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Posted by branquinha on April 5, 2009 at 2:55 amI hurt my shoulder about 20 days ago – I stopped poling but had to keep working so it hasn’t really been a full rest to my tendonitis. Anyway, I want to get back to dancing and was wondering if you guys would have suggestions of what to do in order to get back without putting pressure on my shoulders – I can’t seem to think of many things I can do and yet I am dying to get back.
branquinha replied 15 years, 11 months ago 3 Members · 6 Replies -
6 Replies
See a sports Dr to find out what won’t put pressure on the injury.
I tightened my shoulder capsule and the big thing for me is to keep my shoulders down and back and also keeping my upper arm no more than 90degrees from my body when doing stretches. Also ensure that when doing the across body stretch with your arms, that the shoulders are in alignment and you don’t have one shoulder under your ear. That again places strain on the joint and doesn’t give a very good stretch. My GP has a Masters in Sports medicine and gives me great exercises when I get injured.
We send all our girls there for pole related injuries as he’s amazing. Very dry and funny. Doesn’t blink when he gets told it’s another pole injury. Fixed dislocated metatarsals in 5 minutes! She’d been limping for weeks and he fixes her problem in 5 minutes. -
Thanks Rouge.
I have been treating my shoulder – I’ve seen a Dr and I am doing some physio, but now that I am getting better I am not sure if I can pole or what I can actually do on the pole right now. Pole dance is not big here in Brazil at all, so people can’t really advise me on pole matters. In any way, your tips were very helpful, so thanks again for writing! -
Please don’t rush back into poling…the shoulders can be easily injured in pole dance, without proper form and strength. Your Physical therapist might not have any idea what pole dance is so you may have to show them how you would hold your arms up for different move and explain as best as you can they types of moves you do. Spins are very hard on the shoulders, climbs and most inverts too. I’m not sure how advanced you are? I’m sure you dieing to get back on the pole but take it slow… I would work on transitions, floor work and flexibility. One you get the go ahead from your PT or DR then you can work on this strength training exercise. -
Thanks Veena.
I think you are right – I am sort of wanting to rush back to it but it is probably a bit early and also my duty to ‘educate’ the physiotherapist as to what I’d do on the pole.
Thanks for the video link too. -
Transitions are great to work with the pole, so I have to second Veena.
But def go see a sports Dr for some tips and explain what you do.Use some Samba steps in the transitions, we’ve introduced a Latin based dance fitness class which has helped the girls heaps. They’re also using a lot of Zouk and chacha moves. It’s mainly Cuban based, but it’s still a great way to use non-weight bearing moves in a routine – and if you’re like any Latin American I’ve ever met, the chance of you not knowing how to salsa at the very least is remote.
If you can get some arnica and synphitum, that will help heal the injury. Arnica reduces swelling and bruising and synphitum addresses bones and soft tissue. Drops are the way to go, but don’t take them within 15 minutes of coffee or mint products.
Thanks again Rouge and Veena for the responses.
I guess I’ll be trying to do some floor work,the sexy transitions I never bothered learning well and I’ll work on flexibility too – lots to do anyway.
Rouge, yes, I do latin dances – samba, forró, salsa, Brazilian zouk/lambada, tango (I have only formally learned the non-Brazilian ones, namely salsa and tango, though). I guess they have helped me with pole and I would like to see/hear how you incorporate them in your routines.
Thanks again – I guess I am less impatient now, so you really helped!
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