Forums Discussions Sexy Up! Sexy Out!

  • Sexy Up! Sexy Out!

    Posted by Dottie Von Boone on February 27, 2012 at 8:40 pm

    Greetings Everyone!

    My name is Jenell, originally from Brookly, NY, currently paying taxes in Raleigh, NC!

    I enjoy any and all things arts and crafts, sparkling white wine, photography, dancing and pole! I took my first pole class  at Aradia Fitness in Raleigh. I absolutely loved it, although I have not been back in a while, I have always tried to stay in the Pole Loop!

    I have my first private session with the amazing Dakota Fox.

    Currently working on increasing my flexibility, very excited about meeting and getting to know you all!


    Dottie Von Boone replied 13 years ago 3 Members · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies
  • horsecrazy12987

    February 27, 2012 at 9:50 pm

    Hey! Glad to meet another poler and photographer! (I'm an aspiring amateur photographer.)

    Welcome to the board, and happy poling! Do you have your own home pole yet?

  • Dottie Von Boone

    February 27, 2012 at 9:58 pm

    Thank you so much for the kind words!

    Yessss, absolutely love photography. Particularly Black and White and Body Forms/Nudes, or all of them together! Nice to meet you. Do you have a camera you are using currently?

    As far as an in-home pole, you are right on time. I am trying to figure out which to purchase. I am combing old threads to find out which one would be best. Any personal suggestions? 🙂

  • horsecrazy12987

    February 27, 2012 at 10:37 pm

    I LOVE black and white photography. I think it's so beautiful. I just bought a Canon Rebel off my mom–she moved up to a different camera, so I purchased her old one off her for a really good price. It's actually a great little camera. I'm hoping to pick up some new lenses for it with my tax return this year.

    Ok, so for a pole, first off I reccommend an X-pole so far as the brand. I used to have a Lil Mynx, which was a good, safe pole, but I had issues with ceiling damage with it. (Chewed through my dry wall, and I'm not the first person this has happened to.) The x-poles are all also spinny-mode optional (except the x-pole sport, I believe) which has been a lot of fun for me, because my Lil Mynx was static only. It's a very sturdy, safe pole that will hold up to whatever you want to do on it. I was a little nervous about going to a multi-piece (the Lil Mynx is one long eight foot pole, whereas the x-pole slots together,) but I have never felt unstable on it. 

    Most people will recommend a chrome x-pole for a beginner, because some of the stickier finishes can pose problems for newbies who tend to have death grip. If you know you're a heavy sweater, however, I would consider getting a more grippy finish. Right now I have the titanium gold because I have sweaty hand issues, and I really love it. For diameter, I would go with a 50mm to start off with, just because that's generally the standard in most studios. If you have really small hands though, it may be worth considering a 45 mm, which is the diameter I have right now after starting on a 50mm. I love the 45–I don't have particularly small hands, but it's great for stability in more advanced tricks.

    Really, what it comes down to is that it's a very personal decision, and everyone is different. Different body chemistry reacts differently with different pole finishes, but most people do pretty well with the chrome x-pole to start off with.  

  • Dottie Von Boone

    February 27, 2012 at 10:44 pm

    highest of fives!

    You are most awesome for all that information. I really do appreciate it. Honestly, I went straight to X-Pole, and the TG 45mm, was my first choice. There is a pole in one of the rooms at Aradia that I absolutely love, it is so different from the other poles. I want to say it is 45mm, but I will confirm on Wednesday!

    I really do appreciate your advice and opinions. Made my day. I love how this community is so supportive of each other. le sigh. lol

    Yes! Canon is a very good brand. I have a Nikon, but I think my next purchase will be a Canon. Hopefully, once my pole room gets set-up. I will have opportunites to photograph myself poling. Do you have a pole room? Are you on carpet? My potential room has, I belive 1in carpet. I have been combing carpet threads. Do you think it a good idea to do plywood, with sticky tile, or just rock on the carpet? lol

    How long have you been poling? Sorry so question'y, if you will. lol

  • horsecrazy12987

    February 27, 2012 at 11:36 pm

    No problem! We've all been in the same spot you were. So many choices.

