Forums Discussions Really weird painless hip popping… anyone else have it?

  • Really weird painless hip popping… anyone else have it?

    Posted by mikkixx on April 27, 2012 at 8:28 am

    I have a weird hip popping thing going on, just wondering if anyone else has it?

    At the start of every pole session, I feel like there's a kind of weird pressure in my hip joint with any movement where my leg is extended like it's in a front split (front splits, kicking backwards into an arabesque, icking forwards etc). Once I'm warm, if I kick backwards into an arabesque, there'll be a "pop" sound and a feeling of pressure release, and I'll be able to go down fully into the splits without feeling like there's something weird going on.

    The bit right where it pops is in the crotch, basically next to my, um, cootchie – unfortunately this is the only way I can think of describing it, but if you start with your hand at your cootchie and move sideways and press into the flesh there, that bony bit on the inside of the butt cheek is right where it pops – this bit also hurts when I overstretch my front splits.

    The problem started with my right leg, but it's recently started in my left leg too. It's not incredibly painful (unless I try to go into splits without "popping"), but since it requires a little bit of violence to free whatever's stuck, I'm a bit worried about what's actually happening and long term issues. I've always been pretty inflexible with tight hamstrings and hip flexors, it took a lot of stretching to get those splits!

    Can anyone else who's had this problem or similar share their experiences? I'm going to ask my osteo next week, I'll update this later in case anyone's interested 🙂 Thanks for reading!

    mikkixx replied 12 years, 10 months ago 12 Members · 16 Replies
  • 16 Replies
  • Dancing Paws

    April 27, 2012 at 9:04 am

    I actually went to an orthopoedist about that same thing and he referred me to physical therapy. The doc said it is snapping hip syndrome. My PT said it CAN cause long term issues as it can wear down the tissues. They started me on glut exercises everyday, as I had ZERO glut strength (which apparently is commin in dancers.) I am also stretchin gall ove rmy lower body daily. I suggest you go talk to a doc and get in physical therapy as well. I cannot do v's with my legs. Sometimes a pigeon pose will hurt. There are actually several moves that cause the popping, and sometimes it really hurts, while other times I just feel the popping.

    Hope that helps.

  • SamH

    April 27, 2012 at 10:42 am

    Hey I actually have this weird hip popping thing too. It started a while ago like 5th or 6th grade and I’m 21 now so like 11 or 12 years ago. I just thought it was normal lol. Mine happens when I lay on my back or side and raise my legs. Both sides do it and for me it isn’t painful, just annoying. If I’m in an exercise class and we are doing anything that invloves kicking you legs or rotating at the hip mine always pop and eventually I just get tired of feeling/hearing it. I guess at some point I should get it looked into. I dunno if this happens to anyone else but I also started to have this popping in my chest, it feels like its my sternum that pops. It doesn’t hurt either just feels really weird and sometimes actually kinda good, like when your fingers need to pop. Well if you figure anything out keep me updated!

  • Dancing Paws

    April 27, 2012 at 11:18 am

    My fiancee gets that sternum popping too. Not sure what it is, but he gets it when he is working out alot.

    You should get checked too.

  • Dancing Paws

    April 27, 2012 at 11:20 am

    btw, mine didn't always hurt, but it has gotten worse over time and now can hurt really badly!

  • scarlett 707

    April 27, 2012 at 2:26 pm

    Me too- I'm not sure when it first started but it's been there as long as I can remember. Sad thing is, not only do both hip joints do it, occasionally so do my ankles & wrists. I just figured it was trauma from dancing when I was a toddler. My mom had me in gymnastics and ballet for about 4-5 years, even went so far as the pointe shoes for the last year. It's never really hurt, with the exception of my ankle- I have to move it in just the right place to release the pressure & pop it, which hurts for a second until it pops. The hips are mostly just uncomfortable, like you said, esp when trying to stretch. It seems my hip/leg will just not move the direction it needs to until I rotate it another way, it pops, and then I can get it.  I will have to add some glut excersies to my routine & see if that helps! 

