Forums Discussions Shoulder mount frustration

  • Shoulder mount frustration

    Posted by kittyface on April 28, 2015 at 3:55 am

    I was wondering if anyone has a similar experience with this… I had a day maybe a month or two ago where I got my first shoulder mount, and I nailed five shoulder mounts in a row before not being able to do it anymore. Since then it’s been so hit-or-miss it’s frustrating. For a while I was getting it maybe a third of the time, and while I think that number is going up, it’s still so hit-or-miss.

    I was thinking it’s a core strength issue, since I’ve always gotten to a certain height before I just grab onto the pole with my feet and pull myself up =P Then again, I can aerial invert no problem, and I got it so many times the first day I did it, so I’m not sure if it’s a strength issue or if I just need to commit to it and not get freaked out… I’m not sure, anyone have a similar experience on this?

    Phoenix Hunter replied 9 years, 10 months ago 7 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • AllysonKendal

    April 28, 2015 at 7:42 am

    Everytime I have shoulder mount issues I find that it’s a grip issue. I know I have the strength… But something in my brain stops me from committing to it. Usually if I grip up or warm up I get that extra leverage and things improve greatly. I find the mighty grip gloves awesome for shoulder mounts 🙂

  • Suz Sweeney

    April 28, 2015 at 4:10 pm

    Work on shoulder dismount. Slow and controlled. Always reverse engineer the trick to gain eccentric strength. I haven’t seen you do it, but usually its spinal flexion that is missing on the roll up into the pole.
    Master trainer

  • zoilife6233

    April 28, 2015 at 5:12 pm

    Baby Dragon
    I’ve been experiencing the same thing 5 months ago. You are over thinking it. Your body already done it so its in a muscle memory. Now think of your stomach muscles curling into a ball and when you lift yourself don’t go all the way up but hold urself and lower with control. Cant do straight legs right away. Do from a tuck position. Then one leg straight and one tucked. Will look discent just point your toes. Then think of a helicopter move from shoulder mount but use Veena’s grip. Watch for your collar bone. Don’t overdo it
    Pretty soon it will became your favourite.

  • Yayo

    April 29, 2015 at 10:36 am

    I had that same problem a long time ago. It was because of core, hand position and a mind thing especially since I hurt my rotator. Try it from the floor. This is a good way to build your body back up or also good if it’s a mind set. Get into a squat position and try it from there or like @Suz Sweeney mention try reverse engineering. So get into your pencil, quarter turn, and try to shoulder mount from there.

    Also, if you are using a cup grip, don’t forget to really pull forward and don’t keep it as high. Also, try to putting your leg back to give you montmomentum. This will help. Once you get the hang of it, you won’t need to do that. Attached is a picture of what I mean. If you need to see a video you can subscribe to my Instagram (@LifeOfAPoleTrick) and I can tag you on it.


  • Rachel Osborne

    April 29, 2015 at 3:54 pm

    For cup grip shoulder mount, it helps me to imagine I am yanking the pole out of the floor and throwing it across the room like a javelin; this engages deep core and back and chest muscles as well as the biceps and shoulders. And use breath: exhale as you pull hard on the pole, drawing knees to shoulders like a backwards roll

  • Phoenix Hunter

    April 29, 2015 at 5:11 pm

    yes, shoulder mount is hit and miss for me. I think my problem is in my head. someone told me to think of pulling to pole to my body instead of thinking of lifting my body up to the pole and when I really think of that, I seem to get it. If I pretend I’m trying to break the pole in half it helps. I have to check to make sure my elbows are pulling down and not flaring out. I’m struggling with shoulder mounts too. 🙁 seems to work better when my mind is right.

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