    Definitely find out what finish and size that pole you loved is, because that's probably what you're going to want to go with since you're meshing better with it than the other ones. Sweaty skin, dry skin, small hands, large hands–it all makes a difference in who's going to like what pole better. Some people love stainless steel, but I could barely accomplish anything on my old stainless steel pole, it was so slippery.

    I love my Canon–it's not a super pricey camera, but I've gotten some pretty nice shots with it with just the little kit lens on there. I can't wait to invest in some better quality lenses. (Sooo expensive, though. I need cheaper hobbies.)

    I wish I had a specific pole room, but it's just up in my living room because that's the only room where I have space for it. (I live in a one bedroom apartment.) I'm on carpet, which has it's advantages and disadvantages. Floorwork without boots that cover your knees can definitely be kind of uncomfortable, and twirling around the pole is certainly a lot less graceful than doing it on hardwood floors, although several members on here have suggested applying tape to the bottom of your shoes when dancing on carpet to take away the overly grippy nature of the carpet. I haven't tried this yet, but plan to. There are also a couple of threads around here from people who have rigged up a little dance area on carpet, where they basically lay down laminate or something along those lines. I always just rock out on carpet, but if you're creative, you may be able to figure something out or get suggestions here. I think of it this way–at least if (when haha) I fall, I'm going to have a lot softer landing than coming down on hardwood. Mostly it's just my ego that gets hurt. 😉

    How long have I been poling? I think I bought my first pole close to two years ago, but I've been very inconsistent in it. I've had major issues with sweaty hands, so there have been months at a time where I've stepped away from poling out of frustration, which is too bad, because I really do love it and have a lot of fun when my hands are cooperating. I started on a stainless steel and only recently exchanged it for the TG, which I seem to be getting on a lot better with–the stainless steel was so frustrating, because I'm into intermediate and advanced tricks now, but there were days I couldn't even climb it because my hands would just keep sliding and sliding.  The Lil Mynx stainless steel has a reputation for being very slippery–it was like trying to dance on wet glass, for me. However, I feel like I'm finally going to be able to make some progress with this TG pole, so I'm feeling very excited and enthusiastic.

    And never be afraid to ask questions. I love to talk. Especially about poling. I don't have any local pole buddies to blab to, so I have to get it all out with you ladies. lol

  • Mary Ellyn

    February 27, 2012 at 11:39 pm

    Welcome to the forum arslonga! You will stay  motivated here and get some good tips too.

    let us know how your class with Dakota goes!

  • Dottie Von Boone

    February 28, 2012 at 5:46 pm


    Thanks again for all of the input and feedback. Everything made absolute sense. I am currently combing CraigsList seeing what they have, there is a Gold XPole for $200. The seller says because she never takes it down the pole is hard to take a part, so I will keep you posted on THAT! lol I looked at the video for assembly, and was instantly overwhelmed lol 

    Canon's are a doozey, lol, but they are amazing from the friends I have who are Team Canon. Do you have your photos posted or no? I would like to see.  So glad I am not the only Ice Hands out there. After each trick or turn learned in class I would have to wipe my hands with the alcohol rag we used to wipe the poles. So, no stainless steel for me! Thanks for sharing that.  Have you always danced barefeet or in heels?


    Thank you so very much! I am motivated already! So very excited for my private tomorrow. 

    Will do on the update!

  • horsecrazy12987

    February 28, 2012 at 7:14 pm

    Actually, assembly is pretty easy, although I was overwhelmed at first too–the Lil Mynx was super easy to deal with, being just one piece, and then I get my x-pole and there are all these parts to fit together…The video's very clear though; my boyfriend was over when I got my pole and between the two of us we assembled it and put it together in maybe ten minutes or so. (You can easily do it with only one person, though, he just wanted to help because he was kind of fascinated by the engineering of it. lol)

    I don't have any photos taken with my Canon posted, no–all pics on my profile were done with a basic little digital point and shoot. I don't really have any of my actual photography posted on-line, although I plan to get some up once I've gotten more experience under my belt.

