short of funds she reached out to the pole community for help. I have seen people do this for others and I did not see it as odd (hell, look how many people helped numerous people on this site get free shoes). I tried to tell her about the "fund me" site but she will admit openly that she is not good with computers at all. This Chris guy is from France and supposedly has helped several people and sites in France, hence the poor English. He offered to help Sarah with her studio and she agreed. Next came the blasting on facebook which looked a LOT like spam or a scam.
There have been people who have been helpful in offering suggestions on how she could raise money and then there have been people who have been nasty beyond all nasty.
At least this is my understanding of the situation.
Thanks chem for clearing that up but I'd still be spectical. I mean look how hard Veena and her husband do everything to have this. It takes hard work and time. If they snapped at every person who questioned her lessons she'd have no business.People question if they are worthy and people can SEE for themselves that yes, they are worth it and she is a good person to everyone here. I also heard when I first started dancing that not everyone who makes the USPDF should be teaching b/c they don't have the right skills to teach, not saying that they don't have the talent. I just found her response odd. She was saying well "i helped everyone with the handspring but no one wants to help me". I think we'd all be willing to help if she is willing to put in the work. And I'm sorry but the gofundme website that you suggested looks sooooo easy. I mean you practically start it the way you do a veena account-name and email and add a cause. It's that simple.I just find it odd how everything played out. I don't want to take away from the thread of Sarah and her background-maybe the real Sarah can answer that. Idk what to believe about this character here still and even on fb. It could totally be her man writing everything looking for cash. I mean it's not like a person to work doubles for years to all of a sudden not want to work.Maybe she is depressed seeing how everyone she was in a comp w/ has now gone on to do really big things but they also pushed for it and did a lot of travel and tears and hard work and sweat etc. They didn't just snap their fingers and lash out on fb and everything fall into place. It takes time and dedication, something I'm not sure she has the effort to do it seeing as how she seems to be giving up on everything.Something is wrong. Just something isn't right. It's not the Sarah that I knew, so I'm still not sure what is going on.
Just saying..
The post that were really off the chain have been removed. I emailed webby shortly after they were posted. I think the below post are real. Also the user name was not the same, just close enough to imply it were Sarah.
I don’t know Sarah personally. I just want to ask everyone to please consider just a few things in this discussion about things you may be reading online before posting. What I’m about to say is not directed at anyone or any post here, this is just something I want to say generally based on the discussion I see starting:
Please try to think and re-think before posting anything that speculates about the personal situation of someone you don’t know. Anything that we post is out there forever, even on a “members only” website like this one. IF she were in some kind of bad situation with a man in her life, I think most people would agree it would not be helpful for her to read posts of people speculating about what is going on with her.
Please vote with your wallet by not supporting anything you personally don’t feel comfortable supporting, but let’s try to keep gossip down and keep any discussion focused in a way that if she were to read it she would have an opportunity for valuable feedback from the community rather than commentary that just hurts to read.
For example, in discussing wanting to see a better-written and presented website for the business plan before donating money. That would be a constructive comment, where making comments that seem to question her personal professionalism or skill because of the website when we know she’s not even doing the web stuff herself, those are some suggestions I have seen making the rounds that are not constructive comments. Let’s try to remember that the Internet can be a forum for small-business owners to gain valuable interaction and feedback time with the market to have the best chances of building their business. BUT the Internet can also become a witch hunt that spreads rumors faster than facts in ways that individual people can’t fight against.
In short, I would just urge everyone to remember that the pole community is about sisterhood and post your criticisms based on that, like you would write to a sister. To challenge perhaps, but always to uplift.
Thanks for reading! I reiterate that this post is not directed at any individual poster(s) or comment(s), but is merely a manifestation of my hopes for the direction this conversation will go.
@PDR, Great post and really loving this line of yours:
To challenge perhaps, but always to uplift.
I would just like to say that there have been numerous occasions both Alethea Austin and Sarah Cretul herself have commented on how Sarah is not very involved w/ the online community. People tend to expect it, but they forget not everyone is into it. Perhaps she prefers speaking and working w/ others directly. Nothing wrong w/ that, in my opinion, but it does complicate things and make it difficult for others to develop a sense of trust when they hardly know you.
On possible fb account hacking, well, although I don’t use fb anymore I had added Sarah long before I quit. Towards the end I had wondered if it was actually her using her profile because the way she typed seemed a little off/different. I then thought “Well, if she is not especially tech-savvy or hasn’t logged in for a long time she may not even realize her account has been hijacked.” You know? Think about it. I do know her YT vids typically have years between responding comments from her.
I do believe she has some slanderers and, in general, jealous/threatened bitches trying to make her look bad. Just my view on it.
I do hope she is well and encourage that she maybe post a video to inquire about raising funds for her studio so people know it’s really her. It would be great to see her again. New pole vids too, please!!! 🙂
Btw, this is the most recent pole vid that I could find posted to her YT account. If you haven’t seen it before (or even if you have) enjoy and subscribe! Maybe if we show her enough love she will feel more welcome online and post more often! 😉
Sarah Cretul performing at Apple Jelly Studios 2 yr. Anniversary party a year ago. I took her workshops then, too. Enjoy!
At this point, I wish that she'd make a youtube video and just try to explain what is going on. Personally, many things seem fishy about what she's posting and her facebook page, which may lead me to believe that it may not be her posting. If it truly is her, then I suggest someone with a successful studio reach out to her and assist. It sounds as though she has no financing and no business plan. If she doesn't have enough money to start the business, how can it flourish? Sure, asking for donations might fix the problem right now but it's only a band-aid.
Plus, I think "her" telling people that she stopped working and wasn't going to return, instead asking for donations, irked some people. As well as stating that she was teaching without insurance. I think the best thing to do is clear the air, honestly.
maybe if she did a video and explained her situation since she says she is not good with computers, it would help? Maybe make a tutorial or routine video for a donation for the business.
Sarah if this is you above, We love your talent. Sharing something new with us through video would probably clear the air (as some mentioned already) and would definitely draw the community to you even more and we would be willing to help!
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