Forums Discussions Sharp Leg Pain while Stretching

  • Sharp Leg Pain while Stretching

    Posted by MissKitty83 on August 1, 2011 at 10:26 am

    Okay, ladies, I need some advice.  After a near 2 month hiatus, I've finally started to exercise on a somewhat regular basis again.  But the other day, I was doing v-sit stretches and straddle stretches and had a sharp pain run from the upper inner (fleshy) portion of my left thigh down to the inside of my knee.  I cannot find a knot in any of the muscles there, and now I have the same pain whenever I try to stretch that muscle.  Even warm, it hurts.  Granted, I was not as warmed up as I probably could have been when I tried to stretch it the first time.  It's only on the left side, and it doesn't cause me any discomfort when walking or moving, just when I try to stretch.  

    Google keeps bringing up groin pulls when I try to search, but wouldn't that pain run UP into the groin and not DOWN into the knee? Also, there are no issues with my knee – there is no pain in the joint itself, just where the muscle attaches. I've never injured the knee joint.  I have had problems with Snapping Hip Syndrome, and it has gotten MUCH worse on the side with the painful muscle which leads me to believe the two are linked.  But rest makes the Snapping Hip syndrome go away, and I currently don't have any problems with it on the right (un-injured) side.

    There is a more detailed description on my blog here:

    I would appreciate any help and/or suggestions on what I've done to myself and how to fix it!  Thanks, Ladies!

    OopseyDaisey replied 13 years, 6 months ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • OopseyDaisey

    August 1, 2011 at 4:35 pm

    Well, as I sit here on my ice pack, I have the same thing going on!  Including the recurring snapping hip.  I'm going to try to rehab it with balancing exercises and these:

    Then I'm going back to use my Finis Jhung dvd for stretching properly since I know it was likely poor form that got me here.

  • amy

    August 1, 2011 at 4:51 pm

    it sounds like you have strained the back of your knee or your hamstring from over stretching– i would recommend rest!

  • OopseyDaisey

    August 1, 2011 at 4:54 pm

    R. I. C. E. first, yes!  Although elevating a hip can be hard…

  • MissKitty83

    August 2, 2011 at 8:14 am

    Blast it all…  And I was just getting back into stretching and exercise after my hiatus!  I guess this will force me to take it slow an easy and build back up right…  How long should I rest it before starting to do some light exercises and gentle stretching?  And then how long before I start to do regular work with it again?

  • OopseyDaisey

    August 2, 2011 at 4:00 pm

    I'd give it a week of RICE, and then, if you have no pain doing normal activities (standing, walking, stitting) start with those rehab exercises.  If those hurt, then I'd stop immediately, and do another few days off and check again.  Veena has some foam roller videos that also might help in the meantime.  Remember, if you strengthen the healthy side while you are resting, that will help the injured side, too.  It helps maintain muscle mass and there is some "neurological crossover" from what I understand.

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