Forums Discussions Should Kids Use The Pole?

  • mspretty1414

    August 30, 2013 at 9:13 pm

    My daughters have a blast on mine 🙂

  • tiggertail

    August 31, 2013 at 8:27 am

    Why not? My boys use to have my pole in the middle of their play room or in some way they had their toys all around my poel, not sure. And they even put some in the park, call them fireman pole so  i don't see why it would be a problem.

    I had a family party at my place once and the main attraction for all the kids was the pole, so much that parents start to play on it to…everybody love pole

  • dresdendoll

    August 31, 2013 at 7:39 pm

    I started pole classes at 15. Most of my friends thought it was really interesting and cool, but of course, I did encounter some who made stripper jokes. I think if the children are young, though, as you describe, peers in their age group wouldn't make fun of it. Plus, all I had to do was show them an Oona Kivela video, and then they finally saw pole as an art 🙂

  • ChevaleresseMommy

    September 1, 2013 at 1:28 pm

    My Kids are 2 boys(10 & 5) and 1 girl(1 1/2). All of them play on it. I find no harm in it at all. My 10 year old can do awesome stuff on it. No prior teaching.  My 5 year old is good to. My daughter runs around it, but I also will do pole moves and have her in my arms. When I stop and put her down she cries. Personally I don't see a problem with it. It is starting to become popular. Its not distasteful at all and I think its an amazing form of Art. And it shows the true power and strength of the female body and mind. Shows how strong we truly are. My Fiancee tried it and was so sore for next 2 days.

    To sum it up I feel its ok and personally I don't see any harm in kids doing it. I think it will make them more prepared for sports later in school. Plus it teaches that if you work hard, you can do amazing things. Just have to work hard. And as for the parents and what they think I feel its not their opinion. But thats my personal feelings.

  • ChevaleresseMommy

    September 1, 2013 at 1:28 pm

    My Kids are 2 boys(10 & 5) and 1 girl(1 1/2). All of them play on it. I find no harm in it at all. My 10 year old can do awesome stuff on it. No prior teaching.  My 5 year old is good to. My daughter runs around it, but I also will do pole moves and have her in my arms. When I stop and put her down she cries. Personally I don't see a problem with it. It is starting to become popular. Its not distasteful at all and I think its an amazing form of Art. And it shows the true power and strength of the female body and mind. Shows how strong we truly are. My Fiancee tried it and was so sore for next 2 days.

    To sum it up I feel its ok and personally I don't see any harm in kids doing it. I think it will make them more prepared for sports later in school. Plus it teaches that if you work hard, you can do amazing things. Just have to work hard. And as for the parents and what they think I feel its not their opinion. But thats my personal feelings.

  • Pole Mommy

    September 1, 2013 at 7:38 pm

    As a mother of 3 young children I have a strong opinion about this topic.  I have a pole in my home (actually in my bedroom) and do allow my children to play on it (they must ask permission and no inversions allowed without a spot). I use to worry about what their friends would go home and say when they came over to play (I do not allow my children's friends to play much on it just for safety reasons).  I figured if I got any flack for it I could handle any comment or remark that was made. However, my fear was that my children would not. So far, we have had very few negative remarks (for lack of better words) from me having a pole in my home.  Here is why I think.  First, I didn't hide it. My opinion is that we tend to hide things we fear or are ashamed of.  If I, as a woman, a mother and a wife, made a choice to do pole dancing/pole fitness then I should be proud. Proud that I have decided to challenge myself physically, mentally and socially.  Yes socially. I say this because I am not foolish or stupid.  I understand that pole dancing is 100% associated with strippers.  I knew that people would think I was going to "stripper class". I knew that the first reaction from people would be the deer in the headlights look followed up with the uncomfortable pause and then the "oh, um……I hear that it's ummm good exercise". My response is an honest one.  I would say yes, it is good exercise but a whole lot more.  I could get a good workout just going to the gym.  Pole is more than exercise.  It is a personal journey of growth and empowerment….the extra benefit and bonus is the good exercise and physical fitness.  I don't ever try to hide the sexy (when I'm in the appropriate forum).  I don't believe to be sexy or sensual is a bad thing.  In fact, as women, we should consider it a gift.  To be secure in our own skin no matter our age, race, weight or size is sexy. Sexy is not selling sex as a tool or a weapon…that's insecurity and uncertainty.  SOOO, the long and short of it is that I don't make pole dancing about sex nor do I hide it. I am just honest about it.  My eldest knows what a stripper is and does (my other two are still too young to fully understand).  My eldest is a pre-teen boy.  Do his friends come over and get wide eyed sometimes? Yes, but my son seems to be able to make it a non-issue.  His response usually is so nonchalant that his friends forget about the pole within the first few minutes (unless they decide to try and climb).  My kids will often say "mom, show us your new tricks". At home I usually practice pole tricks and leave the sexy for pole class.  The sexy side of pole has a place,  and is a great part of pole dancing.  I think for the most part common sense is what should prevail.  I'm not going to put a sexy song on and start grinding the pole in front of my kids.  I do dance in front of them , as well as practice tricks and flow. My hope is that open communication and honestly with my children will enable them to understand, have a healthy view of sexuality and an appreciation for hard work.  I also hope that keeping our lines of communication open and honest will allow them to come to me should questions arise about pole dancing or any other issue that comes their way as a result of me being a pole dancing mommy. Good luck to you and know that sometimes husbands take a little bit more time adjusting to their wives being pole dancers (this is another discussion unto itself). Keep the lines of communication open with your husband and kids (if they are old enough to understand) and be respectful of their feeling.