    I so feel your pain with wiping your hands constantly!! To date, I don't think I've ever gotten through an entire routine without wiping my hands. Usually it's like spin, wipe hands, invert, come down, wipe hands. Kind of kills flow and forget combos. I'm really hoping the TG will change all that, if it ever warms up here! Argh.

    I practice in bare feet when I'm learning new tricks, but when I dance I like to throw on a pair of sexy shoes. I recommend getting a trick down barefoot first–when you know how to properly execute the move, then you can move on to shoes if you like. Basically you just want to make sure you don't get dependent on the grippiness of the shoes. Anything you can do with shoes on you should be able to do barefoot.

    Can't wait to hear how your class goes! I really need to move somewhere with pole studios nearby. 

  • Dottie Von Boone

    February 28, 2012 at 7:38 pm

    I hope you start posting your photos online, Flickr is a great place to get ideas, as well. They have amazing pole photography up there too. What better thing to do than mesh you two favorite things, poling and photography. You should def. check that out.

    Exactly@all the pieces, but I am too excited to let that deter me. Check and check@learning a new move barefeet and once I am comfy, moving to shoes. NOTED! lol I will def. let you know. It has been a long while, but my body is ready! lol

    Currently working on flexibility in the meanwhile. My own stretching, just ordered Felix Cane's Flexibility DVD, are you familiar? Where are you located? Did you self teach everything you learned?

  • Dottie Von Boone

    February 29, 2012 at 2:52 pm

    My private with Dakota aka Pole Sensei went fabulously well! 
    We reviewed some things I already knew, and I learned some new moves. Now I wish I already had a pole here to practice everything I did today! SOON, very soon!

    I had such a wonderful time, jumping in head first. Pole classes start next week! 

    Highest of Fives to all you ladies!

  • horsecrazy12987

    March 2, 2012 at 2:55 pm

    I'm so glad you had a good time!

    Have you received Felix's DVD yet and had a chance to use it? And if so, how do you like it? I mean, if anyone knows anything about how to get bendy, it's her! I've been thinking about ordering it myself–flexibility and I are not friends at all. I love to work out, but have always hated stretching–I do the bare minimum to warm up and cool down before and after a workout, and that's it. Now that I've begun pole dancing, I really wish I had been more vigilant about stretching in the past.

    In response to your questions, I'm in Washington (the side opposite from all the pole studios, unfortunately–most of them are in Seattle) and most of all my learning has been done with Veena's lessons, which I highly recommend supplementing your classes with, if you can afford them. She breaks everything down amazingly well. They have been super helpful for me.

  • Dottie Von Boone

    March 2, 2012 at 3:32 pm

    Oh! I will def. look into Veena's lessons! I am very excited. 

    I just got an email from saying they shipped it to me. I am so ready to get started.
    As soon as I start, you will be the first one I let know how it goes. She is such a rubber band.

    I strive to be NOT as bendy, but I want things like my Jade to be flawless when I do them. Ah Washington! When you first wrote it, I was like WAIT, DC! lmao But I see now. 

    I was thinking about starting a pole blog. Do you have one?

  • horsecrazy12987

    March 2, 2012 at 4:02 pm

    Definitely let me know how you like it! I'm also eyeing Alethea Austin's flexibility DVDs; my wallet is still recovering from paying my car insurance right now, but once I'm back to a comfortable financial spot, I'm thinking of picking up her splits DVD. To be honest, I don't want or believe it's necessary for me to be as bendy as either Felix or Alethea, but I DO want to finally get my splits down. I have really tight hamstrings as well, and it's actually preventing me from learning some moves. I can't do a pencil mount because I don't have enough hamstring flexibility to get my back flat against the pole; I've gotten to a point in my tricks now where leg flexibility is going to start holding me back if I don't start working on it.

    I've never really blogged about my poling, but I have been thinking about it. It would be a good way to sort of chart my progression and see how far I've come from the very beginning. 

  • Dottie Von Boone

    March 2, 2012 at 4:53 pm

    You don't even know how much of an inspiration you are, and don't even mean to be! 

    From blogging to gaining flexibility, this journey is going to be amazing!

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