Forums Discussions Shoulder Mount unsafe???

  • MissJulie

    January 8, 2010 at 2:19 am

    I don’t do hack squats or standing calf raises at the gym because I believe these compress my spine and I already have scoliosis. However, I’ve never felt any pressure or pain doing the shoulder mount. The pole rests pretty comfortably on my trap and I’ve never been bruised from it. There’s occasional soreness, but this is usually in my back, serratus, and obliques which seems like very normal workout related soreness. What i CAN see is the ‘unsafeness’? of the shoulder mount grip which is traditionally a cup grip and doesn’t have the stability of a full grip, however there are alternative grips.

    Out of all my students however…. I have yet to have a student who I feel is advanced enough to teach the shoulder mount to, I have to say. Sometimes a girl will come in for a workshop with a more advanced teacher who can SM, but usually these are teachers from other cities who have moved to Austin.

    I think people need to be taught how to fall properly too. It’s not enough to know they can do the move. I’m at the point where I’m just used to falling and lately practice falling out of extended butterfly… I land like a cat and somehow flip over to land on my butt every time, I just don’t want to do a move like that on a hardwood floor until I can gracefully cartwheel out of it

  • joni1

    January 13, 2010 at 4:10 am

    I guess I’m lucky, we have a great instructor /owner of our fitness studio who lets us come in and show and try any advance moves we saw on you tube or dvds. We are at the master pro level class and we each bought our own crash mats. When ever we have a new advance acrobatic type of move, we explain to her what we are about to do and she spots us with our mats. She never limit our learning but guides us. We all progressed very well as a result. We are thought to tuck our head towards our chest when we are falling and grab the pole as fast as we can. We practice moves like superman fall from the top of the pole, SM Flip, chartwheel mounts spinning scorpio , etc..

  • Bex

    January 13, 2010 at 4:54 am

    I guess I’m lucky, we have a great instructor /owner of our fitness studio who lets us come in and show and try any advance moves we saw on you tube or dvds. We are at the master pro level class and we each bought our own crash mats. When ever we have a new advance acrobatic type of move, we explain to her what we are about to do and she spots us with our mats. She never limit our learning but guides us. We all progressed very well as a result. We are thought to tuck our head towards our chest when we are falling and grab the pole as fast as we can. We practice moves like superman fall from the top of the pole, SM Flip, chartwheel mounts spinning scorpio , etc..

    We "used to" be like this. Every week we were coming into class with new tricks we saw online here at SV or Youtube and we’d all work together to figure out how to safely spot and execute the trick. We’d (sometimes literally) mold our instructor into position and then she’d come back the next week and teach us what we were try to do.

    Now we have to wait until the owner of the studio has approved the trick and be officially be taught by instructors rather than suggesting new moves.

  • moonflower

    January 15, 2010 at 6:37 pm

    Terp, I second what was already said about the studio labelling them unsafe because THEY don’t know how to teach it probably and is worried about lawsuits and what not. And I think it makes matter worse because the students will still try them, except instead of trying them at the studio with a spotter, they will try them alone at home.

    At the studio I use to belong to, one instructor was great and would help use with moves we saw online. If she was unfamiliar with it, she practiced until she was and we will all improve on it together.

    On ther hadn there was an instructor that was very strict about what was allowed to be done in her class. There was a list she taught and she will tell you it is wrong if you did a variation taught by another instructor. She also didn’t expand upon her list with new moves. Instead of adding the moves to her lessons, she will just claim they were " too advanced" and therefore won’t be taught. As a result a scorpio(they called it something else at the studio) was taught but a gemini was "too advanced"…funny because I learned the gemini first.

    I think it happend becuase "sensual fitness" exploded like a fad and business minded people are rushing to make a buck off or two off of it. As a result, many studios were opened by owners who dont; knwo much about the sport. Also, some of these studios only require girls to take a course (costly ofcourse) to be an instructor. Some of these instructors can only do what they teach. This is one of the reasons I left the studio. There was only 2 instructors there who truly know what they were doing.

  • SaschaPoles

    January 17, 2010 at 12:36 am

    edit! i quoted wrong lol

  • SaschaPoles

    January 17, 2010 at 12:37 am

    Any pole move could cause injury….just the act of walking down steps could cause a fall!

    ahh. so true.

    i tripped UP the stairs tonight with the grace and elegance of an elephant just a few minutes ago.

    living IS dangerous!!!! lol

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