  • scubagirl

    September 1, 2013 at 8:17 pm

    Thank you everyone for your posts! You have all inspired me thru your confidence and strength! My pole is back up and I plan on leaving it up! 🙂

  • Mhoney

    September 3, 2013 at 9:31 am

    My boyfriend has a 9 year old girl and she loves playing on the monkey bars and poles at school. She didn't know anything about me going to pole class and one day I saw her run up to a parking sign and do a fireman spin. It was really eye opening and made me realize that a big reason why I enjoy pole is because it reminds me of being a kid again. Swinging yourself around without fear is a sensation I hadn't experienced since childhood on the monkey bars. When we go to playgrounds we search for poles to do tricks on. The rest of our kids are younger so it's a way to make it fun for her to hang out with little ones at playgrounds and it's great exercise for her. There's no connotation or stigma for her. She's totally innocent and it's fun. The adults are the ones that try to put something on it or see something dirty in it. 

    So when her mother found out I have a pole and her daughter has been playing on it she kind of freaked out. My response is that her daughter likes to play on bars at the playground at school everyday and she likes to dance. Maybe some dance lessons would be nice for her. I also tried calling it my 'vertical bar' which sounds so silly but I thought maybe it would help to call it by another name because clearly she was in a very negative judgmental place. Not sure how else to handle it. She's not my daughter, her father doesn't have a problem with it (he totally sees the fitness part of it for both of us) and it's not like I'm going to take my pole down. I wonder if the mother would have reacted if she found out the I've been teaching her daughter how to belly dance…So sad that people are still so closed minded about anything that could be remotely connected to sex.

  • moonlitmare

    September 3, 2013 at 1:34 pm

    My daughter's 6. She loves to show me up on my pole. Its amazing how flexible she is. 

    We do have some rules. She's not allowed to play on it when I'm not around.  I have a tendency not to do a lot of twerking or grinding around my pole when she's there.  So many other things to work on I can save the rump shaking practice for dad. 

    When we 1st started out I told her the pole is our secret. Now, I'm the one who's getting lazy about keeping that up. I go back n forth with ah the heck with it i'm proud i can hang by my feet or keeping it to myself and enjoying having a little privacy in my life..inspite of the mainstream adoption of corporate philosopy we have the right to know everything about you or you're not a team player.  For the most part I follow the don't ask unless you want to be told policy. I do post on fbt my street poling pics and my progress trying to put my feet on my head. I dont caption it doing this for my pole but they can figure it out

    My biggest worry is I'll never get the chance to explain my veiw to another parent & my kid will be shunned over it. As much as I'd like to say screw those other parents if they don't like it, the fact is I have a bit more experience in defending myself than my 6yr old. Obviously i can't shadow her all the time and she may not fare to well against a gang full of students or a disapproving teacher that heard about mom's pole. I've already had a row with this teacher over my priorities…can't wait til she sets up some group project and the kids come back telling her about the pole.

    Its an eventuality, I'll deal with it when it happens. Hopefully, I've prepared my daughter well enough to hold her own and of course she knows I've got her back.


  • Jacki C

    September 4, 2013 at 4:56 pm

    I LOVE that meme!!

  • moonlitmare

    September 4, 2013 at 10:53 pm

    love the meme…stealing…hope thats ok


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