Forums Discussions Red Bumps everywhere!

  • Red Bumps everywhere!

    Posted by Rin Rin on September 11, 2010 at 2:45 pm

    Back in the beginning of July, I developed a horrible rash all over my legs and arms. It didn’t even start to go away until the end of August. It was just starting to clear up when, a couple days ago, it came back again. I’ve changed nothing about my diet or laundry detergent or anything like that, and it’s only on certain parts of my body, so I’m fairly confident it’s not an allergic reaction. My doctor says it looks like a shaving rash, made worse by the heat and humidity of summer. I’ve had razor burn before, but this is behaving so much worse than it ever has! I try to limit my shaving so I don’t disturb it anymore, and I use hydrocortizone cream several times a day, but it never looks even remotely better. I can’t wait another 2 months for it to start clearing up again – it makes me so self-conscious.

    I try to pretend that no one will even notice and it’s not that bad, but every time I wear shorts, my roommates comment on it and make fun of it. I don’t want to practice poling anymore because I feel so gross with this rash all over my legs. I’m also supposed to be starting a "fantasy maid" job soon and one of my roommates asked how I was going to wear a sexy little french maid outfit with giant red bumps all over my legs. I want it to go away! But I don’t know what else to do besides what I’m already doing. I don’t even know how I screwed up so badly as to bring it back full-force when it was finally clearing up. Does anybody else get this problem with their shaving areas?

    chemgoddess1 replied 13 years, 2 months ago 11 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • litlbit

    September 11, 2010 at 2:54 pm

    Hydrocortizone cream can make certain skin irritations WORSE. I have irritation from shaving with bumps, I use calamine lotion plus (it soothes and takes the redness out and any itch I may have), it leaves a pale pinkish coating on your skin so I use it at bedtime…you may want to give it a shot, you can find it in most drug stores. Good Luck!!

  • Katk

    September 11, 2010 at 3:39 pm

    I got folliculitis once from shaving. It’s when a little bacteria irritates the hair follicles and then it quickly spread to all the other follicles from shaving. It’s terrible and it takes awhile to clear up. A friend of mine who is a nurse prescribed a cream for me called Mupirocin which maybe helped a bit but it still takes time to clear up. Do an internet search for follicullitis and you will find tips to help it heal faster (hot compresses, soaking, etc). Just be really careful with shaving. Try not to shave for a couple of weeks until it is gone or if you must shave it use a new razor everytime. It will go away- I promise!!!

  • Georgiapeach

    September 17, 2010 at 4:51 am

    by any chance did it start once you started pole dancing? Have you changed the type of dance pole you are using? or changed the cleaning solution for your pole or added any type of grip aid to your skin to help pole dancing?
    Reason Why I ask is because some girls do get red bumps on there legs or where there skin ( except for hands ) grip the pole or is on the pole the most when they go from a Stainless steel or Brass type of dance pole to a colored, painted, powder coated or chromed ( all of these mentioned is a process used to change the color etc of a Steel or Aluminum product)
    Also, you might want to try using alcohol to wipe down your dance pole if you are using Windex another thing is Ive had ladies tell me who pole at home as well as the studio who have used grip aids on there hands that once it gets on the dance pole and portions of it are transferred to the pole to their legs they have sometimes gotten little red bumps.

  • carriej

    September 26, 2010 at 10:36 pm

    Well, I can relate! I have psoriasis and while most of the time my skin is great sometimes I break out all over in a stupid rash and it takes forever (months) to go away. In addition to managing that, sometimes when I use grip aid I get a rash that lasts for a couple of hours but looks pretty bad! My best suggestion would be to go see a dermatologist who might know more than a primary care doctor. Overall, I know how it can be embarrassing and frustrating. Do what you can to get rid of it and other than that be strong to just brush it off. While you’re at it, consider getting friends who are a bit more mature and supportive! Believe me, they’re not so perfect either!

  • ladiebugfreak

    December 20, 2011 at 12:23 am

    Yea, I'm getting the same sort of rashes. It's not on my hands, but all over my inner thights and knees.  Did you guys figure out a solution? I hate to stop just because of this!!!

  • SadieNikole

    December 20, 2011 at 1:48 am

    I say get a second opinion. And if you went to your General Practitioner before maybe go see a Dermatologist this time.

  • Platinum Stages

    December 20, 2011 at 12:53 pm

    Are you using the chrome or powder coated poles? I know that some women have allergies the nickel used in chrome or to the powder coating.

    Sometimes switching to a pole that uses only real metal with no coating can remedy the problem.


  • ladiebugfreak

    December 20, 2011 at 5:35 pm

    I went to the dermotologist and she was of no help. she said the bumps were due to me rubbing my legs on the pole and she prescribed me a steriod cream, which I am yet to use. She advised me that a patch test (3 visits) is needed to determine if I have an allergy to certain metals and i shouldn't need to have a patch test. She said that most people have allergy to nickel, but I don't have any reaction to any other jewelry.  

    I just bought chrome x-pole… It would suck if i need to buy another one!

  • Dancing Paws

    December 20, 2011 at 7:24 pm

    It couldn't hurt to have the patch test. You could have them run all the metals that you could run into with the poles. Brass is copper and zinc, the chrome and TG poles have nickle, actually I believe all the poles have some degree of nickle, just some more than others. Then there is the steel. It might be that you are allergic to the something else in the chrome, not necessarily just nickle.

    Do you actually have nickle jewelry?? It's the really CHEAP stuff. I have a nickle allergy and I have a necklace that gave me a mega hicky rash on my neck. Nickle earrings make my ears crack and secrete plasma. With that, I am fine on a TG x pole (not sure about a chrome though, and x pole says the chrome has more nickle than the TG.)

  • PowerTwirl

    December 22, 2011 at 12:27 pm

    I had this type of persistent rash on one part of my arm. I eventually got it biopsied, like a section cut out… they came back with apocrine miliaria.. fox fordyce disease… it basically is inflammation of the sweat glands. All you can do is don't touch, don't itch, and don't shave often. Mine was in the underarm and has been significantly better since I stopped using deodorant and shave only twice a week. Ask for a biopsy don't assume it's nothing or in your head. If you're constantly annoyed by it, keep pushign for answers. good luck

  • chemgoddess1

    December 22, 2011 at 12:34 pm

    I have had patch testing done and it never took 3 visits (wonder if metals are different to test for?).  It is expensive though if your insurance does not cover it. 

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