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Shoulder Mount Grips! Which one for what move…?
Angie La replied 12 years, 10 months ago 14 Members · 45 Replies
It seems one could also invent their own grip so don’t worry if you have your hands switched, Tiggertail. I had no idea I was not using the right hand placement and have thought I was using the veena grip all along. I am just a lost pole dancer… Haha!
I also remember watching this video when learning to shoulder mount, she shows most of the grips described here (some named differently, but still)
Looks like cup grip, forward/Chinese/double thumbs up, Veena grip, claw grip, twisted grip
I love the Cup Grip for SM Dismount and Stalls and the Veena Grip for Sm Flip and for slippery days 🙂
The Princess Grip is great for some combos and I like it for SM Splits
The forward/chinese grip feels uncomfortable for me and I think it´s not sooo pretty. I also like the elbow grip, but haven´t done it a lot
No, they are different grips. The Veena grip is also referred to as Safe or Flip grip – cup grip with hand on the same side as the shoulder, forward grip with the other hand.
Someone described Princess grip earlier as the shoulder side hand extended up the pole and the other hand with a cup grip. -
Ah, thanks…re-reading I see my question was already covered, too. I need some flashcards with grips and pole moves.
Or you could use the new gallery here. It works on your phone too 😉
Does the princess grip have another name? I didn't see it in the gallery (looking for 'princess grip').
Don’t quote me on this, but I think it might also be called the Candy grip. That’s what it’s called at Bobbi’s anyway. And Felix started out training at Bobbi’s didn’t she? (Apologies if I’m mistaken!)
Shoulder mount, princess grip. This is the grip I have been using, so the name is already taken. Darn!
nope, my long arm is gripping the pole from the front… Still an odd ball.
I'm so glad for this topic, I hadn't practiced veena grip in a while. Practiced it today for super sm. Will post clips soon to make sure I'm doing it correctly and for tips. I really, really like the veena grip. Just need to figure out how to do sm flip with it now.
No, JelliCrew, that's not the princess grip you've been doing…your hand is not gripping the pole from behind, but rather from the front. The princess grip your hand is behind like in the video….this grip can be nice to use too, but not everyone has the shoulder range of motion for it.
Oh just saw your 2nd post! LOL You already figured it out.
To use tue Princess grip, or the odd ball grip…? I keep stopping in my “dancing” and kept focusing on the grips. I just don’t want to be doing something stupid, and someone wonder, “what the heck was that???”. Then I decided I don’t care… I’ll try not to. Ive had an really awkward pole week so I need a few days off, I think. Pole blues, sigh.
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