› Forums › Discussions › Size does NOT matter in pole(video) :)
I agree that a lot has to do with diet. But that’s not the case for everyone. During my chemo I gained a lot of weight. After being declared healthy I started teaching cardio classes again. Between November 2010 and December 2012 I had lost about 15 lbs. I was teaching 12 classes a week some weeks, but didn’t do strength or resistance. That had to change. At the beginning if 2013 I started teaching resistance training 3 times a week and a little less cardio. Few months later I found pole. I lost 30 lbs in 6 months. With also changing my diet. So for me diet was important. On top of that I am in hormone treatment. Side effect weight gain. I have hypothyroidism. Makes it harder to loose weight, but not impossible. And I have kept it of. And being a healthy weight has stabilized my thyroid hormones.
I having been working out 5-7days a week for 6months consistently. 3-4 of those days are pole, 2 days of cardio with flexibility training. Before this I was working out 4-5 days with step aerobics combined with light weight training. I have not lost ANY weight. I have gained strength, flexibility, and stamina but I have not dropped any dress sizes. my eating has changed a little bit. I think I work out enough but my eating probably needs to improve more. everybody’s body responds differently. I don’t agree that my case is a lack of movement dancingqueans. I wish it was because I would be rail thin and ripped by now. Hormones also have a big affect on weight loss and gain. what works for one person may not work for another. I know women who run daily and even train for marathons who just seem to stay overweight. but they can run marathons! something I’ve never been able to do…
I find age for me has been a factor – the importance of food versus exercise was much less when I was in my twenties but the balance has changed as I got closer to 30 and went past it (am 34 now), so how I eat has a bigger impact on my weight/size than it did previously. And I’m a runner as well as a poler and I have seen plenty of runners who are larger than me run better and faster!
We all have different bodies….. but I do realize that when I say eat what you want I don’t mean heap on the pile of food. serving size!
sassafrassle, I think age is a factor for me too. in my twenties I could eat what I liked as long as I was active. Now, I practically have to starve AND workout in order to lose weight. I eat pretty healthy and I am also a vegetarian. eating healthy is not enough for me. I have to really reduce calories to 1,200 a day to lose weight. but when I eat that low of calories I have no energy to workout.
@dancingqueans: Funny enough that’s a really common misconception that “it’s lack of movement that makes people overweight.” Yes, it can be a contributing factor and so can nutrition but there are lost of reasons for someone’s weight. Sadly, I was born with a genetic issue that means that although I eat ridiculously healthy and I log around 20+hrs a week in exercise (AND to top it off I’m a dietitian) I remain “large”. However, I do not mind; I generally like myself this way.
People should not be judged by body size, skin color, or any other silly factor like that.
I’d like to point out to those who brought up this distasteful subject though, that perhaps she does not desire to lose weight? Why do people think that she is not valid if she doesn’t loose the weight? Here we witness an amazing an talented dancer. Weight should not matter. She should be viewed as inspiring or one should move on.
I believe this conversation is rapidly getting out of hand. Let us return to the original subject matter and celebrate an amazing dancer instead of degrading this down to a “she should lose weight- you’re just fat because you’re lazy- your wrong- she’s wrong- this is healthy- that’s not healthy” argument.
As for the dancer- I wish I had that strength and flexibility! I think fear holds me back from doing moves like that. (also- I greatly desire that outfit
I have friends who want to try pole but are scared because they are not comfortable with their weight. I show them videos like this to prove that any”Body” can do pole if they wish. I am not really happy with my body and pole has showed me how to do things that make me feel good even with my flaws. I didn’t even own a pair of shorts before I started poling. I have never been comfortable wearing shorts or showing my belly since I was a little girl. Now I just don’t give a $hit. I quit putting down my body and now I thank it for doing the amazing things it does. Our bodies are a miracle that allow us to do something like this. No one will ever take that feeling away from me and I wish everyone else could feel that too no matter what they look like. I think every woman should have something that makes them feel strong and beautiful. That’s what pole does for me. You are all beautiful and amazing and don’t take for granted the bad ass shit that you can do on the pole. Because there are others who look at you and wish they could do what you do- no matter how bad you think your skills may be or how you think your body looks. someone else is out there looking up to you. Don’t let them down by not appreciating yourself.
Oh my she is my new hero…full speed ahead …thank you for posting and giving me the confidence boost….
@BigBaby1201…RIGHT?! This vid really is amazing and has me totally reevaluating my entire outlook on pole. Sooooo inspiring.
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