Forums Discussions SSSLLLOOOWWWLLLYY Learning!


    Posted by j_norgard on May 15, 2009 at 5:46 pm

    Hey guys! I got my pole a week ago today! I am slowly but surely catching on to this thing they call poling. I now represent about a million bruises on my legs, majority around the inner knee section and a big ol’ whopper on my left hip and a fresh one on my rib cage (ouch!) . That’s ok though cuz I always have bruises as Im always clumsy! I have the fireman down and now to master the split leg hold and invert. Will post a video soon as I have taken many but just need to edit all the bad stuff out. Give all you polers EXTRA CREDIT because this is by NO MEANS EASY! Definately harder than I thought.

    Rouge_LAmour replied 15 years, 8 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • monz1984

    May 17, 2009 at 5:05 am

    I’ve been poling for months now and I only have a few inverted moves down. Please use a spotter when trying an invert for the first time. Sometimes you may know what you want to do when you get up there but then the blood rushes to your head, you get nervous, you can’t think . . . It may not happen but its better to be safe. Poling is a very physical sport so as much fun as it is, doing things the right way should be taken into consideration too.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    May 17, 2009 at 5:47 am

    after 18 months and teaching for about a year, I’ve finally started inverting, albeit via laybacks.
    Don’t rush to get into inverting. get the basics down and really well before trying to invert.

    Abs need to be really strong, for inverting, you need to get your hips above your head.

    Take your time and get your techinque right first, it doens’t mean you’re a bad dancer, but it may mean better strength gain and less injuries.

    many self-taught people have technique that a couple of lessons in a studio can correct.
    It only takes one shoulder impingement or one tight shoulder capsule, to learn how to use them better.
    This is from experience and now I know better than to hang off the pole without engaging my abs, lats and traps.
    and to not stretch shoulders with my elbow above the shoulder… (30, 60 or 90 degrees from the body only!)

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