Forums Discussions Shoulder mount…

  • heathalynne

    April 13, 2011 at 8:47 am

    Yup that's why they say respect grip is cheating. B/c it's less strength/core and just like regular flipping. Easier.

    Felix is using princess grip in this vid. Inside hand with thumb facing down and outside hand with TG and thumb facing up. 1:15

    Is that the one you guys were talking about?

  • amy

    April 13, 2011 at 9:33 am

    different grips work different strengths. if you're bicep strong, use double cupped. if you're pec strong, try double forward (chinese grip). 

    thinking of the pole as a javelin that you are trying to throw helps a lot. working on your SM from a sit on the floor with straight legs, or in a tuck, ensures that you aren't kicking. i don't think anyone should be kicking into a SM, period, and the respect/princess grips make it very easy to do so.

    i would strongly recommend against princess grip… it's an easy transition out of spin pole moves, but it's a horrible position for your wrist.

  • heathalynne

    April 13, 2011 at 2:55 pm

    So wait, I'm all types of confused. LOL! The respect grip and princess grip are the same? Then that's not the cheating grip. It's actually harder than cupped hands.

    Is chinese grip with both thumbs facing up and fingers in front of the pole? If yes, that's the "cheating grip" I was referring to.

  • ottersocks

    April 13, 2011 at 3:09 pm

    SM in a double cup grip scared the crap out of me at the beginning so I mastered it with the inside hand cupped, outside hand thumb up on front of pole–I think that's what you're calling the Veena grip…?

    And then Pantera came to our studio, and in her own special way, called me right out! Her opinion: if you can't do it in double cup grip (which is the most anatomically neutral way), you're not strong enough to be doing it period. Immediately switched to double cup! 😉

    That's a little harsher than my thinking, but I do try to only teach double cup now, unless I have a girl who's just too freaked out about it. Definitely don't want to be kicking up into this one, practicing it from the floor (while harder) builds your strength to do it without momentum. Think about pulling your elbows together and down–the pull comes from the lats and back of arms. 

  • Veena

    April 13, 2011 at 3:19 pm

    Otter….the Veena grip is more difficult than the Cup in my opinion… as in, takes more strength at the beginning phase of the move, and its also much safer at the top of the move.  The thumb is not in front of the pole, it wraps around, but knuckles are facing away from the body. It is also a pretty neutral grip, if you have the ability to raise your arm over your head… twisting needed

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