Routine for a power poler/trickster
I am a power poler, all about tricks and cool moves. BAM! Handspring! BAM! Iron X! BAM! Ho handed sailboat! BAM! Janeiro! You get the idea… Pole is a sport for me, not a dance. I don’t hear the music, don’t hear the beat, I forget what I was supposed on the floor and I look terrible on stage. I tried, I got a fitness and strength award 😀 But I still want a routine! I am often asked to perform, but I don’t have a routine 🙁 I tried working with a choreographer, and she’s great, I just can’t execute it well enough – my timing is off, I look rushed and lost on stage.
Please, give me some advice! How to build a non-dancy routine? any examples?please (please please) don’t tell me to just listen to the music and rehearse – I did. For a few months straight I listened, practiced almost every day, recorded, practiced some more and spent hours trying to identify strong beats and tempo in any given song. Nope, did not work. Not now and not in the past… I hear the big things in the music where a great move should come, but not the beat in between. I can’t even count evenly. Any other power polers out there? 🙂
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