Forums Discussions Self taught vs classses

  • polergirl

    February 25, 2010 at 1:54 pm

    PB, I don’t think anyone here looks down on folks who are self-taught, at least I sure haven’t read it that way. We all love pole dancing or we wouldn’t be here. Personally, I have safety concerns for dancers who are exclusively self-taught (and by that I mean "oh hey, I saw this cool move, I’m gonna try it" vs. lessons like Karol’s tuts or Veena’s lessons, etc.) because I think there is great value in being coached as to body mechanics, etc. I have been involved in sports and physically challenging activities my whole life, so I have good body awareness and that helps. Many folks don’t, no fault there, and pole dancing can really do a number on one’s body. Our rotator cuffs are delicate flowers and we need to protect them!

    IMO, it’s the exception, and not the rule, that someone has a natural affinity for pole and can suss out how to do moves SAFELY without a little help of some sort. For the rest of us, there are studios and Veena’s lessons.

  • amcut

    February 25, 2010 at 2:40 pm

    I don’t think there’s any "looking down" persay, on self taught polers (not talking V’s lessons or Jamilla Dvds, ’cause they’re delish) BUT personally, I do a lot of internal "Told You So" when someone says they hurt themselves because they were moving too fast, acting a damned fool, or disregarding safety. Moving too fast, acting a damned fool, and disregarding saftey seem to go hand in hand with "I learned solely from videos on youtube"

    If you’re going to be a badass, be a badass.
    And if you think you’re a badass and you’re not a badass, count yourself in for a lot of downtime icing your torn parts.

    Anyways. I was studio taught for 10 weeks- kept my Vee lessons for a while as well. I like to drop in at different studios because it’s really neat but there aren’t very many advanced daytime classes and my nights go exclusively to my husband.

  • minicoopergrl

    February 25, 2010 at 5:53 pm

    I am fully studio taught. Ive been going to the same studio for my entire pole life! I love the women who teach and the clientel. I wouldnt mind trying stuff at home but Ive got no space to put a pole and take lessons. I also am very visual and I need to see it up close to learn the move. I also love being a room full of women who are cheering you on to be your best (and in return I always make sure they get some encouragement from me!).

    To me its a to each its own situation. I like being around others and I dont do very well being alone and poling.

  • SissyBuns

    February 25, 2010 at 7:21 pm

    I’m all of the above and I can see the benefits of being both "home" taught (that’s cute) and studio taught. I have taken classes, use veena’s online lessons, have had skype pole sessions, and jammed with other polers.

    I like to learn things at studios and jams, then work on them and perfect them at home. I have seen tons of moves on youtube that I haven’t been taught in a class or in an online lesson. Then I try it and sometimes can’t get it right. That’s where instructors and friends come in handy. If I really struggle with a particular move I’m not going to get it unless somebody helps me. Usually watching me as I do it (via online or in person) and telling me what "I’m" doing wrong specifically.

    I’m just more hands on like that and it’s how I learn best….plus when I’m upside down it’s hard to watch a video on youtube or a DVD LOL.

    For me, personally, nothing beats having a set of eyes on you, watching you, and working on what you’re doing wrong or what you could be doing better…no matter what form it comes in I think it all depends on your learning style. Kind of like going to school online. LOL

  • SissyBuns

    February 25, 2010 at 7:28 pm

    And you know what else….I pole better with others. Does anybody else do that?

    I suck when I’m alone, like really bad. But when I’m with other people I can do all kinds of stuff LOL….it’s wierd

  • polergirl

    February 25, 2010 at 8:20 pm

    And you know what else….I pole better with others. Does anybody else do that?

    I suck when I’m alone, like really bad. But when I’m with other people I can do all kinds of stuff LOL….it’s wierd

    I can be a little like this. I think being around other dancers just inspires me to push a little harder, move a little more fluidly, etc.

  • SissyBuns

    February 25, 2010 at 8:21 pm

    And you know what else….I pole better with others. Does anybody else do that?

    I suck when I’m alone, like really bad. But when I’m with other people I can do all kinds of stuff LOL….it’s wierd

    I can be a little like this. I think being around other dancers just inspires me to push a little harder, move a little more fluidly, etc.

    I think I’m just trying to show off. LOL

  • RoxyPink

    February 25, 2010 at 9:37 pm

    who dosen’t like to show off a little skillz??

  • Runemist34

    February 26, 2010 at 1:18 am

    I’ve done both studio learning, and home learning. When I switched, I had no idea that such things like Veena’s lessons existed, and simply went off videos from Youtube. I learned quite a few things that way, but in many ways, I still miss the studio.
    I agree with the ladies prior to me…when I’m around others, I tend to work harder, I like showing off. A class helps keep me focussed, and also helps me learn moves I’m having major troubles with, such as my "tuck" spin (I think that’s what it’s called?), and transitions.
    However, I found the studio restricting, too. There was no room to develop your own routine, and they didn’t really teach you how to do so. The last class of every "level" was just "Okay ladies, string them all together! Just do it!" And it was rather nerve wracking. The style of the ladies there was not my own, I didn’t find their sexy to be my sexy, and some of their moves I found unsuited to my body type, and some of the moves I wanted to do they didn’t have, or didn’t know about.
    That, and a previous friend of mine teaches there. I taught her (this was just after I stopped going and was scouring youtube) the Corkscrew (or, as I called it, the full-body spin), which she got right away. I’m still having issues with it . Anyways, she went and showed it to the other instructors there, and they named the spin the "Roxy," after her stage name, and said she invented it. I wasn’t impressed. She, nor I, invented the move, and they should do a little more research before they go ahead like that.

    Anyways, away from the griping…I find Veena’s lessons, and the wonderful community here to be just what I needed for motivation, help, and ideas. I’ve even gone and dug out all I can from my previous lessons, to see what I can bring back into my memory!

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16 of 24 replies February 2010