Forums Discussions Remembering Caramel_Dlite

  • untamedshrew

    October 4, 2009 at 10:52 pm

    You had the most beautiful warm smile. Somehow I can’t express myself through these keys, though they are the home of our friendship. I’m gonna miss you, girl.

  • Trena

    October 4, 2009 at 11:15 pm

    My little Gina,
    You were one of my first friends here on Studio Veena and you made me feel so so welcome. You were so sweet, kind, supportive, encouraging, positive and genuine. Im so glad that I got the chance to know you! I loved your witty comments on my videos, they always made me smile so much. And you used to make me laugh and smile so much in chat too! When I would enter the chat room you were always one of the first people to greet me and it would always be an enthusiastic greeting too. Or when I posted a forum thread you were always encouraging and suppostive and funny of course. I wanted to meet you so much and I know that if we had met we would have had soooooo much fun!!! After my drunken night in chat, the messages of concern that you sent me the next day were so sweet and kind and concerned. You were one of my best friends here and I loved you loads! You have shown me that I need to be more appreciative of my friends here and outside the site and I will forever be grateful to you for that. I wish I had gotten the chance to tell you how wonderful you are and how happy you made me feel. I will NEVER forget you, you will be in my heart FOREVER! I will think of you every time Im in chat and everytime Im eating Walkers Baked crisps!!
    Love you Caramel


  • Beccagirl

    October 5, 2009 at 12:08 am


    I have always loved having you in chat. Your such a sweet girl, I will always love that about you you. I will always remember you in my heart and that you brought a smile onto my face. You are part of my family and so is everyone else on here. I pass my love to everyone on sv and you are all in my prayers.

  • SaschaPoles

    October 5, 2009 at 1:19 am

    Dear Caramel,

    I’m not even sure what to say to be honest. I’ve been thinking for two days how I could put into words what I’m feeling, so I"m sure this will be a jumbled mess of a note. I remember coming into chat every Friday and seeing your beautiful face, all of your pictures wallpapered onto your wall so chic like. I remember seeing you laughing whenever one of us said something dirty and how cute you looked when you smiled. I remember how kind you were to all of us, how uplifting and encouraging you were for any occasion. If it was a bad day for one of us you had kind words, if we learned a new move, you had kind words…you were always full of such empowerment. Every comment you left for me on videos or pictures or blogs, whatever it was, always ALWAYS made me smile and love you that much more. I remember last Friday when I went into chat and I saw you there; my computer kept freezing so I gave up chat for that night and I never came back, and if I had known that’d be the last time we’d talk I would have done anything to get back in. I hope you’re looking down on us right now to see how much we all truly love you and how much you mean to this site. SV won’t be the same without you. I hope you’re looking down on us and that you can see how many people you touched. We love you so much Gina. Thank you so much for being in our lives, I love you girl!!!!!!!!!!

    xoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxo love you, ~Sascha

  • glitterhips

    October 5, 2009 at 3:38 am

    Gorgeous Gina,

    I think now that you’re gone I’m going to have to buy myself that cupcake corset you sent me a message about because you saw it on a website and you thought I would look cute in it. That’s just the kind of person you were, remembering little details about everyone and being so thoughtful.

    I wish I could have done more to help you realize how much you were loved by so many of us here on this site. If you could touch the lives of this many people behind a computer screen from half a world away, I’m sure your friends and family that knew you in person loved you more than I can even imagine.

    I hope you can still check your SV email up in heaven so you can read the message I sent you yesterday. I have so much more to say than can be contained on a computer screen so I will leave it at this, I know you are my guardian angel now watching over me and making sure I don’t drunk dial my ex boyfriend. . And I will try to be on my best behavior so one day we can finally meet for a pole jam in heaven and show them how it’s done, Glitter and Caramel style.

    I fucking miss you so much.

    love you forever, angel gina. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3

  • FridaSiren

    October 5, 2009 at 5:26 am

    gina, i miss you and hope you´re in a better place, nice and warm with an awsome pole. i hope you´ll be my guardian angel too..
    massive huge hug for you sweetness!

  • Polegirlsonia

    October 5, 2009 at 7:39 am

    The most Sweetest , Kindest person you could ever meet! so full of complements for other people, always being supportive, i dont know yet why or what happened to you Gina, but i just hope you are at peace and in no pain, You were here with my family not long ago, poling with me and Jamilla, taking photo’s, playing laughing living I hope somewhere you are still doing all of those things! My respect and love to your family, may the sweet memories of Gina remain in our hearts always.
    I was hoping to see her again in a few weeks!

  • Gsylass

    October 5, 2009 at 6:29 pm


    I’ve been trying to write in here since the thread went up but I keep breaking down and don’t know what to say. Thank you for being a friend. We miss you, so very much.

  • Kittyclimber

    October 6, 2009 at 4:24 am

    Dear Caramel,
    Like a lot of people on here, I am struggling with what to say. You always made everyone feel so welcome, especially me. Nobody was ever left out when you were there to greet them. We will miss that from you. You are so beautiful, inside and out. You have touched so many lifes in ways you will never know. You will never be forgotten, I will always have a special place for you in my heart whenever I dance. I wish I could have had more time with you.

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