Forums Discussions Reasons to love Studio Veena

  • Reasons to love Studio Veena

    Posted by Caramel_Dlite on April 1, 2009 at 10:38 pm

    Veena’s post in the ‘People are Mean’ topic made me angry. So I thought I would start a more positive topic about why we love Studio Veena. So pole dancers, let’s list all the reasons why we need and love this site.

    1) The creator Julie Brand, aka Veena. She dances like a goddess but recognizes there are less talented beings out there who could do with her help and thus created a website to spread her wisdom and provide a supportive community for all pole dancers of all shapes and sizes and skill range.

    2) Meeting pole dancers around the world. I love that I can chat to people in USA, England, Ireland, Greece, Australia, and other pole dancers in New Zealand.

    3) The open environment on this website. A place to get away from negativity to do with our sport because everyone here knows the pain we put our body through to practice this art, whether it be for fitness, dance or expressing our sexuality. If anything or anybody brings you down, you know you can come to Studio Veena for support from incredibly nice people around the world.

    SaschaPoles replied 15 years, 11 months ago 17 Members · 30 Replies
  • 30 Replies
  • Veena

    April 2, 2009 at 12:00 am

    Oh Caramel!!!…this actually brought tears to my eyes to see you started this thread!1 I have to go now but I want to write more later…I just wanted to say thanks *cyber hug* lol.

  • Trena

    April 2, 2009 at 12:04 am

    1) Everyone here is so helpful, supportive, friendly, funny & sweet.
    2) Veena is a beautiful person inside and out and is one of the best dancers ever!
    3) Veena takes the time and makes the effort to read, reply and post to the forums.
    4) Veena also takes the time to watch and comment on each and every video and is always supportive.
    5) Veena also always comes to chat even though she has 4 kids and a house to maintain!!
    6) I, like Caramel, love the fact that I have gotten to meet and know people from all over the world
    7) This site is so personal. Its like a little family and I just love everyone here!
    8.) I love that we can post our videos directly on here and no-one besides the members can see them or comment on them. Plus we can use whatever music we want and it wont be taken down!! Yay!
    9) None of my friends are into pole dancing like me so it great to come here where everyone is into it!!

    Im sure I could think of a million other reasons but dont wana take up the entire forum.

  • Veena

    April 2, 2009 at 3:59 am

    #1 reason…. The Members, yes you guys…you should all be proud! Its you guys that make us all want to come back and see what going on every day. This topic is a great example, you all let me share my feeling and were supportive but now have turned it into a positive. Many of us have had consurns or problem and someone is always here to make you feel like it will all be ok.

    2 well I really like being able to watch you all grow as dancers I love when I see a new vid..I apologize if I miss some of them, its not intentional.

    3 Last…. were all pole dancers here, so we’re frickin AWSOME

  • glitterhips

    April 2, 2009 at 4:25 am

    I spend so much time on here I might need to ask Veena if she needs a Midwestern correspondant so I can get paid to sit here all day like I already do…although I don’t know crap about computers. Maybe I can just bake cupcakes and post pictures? I think it’s a good idea!

    Anyway I went to a strip club ages ago and thought the few girls that could do some pole tricks were cool and I wanted to learn…so I somehow stumbled upon Veena’s video to Gimme More on youtube ages ago and that actually inspired me to start pole dancing because I didnt know it was something you could learn at home. I remember I messaged her and she was very friendly and answered me right away. I also remember very distinctly thinking "Wow she has to be my age and she’s so good, she must have started learning this ages ago" needless to say I was SHOCKED when I found out she was 30 and had three kids! I was totally in awe and every time she posted a new video I was so excited. I had been following her on youtube for a while and then when I found out about this site I came over here right away. Little did I know one day we’d actually get to know each other and chat quite often..the first time I talked to her it was like talking to Madonna, I was soooo nervous.

    I have met so many amazing people here and I love that we go above and beyond pole stuff, like talk to each other about health issues and boyfriend troubles, and have pole dance as a common thread to string us all together. I wish I had enough frequent flyer miles to pole around the world and visit all of you! I wonder if we all put our poles end to end, how far they would go? Although Veena is cheating with her 12-footer!

  • DeaconJungleCatPoles

    April 2, 2009 at 4:55 pm

    This is a very emotional topic for me. I’m mostly grateful. Grateful that I got to chance to know each and every one of you and grateful for Veena. I think she is one of the most beautiful person’s I’ve ever seen. Inside and out. You all are so beautiful.

    I don’t need to reiterate all the wonderfully true things already said about Studio Veena but one thing I will add is this…even being the dance master that she is, and offering online lessons and apparel for various prices, I have never once felt that Madame Veena was motivated by money. She is always willing to answer questions and go out of her way to do demonstrations on cam all the time! I think that is so considerate and extra special for her to do that. It’s always everyone else that refers to Veena’s online lessons and not her. I didn’t at all feel pushed into the online lessons by her. I yearned for them through all the wonderful things others have said.

