Forums Discussions Shoulder mount from backhook/back spin

  • Shoulder mount from backhook/back spin

    Posted by PoleTickles on December 1, 2009 at 1:22 pm


    I saw this move in the Irish heats of Pole Divas and would absolutely LOVE to get it – it looked fab. But I haven’t seen it anywhere else. Its a swing to back spin/back hook with normal grip then changing grip to shoulder mount grip while spinning and then doing the shoulder mount – but all very very fast.
    If anyone can do this do you have any tips on how to do it? Think the shoulder mount grip needs to be changed slightly? Would love to have this in time for the Pole Princess comp on Dec 13th but I may be dreaming here

    Thanks everyone!

    PoleTickles replied 15 years, 3 months ago 8 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • azriel

    December 1, 2009 at 1:29 pm

    I can only do the spinning part of this, up to changing the hand grip for SM, but can’t lift myself up into it yet. To change the grip, i just bring my bottom hand up mid-spin, and slightly adjust my top arm to where it’s comfortable in order for my back to be against the pole. Sorry i know that didn’t help much, i hope someone else who can actually do the whole move can help you out! I’d love to hear some tips on this as well!

  • Mary Ellyn

    December 1, 2009 at 2:18 pm

    I"ve not seen that combo but we call the switch from the reverse hook to the reverse carousel.

    It can be difficul for some to get their shoulder to clear the pole – if so, you need to get more momentum into your reverse hook, so that your body extends further away from the pole allowing your shoulder to clear it.

    It looks really cool if you do carousel – reverse hook – reverse carousel.

    Now I’ve got to add the shoulder mount!!!

  • SissyBuns

    December 1, 2009 at 2:24 pm

    I’ve seen that combo before and I love it. I think the move before you shoulder mount is called a figurehead. I’ve just started working on going from back hook to figure head, that’s the tricky part for me…

  • PoleTickles

    December 1, 2009 at 2:55 pm

    Thanks guys
    Will work on getting more speed and my hands right first and then pulling up into the shoulder mount from there. Fingers crossed!

  • PhillyPoleJess

    December 1, 2009 at 8:51 pm the trick starts around :30

    Although i highly recommend learning to shoulder mount on both sides, you will be wanting to use your dominant shoulder mount to learn this. Since using my right shoulder, i start the spin with my left side or vice versa left shoulder, right handed spin.

    Get into your back hook, take the inside/lower arm out bring it around the front of the pole, and cup it same as you would in a shoulder mount. at this point your body should shift a little so that your back is on the pole. take the top hand turn it over and get ready to shoulder mount.

    What really helped me get this move was practicing the arm movements while standing on the floor. It created muscle memory and made doing it while spinning much easier!

  • PoleTickles

    December 2, 2009 at 12:54 pm

    Your vid is brilliant! Thats great having a vid of it to replay and really see how the hands go – thank you! Determined to get this one

  • Veena

    December 3, 2009 at 3:46 am

    I did that move in my last video, I missed this thread yesterday I would have posted it well here it is anyway…..this is just one of the ways I do this combo.

  • deetron

    December 3, 2009 at 12:55 pm

    I love this move too!! Similar I can only do the hand change, still to be able to shoulder mount from it!! Good luck PoleTickles.. hope you get it for Pole Princess.. I’ll be watchin’ Then maybe next time I share a pole with you, you can show me how!! ;-P

  • PoleTickles

    December 4, 2009 at 12:34 pm

    Thanks Veena -beautiful vid!
    Dee – I’m still struggling with the hands! But I’ve 9 days and a Jenyne Masterclass between now and comp so not giving up yet Any plans to get back to the upside downs so we will be sharing a pole again?

  • deetron

    December 4, 2009 at 6:52 pm

    Oooh you’re going to Jenyne, PoleTickles!! Caroline is going to one of her master classes too.. on.. Tuesday… maybe? I’m goin to a Jenyne aerial hoop/silks master class on Friday (in Stoke)!! I can’t wait!! I love the hoop!!!

    I’ll have to try make my way back to upside downs class at some stage.. when I’m richer! I miss you guys!!
    Sure I’ll see you at Pole Princess. Best of luck!!

  • amcut

    December 4, 2009 at 7:15 pm

    Fleur does that one pretty hot, too.

    I wouldn’t mind just getting into the SM position, since it looks so sexy, but I feel like my torso is a huge massive monster thing that wont move accordingly.

  • PoleTickles

    December 5, 2009 at 11:38 pm

    Deetron – I cant wait!!!! Going over with Vanessa – flying over first thing in the morn and back that night Lisa is going too – from LA Fitness.. I posted a thing on here about it saying about the aerial hoops and that you would like that – thats deadly you are going! She is amazing!!!
    Amcut – you will get it – think its one of those moves that everyone struggles with as it really works your abs-not to mention the shoulder pain when your learning it – but its worth it when you get it -which you will I’m still struggling with the arms on this combo but working on it – everyone on here is brilliant with tips and vid links

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