Forums Discussions Signs of hamstring Injury vs normal fatigue while flexibility training?

  • Signs of hamstring Injury vs normal fatigue while flexibility training?

    Posted by Amilocks on March 21, 2014 at 10:50 pm

    I’ve been practicing lots of flexibility things recently trying to get my splits, but I’ve also had this sensation in my hamstrings for the past few days.
    It isn’t painful but when I’m stretching it starts feeling like it might ‘pop’ if I push myself (so I have been more careful and not stretched as far) and I have been able to feel it more than normal when walking (it’s both sides)

    How can you tell when it is muscle damage rather than normal fatigue? How can I help it recover and regain it’s normal flexibility? Any tips to prevent further injury or damage?

    Thank you 🙂

    RockNAngel replied 10 years, 12 months ago 4 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • RockNAngel

    March 22, 2014 at 2:38 am

    I am not an expert by far I had a slight strain in my hamstring and if I describe my pain I’m hoping it will help you decipher… I had pain not when stretching but when I would stand up and bring my heel to my butt… Almost like warming up for running and kicking your heels to your butt to warm up… So I know that is a sign of a strain… If you need ideas for PT I still have all of that info 🙂

  • Meg Smith

    March 22, 2014 at 2:44 am

    STOPPPPPP!!!! 😀 I didn’t listen and i tore my hamstring form consent stretching…AS my muscles fatigue turned into damage… It needs time to heal itself in between stretches, now when i see these 30ay challenges i just cringe knowing body’s needs days in between to recover (most people do – unless you very flexible already). I had my splits flat now im a good foot away from the floor – All because i did not take a couple of days break at let my self heal. I my seem a bit dramatic but you really dont what to tear it (it comes with 3 very loud pops that makes me cringe when i think about it)it made it very impossible to sit down comfortable or walk comfortably…. 4 months on its still not quite right. I wont stretch anymore then 4 days a week now.
    My only advice is listen to your body (advice i need to take myself as well haha) and when lowing yourself into your splits dont lean to one side (used to be a bad habit of mine too which im sure did not help one bit) x

  • RockNAngel

    March 22, 2014 at 2:49 am

    Good advice megsmith!!! I was lucky that I took care of mine when it was a slight strain because I hear the horror stories all the time and hamstrings take forever to heal… Mine was very minute and it took almost a month!

  • Amilocks

    March 22, 2014 at 10:20 am

    Thank you both for your advice! I am currently only doing 3 days a week of stretching so I did not think I could damage anything with that! But I will take a break until they stop feeling funny. (Except for pole lessons ;P ) Do you think it would help bandaging it up for support or anything?

  • Veena

    March 22, 2014 at 10:44 am

    You can never go wrong by listening to your body, for now you could try foam rolling or using a tennis ball on the area that seems tight. Be sure you’re fully warmed up when you do stretch. If the sensation doesn’t go away talk with a DR. 🙂

  • RockNAngel

    March 22, 2014 at 6:34 pm

    Also strengthening the muscle as opposes to only stretching so leg lifts or stand facing your pole tie an elastic band around ankle and pole and pull your leg backwards it will make ur butt look amazing too!!! 🙂

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