    Sometimes it feels like a dream. Sometimes I worry that one day I’m going to wake up and find that knowing you all is a complete fantasy in my mind created by one night’s peaceful slomber. I pinch myself to make sure this is reality. It’s hard to believe this site is real because it seems to good to be true. Growing up dealing with racial and ethnic issues, prejudices, and american double standards, for many years in the past, gave me a complex about socializing in the world. It warms my to see such warm, caring, tolerant, and accepting people from all over the planet! It gives me renewed hope. Thank you for the priviledge of allowing me to be here and to exchange with you all.

    Love you Veena!!

    Jungle Cat

  • Poledancefan

    April 2, 2009 at 7:44 pm

    All of the polers on the major North American forums have been extremely gracious to me as one of the few men who poles and posts pole dance or fitness videos on You-Tube. I had been really afraid of the reaction I might get if I had tried to join one of the forums, so I hung back for quite a while. Veena was the FIRST to formally invite me to join a forum and it really broke the ice for me.

    Now I regularly post and/or chat in several of the on-line venues. Each is special and valuable in its own way but I am especially grateful to Veena for the way she reached out and pulled me into this larger community.

    Thanks, Veena!


  • Caramel_Dlite

    April 2, 2009 at 10:22 pm

    Awww… Veena that was a damn good cyber hug *returns cyber hug with extra squeeze*
    Glitterhips, I love your idea about joining our poles together, so rather than flying across the world, we can dance our way around it.

  • SaschaPoles

    April 12, 2009 at 4:34 pm

    I LOVE THIS THREAD! Caramel you’re such a sweetie for making it!!! I’m not sure what else to say since everyone already covered it so well….I think all of the members that I’ve had the privilege of getting to know are all AMAZING people. I talk about you guys all the time to my Mom, she knows you all lol. I feel like you guys are all my real friends, I have like two friends here at school but when I come home and come on the site I feel like, well, I dunno what I’m trying to say but I love you all. Veena I have SO MUCH RESPECT for you; for your modesty, your talent, and what a beautiful person you are. THANK YOU FOR CREATING THIS SITE!!!!!!!!!

  • DeaconJungleCatPoles

    April 12, 2009 at 7:40 pm

    Sascha you are just too precious. Got me up here cryin lol I love you too!!

  • PoleSkivvies

    April 12, 2009 at 8:27 pm

    There is definitely something special about this forum. I learned about it from Kittyclimber and started coming more often for the chats and the great group of people. I don’t know what it is, but it seems there’s an especially warm feel to this forum. Lots are friendly, but this seems like a more tightly-knit group. Plus Veena posts some really good articles – loved the one on pole quality!

    We love you, Veena!

  • Caramel_Dlite

    April 13, 2009 at 12:16 am

    hahaha… thanks Sascha! I love everyone here as well, such a awesome group of people! And I know what you mean by feeling like everyone here is my friend. And Trena, I’m like you, none of my friends are into pole dancing as much as me so it’s nice to be able to talk to people who are as passionate about it as I am. Oh and I totally agree with you PoleSkivvies about this forum having a warm feel to it

  • Rouge_LAmour

    April 13, 2009 at 12:34 am

    I have this site posted on our website links as "The lovely, talented and most amazing Veena."

    I have really enjoyed having a community to learn from and with.
    I also like having people to babble about pole, when not at the studio. Mr Rouge loves me and likes watching me dance, but he’s not really into listening to me rant / rave about pole.
    What gets me the most, is how warm, friendly and accommodating this place is. Being a dork here is ok.
    And the fact that age is irrelevant here, along with gender / sex. (I’m 37 and was thinking about Jungle_Cat and Joel too!).

    I’m also not the most acrobatic, yet it’s nice to be able to learn from and watch those who are and to share my knowledge on the other sides of Pole.

    Again, it was searching for Brit Brit’s bad poling for "Gimme More" on Youtube that lead me to Veena – and boy has that video been shown to my students.
    So yay for us. More importantly, yay for Veena for creating this warm, fuzzy, creative place.
    I like it better than the other Pole site I’ve found.

  • adamseve

    April 13, 2009 at 1:17 am

    I’m a newbie on this forum, and I have to tell you that of all the forums that I visit, this is the friendliest, most supportive, and caring. I can only guess that the magic is Veena, and I am so very glad that I found Veena and this forum.

    I haven’t had a lot of time to get to know Veena, but from what I can gather, she’s a very loyal, caring, hard working, supportive, fun loving, sexy, nurturing, passionate, and strong woman. I’m very impressed that she took her passion and used it to support her family while nurturing the sexy, fit & fabulous woman /person in each person that graces this forum.

    I would really be sad if this forum didn’t exist. I don’t have any friends that engage in pole dancing / fitness so evrey person that has befriended me and given me support has become my friend. It means so much to me to be able to log in and chat with everyone.

    Tracey aka Adam’s Eve

  • DeaconJungleCatPoles

    April 13, 2009 at 1:31 am

    Tracey that was really beautiful. I am so glad we both came to the forum too!

  • Veena

    April 13, 2009 at 3:51 am

    Oh my, adamseve you’ve made me blush As I said before thank you all! All of you are sooooo sweat!!! xoxox

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