  • Leanne Love

    April 27, 2012 at 6:54 pm

    I wouldn’t really call mine popping, but it seems more like a “grinding” –and sorry to the squeamish…there’s really no way to describe it without it sounding awful — or some type of friction in my hip joint area, which I recall first noticing when I was about 7 years old. Doesn’t hurt though!

  • Cinara

    April 27, 2012 at 7:44 pm

    Count me in for the hip popping and sternum popping! No idea about the sternum, but the hip popping/grinding/or feeling stuck is usually caused by tendons in the hip sliding past various pointy bits of the pelvis and getting caught on them. If it's painless it's not a problem, but contant rubbing can cause irritation and inflamation, so it can progress. I've had tendonitis in my left hip for over a year now, and it's just killing my flexibility, so maybe have a look at some PT proactively before it gets bad.

    My glutes turned out to be really weak too – most of the reason was that I was not aware that my pelvis was so unstable so I never "turned them on" with walking/dancing/standing, etc. (Poor proprioception is a common issue with my joint hypermoility). A few weeks of clinical pilates made a big difference!

  • Dancing Paws

    April 27, 2012 at 7:57 pm

    I thought it was weird that I had no glut strength (with pole and whatnot), but they were soooo weak. You would think dancers would have strong tushies, but I guess we neglect them…

  • rhythmictrix

    April 27, 2012 at 8:00 pm

    I also have the weird painless hip popping.

  • SassyLarissa

    April 27, 2012 at 11:29 pm

    Whoa i have the same thing also and when I'm doing exercise my ankle pops and It doesn't hurt 

  • GiedreB

    April 28, 2012 at 7:33 am

    I also have that. Since I'm a dancer (Lithuanian folk – very energetic and tiring as hell!), almost every joint of my legs are affected. The unpainful right leg hip popping out occurs at times, it's a very uncomfortable feeling, though. I just walk a bit and it pops right back in its socket, lol.

  • Seven

    April 28, 2012 at 3:32 pm

    I have the popping problem as well I find if I do joint mobility exercises regularly it greatly reduces the popping.

  • AliceInWonderland

    April 28, 2012 at 8:31 pm

    wow, I had no idea so many people have it, I thought I was a freak. I noticed it a few years ago and I find it pretty anoying. It doesnt hurt but sometimes I feel like I need to get my leg/hip in the right position before extending my leg all the way. When I try to get into the butterfly from the cradle spin I feel it the most.

  • MissKitty83

    April 29, 2012 at 3:30 pm

    You're not a freak. I have it too, in both hips.  Like Sensual, I spoke with an orthopedist – google Snapping Hip Syndrome.  It's VERY common in dancers.  It has to do with the tendons catching on the protrusion at the top of the femur (thigh bone) and 'snapping' off, causing that popping noise you hear. It can cause problems over time, and can also irritate the tendons if you do movements that cause the snapping sound frequently (these are usually rotational movements of the leg).   Just rest and don't do those circular movements if the area starts to become sore, and like Sensual said, work those glutes!  ^_^

  • mikkixx

    April 30, 2012 at 12:50 am

    Thanks everyone, so glad to know that I'm not just a weird clicky freak! I took a course of fluoroquinolone antibiotics about a year ago which made every joint in my body snap/crackle/pop, everything's slowly getting back to normal but I sometimes worry that it totally wrecked my body!

    It definitely sounds like it's snapping hip with the rectus femoris tendon. I'm definitely going to work on my glutes – my weak glutes are also giving me lots of problems with piriformis syndrome as well, and I've noticed that the snapping's improved a bit since I've started taking technique classes which involve lots of butt-aching ballet-style leg lifting and arabesque exercises.

    I also found this page here: There are some interesting exercises described that might help, I've started being more careful about turning my hips out of alignment when stretching etc 🙂

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