Forums Discussions Shoulder pain?

  • Shoulder pain?

    Posted by London on June 15, 2009 at 2:15 am

    Okay so I’m new to pole dancing and I know that as I work on building strength and learning new moves there’s gonna be some soreness. And I’ve definitely been adhering to all the safety precautions Veena teaches such as always warming up, keeping a balance between training both sides, and keeping my shoulders back and down. But sometimes I find after a few spins that my right (dominant) shoulder hurts a bit and I can’t tell if it’s just muscle soreness or joint pain. I think maybe I start off with my shoulder in the correct position but am somehow allowing it to come up during the spin and get out of place? I reeeeeeeally love pole dancing and reeeeeeeally don’t want to injure myself so early on in such a preventable way, and I’m trying my best to do everything right but I’m still not sure if I’m on a path to injury! I know it might be hard to diagnose something like that without watching me but it’s kind of an awkward thing to ask a doctor haha so I was hoping some of you might have some advice?? Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    purplelady replied 15 years, 9 months ago 5 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • glitterhips

    June 15, 2009 at 2:28 am

    Im not too sure about the shoulder pain but you should have it looked at by a doctor if youre in pain in case it is joint related, ive had pole injuries and i just say i hurt it lifting weights or working out, theyll never know the difference!

  • Rouge_LAmour

    June 15, 2009 at 9:50 am

    I told my Dr exactly how I’d hurt my shoulder, he didn’t even blink.

    I’d not kept mine down and back and when stretching had my elbow higher than my shoulder, which caused all the problems.

    Go see a reputable Dr, if you were in Wellington, I’d give you my one’s name.

  • London

    June 15, 2009 at 9:45 pm

    Okay yeah I guess I had better just go see a doctor, much better safe than sorry!!!

    BUT in the meantime I have found a bit of a remedy! I mentioned my problem to my boyfriend because he is a personal trainer, and he said it looks like the problem is in my rotator cuff (I think?? Haha I don’t remember all the muscle names he used but I think that was the main one) Anyway he showed me a way to strengthen it and after just trying that a few times it actually felt better!! Apparently I may have stretched it so that it wasn’t keeping my shoulder in place as well, and by doing that exercise it tightened up so that it had proper placement again.

    Anyway I’m still going to go to the doctor but if anyone else is interested in the exercise he showed me, the way to do it is to stand with the pole slightly in front and to one side of you, then make a fist with your inside hand and place the back of your wrist against the pole with your elbow tucked in and touching your side–at this point your body should be straight but leaning slightly against the pole. Then without moving your elbow from your side, use your shoulder muscles to push your body away from the pole. You will only move a little bit each time, otherwise your elbow will come away from your body, but it is enough to feel the muscles working really well. Once I get some video I’ll try to post one of me doing it because it’ll probably be easier to understand that way.

    Hopefully that was helpful to somebody out there!!

  • purplelady

    June 15, 2009 at 10:16 pm

    Please do post a video. I think I could benefit from it so much. I don’t really have pain but a lot of stiffness and I think this could help.

  • Veena

    June 15, 2009 at 10:24 pm
  • London

    June 15, 2009 at 11:54 pm

    Thanks so much Veena, I’m gonna start doing those too.

    And yeah purplelady I will hopefully have that video of the other exercise up by tomorrow (along with maybe my first dancing vid too! Yay!!)

  • purplelady

    June 16, 2009 at 12:05 am

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