Forums Discussions Self Perception–Help

  • Self Perception–Help

    Posted by reenie aka Mysfit on May 6, 2011 at 10:07 pm

    Hey all(this frustratingly, is the second time I have typed this! Last one….went to spell check, and the spell checker on veena flipped out, froze and told me it was unavailable. I think it was Firefox having the bird….Updated to the new version)

    I am googling my heart out….looking for reputable, reliable resources, then I figured I may as well jump in here and ask in the forums.

    I want to write an article on reprogramming womens self perceptions(Giving full credit to sources) I come across so many females who look in the mirror and see things that aren't there.They aren't thin enough, pretty enough etc….

    I understand the negative thought process as I went through the same thing for years….Thinner and bigger….made no difference. Ironically, I woke up one day at 198lbs on my 5'6 medium frame and it suddenly donned on me…..I had never been that heavy—BUT I HAD NEVER BEEN THAT HAPPY either! I loved myself, my body, my sexuality/sensuality, the whole package. Then, the weight just slowly fell off….

    SO—I am looking for………..

    Research data….Does anyone have a psych background who can point me in the direction of excellent resources online that I can read through…

    Personal Experiences–If you have a story to share—-I would love to hear it. Email me at and let me know if you want to contribute credited or anonymously. With the credit–I would only post a first name and general location.

    Do you have a site that you favor because you find it empowering and uplifting? I would love to have a look.

    Any other thoughts to share….Love the feedback~~

    At the end of this article, which will end up on my website in the blog section,( I would love to provide a list of links for women to go and check out. StudioVeena will be in that list~~(Insert huge grin) Love my pole sistahs!

    I am not a psychologist, psyhchiatrist, doctor etc….But I am hoping that by combining our stories, experiences, things we find uplifting and resources–we can help reprogram.

    I have several clients who struggle with this, and the ugly side to it–some of them are prime candidates for developing eating disorders. Others are just so utterly hard on themselves, it breaks my heart.

    So…any thoughts or references? Hugely Appreciated.

    HUGE hugs and thanks!!!



    reenie aka Mysfit replied 13 years, 10 months ago 6 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies

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