Forums Discussions Should I get my 45 mm chrome x-pole powder coated?

  • Should I get my 45 mm chrome x-pole powder coated?

    Posted by Emikoisabella on March 26, 2013 at 11:46 am

    Hi everyone!

    So, I need some advice as to whether or not I should get my x-pole powder coated…

    The main issue I'm having right now is extremely sweaty hands. I know that this topic has been covered immensely on this forum and I've tried all the tips/suggestions but I seem to sweat through everything (Tite grip, DGP, Mighty Grip, etc.). Dry Hands probably works the best for me, but in an hour session, I have to reapply 8 – 10 times because I just sweat it off. I'm currently on day 3 of trying out Drysol (Certain Dry was too weak and didn't work for me), but I haven't really noticed a difference. I've also tried gloves but I don't like them. I have the fingerless and full-fingered non tacky might grip gloves, but for some reason I can't seem to grip my pole safely with them on and I end up being able to grip better without them on. I also have the tacky fingerless gloves, but they are too tacky for me…I have trouble repositioning my hands once I put them on and they constantly get stuck to the pole 🙁

    I think the most frustrating part about this whole thing is that I can string moves together, freestyle or put a routine together. I can execute individual moves because I can wipe my pole down in between, but I can't even perform 2 consecutive moves because my hands are that sweaty after the first one.

    I know that as you get more experienced, you start sweating less…and I definitely have noticed that! But, its just doesn't seem right that I can't even do a basic fireman after walking for 2 8-counts around the pole, when I don't have a problem executing pretty int/adv moves on their own (SM, iguana mount, gemini/scorpio switch, aerial invert, teddy, superman, etc.).

    So, I guess my question is…would powder coating my pole really make that much of a difference? Or would it not really help with the problem I have in terms of freestyling and doing multiple moves without having to wipe down my pole?

    poledanceromance replied 11 years, 11 months ago 15 Members · 20 Replies
  • 20 Replies
  • Emikoisabella

    March 26, 2013 at 11:50 am

    Oops, it should say "I can't string moves together, freestyle or put a routine together."

  • chemgoddess1

    March 26, 2013 at 11:55 am

    It will not help if the problem you have is sweaty hands.  While powder coated poles do offer great grip it will not help if you have a layer of moisture between your skin and pole.  I would think that brass or titanium gold would be your better options seeing as they are more porous than stainless, chrome or powder coated.

  • SexyRockStarsWifeNowWidow

    March 26, 2013 at 12:15 pm

    Well once you go there you aren't able to go back. So please make sure it's really what you want to do. But I did have my 50 chrome powder coated last year, along with a few others who've done it (the powder coating). I will admit grip is amazing with my pole since it's been done. Only draw back is you might leave a bit of skin when it's really warm, lol!

    This is a link that discusses how the process works. You can also see pix of my pole on my page too.

  • poledanceromance

    March 26, 2013 at 2:33 pm

    This hasn't been mentioned on the forums recently so I think it is worth noting that there are polers out there who get treatment for hyperhydrosis of the hands, botox injections into the hands to paralyze the sweat glands. If you do get a diagnosis of hyperhydrosis, insurance might cover the injections. 

    The second suggestion I have to offer is simply patience. I remember posting a dozen times about this issue if I posted about it once in the first year of dancing. Truth is I still sweat but it no longer affects my grip to as impossible of an extent as it used to…it may be a sign you are still "squeezing" to get your hand group rather than using push/pull mechanics that minimize the force your hands/fingers are using to squeeze the pole for grip. Working on your grip strength consistently can help. 

    My third suggestion is designed to help the second…try some "non-standard" or lesser known grip aids or other major ones you haven't tried to help you combat the frustration and do the practicin that will improve your grip. I have really excellent luck rubbing a bit of white toothpaste into the palms of my hands, then rinsing off with just plain water and toweling dry. Leaves my hands very tacky. I also find the grip aids work better when applied long before. Put on dry hands or some certain-dry roll-on antiperspirant two hours before pole, then an hour before pole. But I have the longest practices with clean hands. I get more benefit out of taking a break to scrub my hands very clean, like with dish-washing liquid, than I get by re-applying grip aid during practice when I'm sweaty.

    I understand the frustration. Sadly the frustration can prevent  you from finding the answer, so don't give up hope. It will get better with practice and experimentation. And there is a proven medical solution as a backup if you need it.

  • portableninja

    March 26, 2013 at 2:41 pm

    Just to second what chemgoddess said, you might want to consider a TG pole. I am a very sweaty person, and my hands sound exactly like yours. I first learned on steel, got a chrome, and finally just got TG. My grip quality has only improved with each material change. So far the TG pole has been awesome for me. I still have to wipe my hands down occasionally, but not after every move like I used to.

