Forums Discussions Sexuality and Pole Dancing

  • deetron

    February 16, 2010 at 1:50 pm

    1. Perhaps we pole dancers should be strapping on our heels at any opportunity in the hope that pole dancing in heels will become just as accepted and respected as a well-heeled ballroom dance!! It does look pretty, if I’m honest about it!
    2. (a) The presence of the male partner in ballroom dancing seems to defuse the idea that the dance objectifies/ exploits women/female sexuality.. therefore (b) men becoming involved in pole dancing is indeed a very positive thing, and (c) should there be a sub-genre of pole dancing involving one person from each gender utilizing the pole in some sort of synchronized choreography?

    Point 2.(a): Is this the case, and if so, why? It’s strange, since the dude is usually in a very demure suit or shirt / trousers combo with the lady showing way more flesh!

    Point 2.(c): Think there might be a clip of Fred ‘n’ Ginger swinging off of street lamps in a synchronized fashion which I would use to illustrate this but I’m finding it difficult to locate again on YouTube..

    Apologies if these points have already been made here, but this thread has become so long and difficult to read through!

    WRT point 2.(c), here we go.. in Chinese pole, and "Tango" (!!) style:

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