Forums Discussions Shoulder injury advice

  • Shoulder injury advice

    Posted by klarity on June 19, 2010 at 1:19 pm

    Hi everyone!

    I’m new to pole dance and have recently encountered a mild shoulder injury. I think I encountered it after 1) not warming up properly 2) "jumping" while I spin. While I am making adequate time to warm up now my shoulder ahsn’t 100% healed. I find though when its warm and I excercise I experience no pain, however, the next day its a little sore again. Should I stop completly doing all excercises (pole, gym, ) that involve my shoulders or is it okay to do what im doing because it doesnt seem to hurt when its warmed up properly…only afterwards. It’s a little conflicting as you can tell and I have mixed feelings. Also, how long does it take to usually heal up? It’s on a ligament near a rotator cuff muscle. Very slight, but I can feel that "pinch" evey now and again.


    Maria-Elena Kadala replied 14 years, 9 months ago 4 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • JenLFG

    June 20, 2010 at 5:10 am

    i had a similar thing happen to me when i tried to do a reverse grip spin, my arm was tingly/numb/achy & i stayed off the pole for a few weeks. i thought that would be much better than injuring myself more, especially since i wasn’t really sure what i had done & i didn’t want to cause any permanent damage or have to have surgery to fix something so i think taking it easy for a few days/weeks is the best thing you can do & if you still have pain go to your doctor…

  • Angel1201

    June 20, 2010 at 12:53 pm

    I’d let it heal. Little injuries can turn into bigger ones. Pay attention to your pain and respect that it’s a signal from your body to take it easy. When I had tendonitis in my forearm, I avoided handsprings, spins, and inverts and focused on my floor work and sensual dance movement around the pole. There is a lot you can do without straining your shoulder. Good luck!

  • klarity

    June 21, 2010 at 7:06 pm

    Awesome! that makes sense though. If its hurting ina painful way…..something is wrong. I will work on my floorwork, flexibilty and strength ..gonna be ard staying away tho..

  • Angel1201

    June 21, 2010 at 11:53 pm

    Hey Klarity, I forgot to add that you could work on shoulder strengthening. Veena has lessons I think, so check them out. Otherwise, here is a great video Fleur made:

  • klarity

    June 26, 2010 at 8:37 pm

    These are great. I got resistance badns the otehr day to work on these movements. So, I’m off the shoulders…and staying away from the pole. Is it ok to do weight lifting and strength training (including shoulder) like in veena and fleurs excercises ? Or do I need to quit that too?
    Thanks for the help🙂 love this website…

  • klarity

    July 26, 2010 at 1:15 pm

    I decided to post an update incase there are any dancers that have or might come across this thread dealing with shoulder injuries. It’s been roughly a month and my injury just kept getting "re-injured" , or at least it felt that way. i stopped excercising and poling from the advice of Veena. I never felt much of an improvment until I started doing hot and cold therapy ( Veena’s advice) and also started taking anti inflammatories.
    The other news is that I never had a shoulder injury! I went to see a sports injury specialist/orthopedic surgeon that didn some tests and X-rays. He said my shoulders are fine, and I actually have bicep tendonitis!Nothing looked torn.

    I told him the inflammation comes and goes (improved a lot since I have been treating it). I mentioned that when I do weights at the gym it doesn’t hurt, but after the gym…give or take a few hours it hurts a lot!..that dull ache…. He said aslong as it doesn’t hurt at the gym while performing specific excercises it isn’t a bad thing. He thinks its good to start working out "lightly" to build up strength. The pain I feel afterwards is just my bodies inflammatory response kicking in . Doctor said that was actually a good sign? I’d love to hear anyone else’s opinion?

  • Maria-Elena Kadala

    July 26, 2010 at 1:42 pm

    The other news is that I never had a shoulder injury! I went to see a sports injury specialist/orthopedic surgeon that didn some tests and X-rays. He said my shoulders are fine, and I actually have bicep tendonitis! Nothing looked torn.

    Interesting you mention this what — I thought was a knee problem (for having damaged miniscus, years ago) turned out to be an injured quadriceps that made it so tight it was pulling my knee-cap. My massage therapist sorted that me, and recommended some stretches between appts.

    Strengthening and stretching properly are SO important — boring, but injuries happen if we don’t maintain the equipment properly!

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