    I have also used brass poles in studios. While brass was very sticky when I was dry, once I started to sweat I actually slipped more on brass than anything else. It may have been due to the brass cleaner that studios use to keep them shiny. It was really scary for me, so I was turned off brass for that reason. Other people love it. I have never used a powder coated pole so I can't speak for that finish. But I love the TG. It cleans as easily as a chrome pole (windex or alcohol) and once I got used to it, it really changed my outlook on what was possible for me.

  • Emikoisabella

    March 26, 2013 at 2:50 pm

    Chem and portablenjinja – I agree, I think TG would probably have been a better choice than chrome…I didn't expect that my hands would sweat this much. I guess I will just have to get a TG pole as my next pole, whenver that may be!

    Sexyrockstars – Thanks for the link! It seems like powder coated probably wont end up making too much of a difference for me… 🙁

    Poledanceromance – I have read about the botox injections for hyperhidrosis, but to be honest, I'm terrified, so I don't know if I would even be able to get myself to do that lol. Hopefully, like you said, I will get less sweaty the more confident I am and the more I practice. Luckily, I don't have any other sweating issues besides my hands, so maybe I should focus more on leg/forum/armpit holds.

  • CapFeb

    March 26, 2013 at 3:34 pm

    I have dry, but sweaty hands and TG is the worst finish ever for me. Better than stainless, but worse than chrome. It really does come down to body chemistry. If you can't try it, don't buy it. 

  • aliceBheartless

    March 26, 2013 at 4:41 pm

    Whoa! SexyRockStarsWife, thanks for that link! I have never really looked up what the powdercoating process entails before. I didn't realize that the pole had to be dipped in an acid wash or sandblasted. I am guessing that the chrome coating is removed then? I had always wondered if the chrome coating itself would affect the longevity of the powdercoating or its ability to bind to the surface of the pole. Interesting. 

  • monica kay

    March 26, 2013 at 4:49 pm

    i have a 50mm brass now in addition to my 45mm TG. I still have grip issues on these poles due to sweaty hands. If your hands are wet, they will slip. During practices when I dont wear gloves, I just use lots of dry hands, tite grip, and keep the alcohol and towel by my side.

  • Lyme Lyte

    March 26, 2013 at 5:15 pm

    I spray painted my chrome and had my brass clear powder coated. the spray paint helped a lot…..the powder coated didn’t change my grip at all. Now I have ordered another chrome since I want to perform someday and chrome is the standard. don’t mess w or pole…u will probably be sorry in the long run. have u ever tried Farmers Firm Hold Spray? u will stick like a fly on flypaper. I even spray it on my poles…..

  • Emikoisabella

    March 26, 2013 at 5:22 pm

    Lyme – I just ordered the Cramer spray, so I’m hoping that will help! 🙂

  • Lyme Lyte

    March 26, 2013 at 5:25 pm

    u will LOOOOVVE IT!!!!!

  • Dancing Paws

    March 27, 2013 at 12:35 pm

    Powder coat doesn't make a difference with sweaty hands. You wil most likely slide just as much. Just keep playing with grip aids. Try some Drity Girl Poletice first, then you can layer dry hands on top if you need to.

    I will note, that my hands slide equally on chrome, TG, stainless, and PC. Brass helps a little bit, but not a whole lot.

  • Juicy J

    March 27, 2013 at 9:21 pm

    Hi Emnemz,

    I completely feel your pain because this was me in the first 2.5 years of my pole-dancing journey! It was so bad that I wore hideous dishwashing gloves to class because they worked beautifully on the pole studio's Stainless Steel poles!
    My sweaty hands have only really started to improve drastically in the last 6 months or so and this was because I was consistent in my daily nightly application of Driclor before I went to sleep. I did this on both hands and feet and let it air dry and then went to sleep.

    Nowadays, I only have to do this every second night to maintain that level of dryness on my hands and feet and if I'm feeling especially sweaty, I might do this 2 nights in a row, then break for a night and then start again the following night.

    It has really helped me a lot + I use Dirty Girl Poletice (I'm so glad I got this shipped all the way from the US!! It is a MIRACLE product!!!!!) & Dry Hands on my hands and a bit of iTac2 on my legs.

    Also, keep in mind, certain floor surfaces may also add to your sweatiness. I learnt that carpet against my bare feet make my feet and hands sweat, whereas a tiled or wooden surface didn't! Very strange, huh?!
    I've even been so dry on wooden floors at another studio that I couldn't grip the pole and needed a way to get my hands and feet to get just that tiny bit sweaty in order to grip! Best way for this was to dab a tiny bit of hand cream on my hands and rub and wipe away any excess!

    Hang in there, darl. You WILL find something that works for you as I sort of have and couldn't be happier that I persevered to this extent!
    The improvement is really worth it!

  • Emikoisabella

    March 28, 2013 at 8:24 am

    Aerialgypsy and Juicy j -Thanks for the advice and the words of encouragement! I have tried DGP before and I still sweated through it, but maybe it will be different now since I have been using Drysol. I’ll try the DGP + Dry Hands combo too…hopefully that works! 🙂

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