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Several Poles being sold..
Posted by lindsgotts91 on August 9, 2012 at 6:54 amHello Everyone! I have been waiting to get a pole for months now and I finally found a pretty good deal.. There is a lady selling several 40mm and 45mm chrome X Pole Xperts on Ebay right now! Also, the starting price is $225, and shipping is $60. She is very nice and has been very helpful with me, the poles were used for 4 classes total.. so if any of you ladies or gents are interested here is the name of the search :
And the ladys name is hankos822
RobynPoleDancer replied 12 years, 6 months ago 15 Members · 57 Replies -
57 Replies
Can anywhere verify these are real X-poles and not the fakies that go around on Ebay from time to time?
They don't look like 40s and they are not Xperts…..the base is the old style and so are the poles themselves, where they screw together. The Xperts have joints that hold the poles together. They could be a 45mm or 50mm xpoles. The 40mm pole is fairly new, so unless by some chance these are from a test market area, and they happen "test" them using the older style, they are not 40mm Xpert poles! This person maybe nice but the pole in the picture is not a 40mm xpert…..
We are an authorized xpole dealer here, we offer Free shipping.
First off is the tools, second, the carrying case, third, it appears that lindsgotts91 has actually talked to this person, forth, the price. Lastly, the cheap ones never say XPole in their writeups, let alone call it out as an XPert. They will have an X in the listing but will never actually call it an X (look at the descriptions I have listed below). One even calls it an expert (notice the misspelling).
If you have concerns, contact the seller and see if you can talk to her directly.
"Portable Fitness Exercise Dance Stripper Strip Pole Spinning x Static 45mm Pro'"
"Oringinal expert exercise spinning&static( 45mm) dance Pole x strip"
Veena, those are the bottoms for the X Sport poles, but it seems odd that there is a dome with the Sports as opposed to the flat top.
Chem, I thought it said xpert? but anyway it's not a 40mm
I did not even notice that they were the old style screw together. I do know that I have never seen the fake ones with a carrying case. I have a feeling the person who listed them does not know a whole lot about them and just took the info off of the XPole site or used the drop down suggestions on the ebay site.
And, yeah, it is not a 40.
The seller is saying 40 OR 45mm down at the bottom. So yeah, I think they just don't know a lot about the poles, or… they know that the 40s are new and popular right now so they're trying to get buyers buy using the term 40mm
I ran into the issue of purchasing a pole that was SUPPOSED to be a 45, but I got it home and realized it was a 50… Just be careful.
See, I won't buy anything unless they accept paypal. Even on items that cannot be returned if you can prove that what you were sold was not what was advertised then you will get your money back. It may not be instantly but you will get your money.
Very true. I've owned an eBay store for 4 years and Paypal is always very, very good about pleasing their customers. Just open a claim, not much the seller can do. On the flip side it's very easy for buyers to take advantage of this.
Dang it! Thanks Veena, I believe you, i figured something had to be off. So Im gonna talk to her again and see what the Heck… hmmmm if they are not what im looking for I will probably just get it brand new through here and pay all out.. Kinda very disappointed… but glad i got all this feed back thanx ladies!
The other suspicious thing, just so you are aware, is that the auction lists it's for different sizes, etc, but there is only one auction (and it's auction-style, not quantity). Also, seller has zero feedback and just created alias in June.
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