Forums Discussions Slippery X-Pole!!!

  • J Harris

    May 27, 2013 at 9:04 pm

    I’ve seen this issue so many times. I just stick to stainless, there are a couple of big companies out there that sell them. I got mine from Platinum Stages I think, never had an issue. Also if your planning on competing almost all contests will use stainless.

  • PoleMoves

    March 3, 2014 at 2:16 am

    Has your experience improved with your grip on your x-pole. For dry skin we recommend Corn Huskers Lotion- that really helps.

  • AllysonKendal

    March 3, 2014 at 8:45 am

    I’d also love to know if there has been any improvements?

    I feel like I’ve been going through a similar thing:

    Recently I’ve had a much better pole session at home but still not studio level. I also know the frustration you’re feeling. It is extremely discouraging to come home and want to show off to your husband and look like a complete mess.

    I’m new to pole.. But I’m staying determined. I do feel like your instructor has a valid point about building muscle. Thats how I’m looking at it. You see these super strong pole dancers dancing on lampposts and street signs without a care about the metal type. That’s my hope I guess…. to just be able to pole regardless of the material. I mean there are the grippier poles, but if you’re only using them… if you go to a studio, a convention, a workshop… you might have trouble. I’m not 100% sure what they would use… but I’m trying to learn to be adaptable.

    So yeah, I’m trying to stay positive… but yes, its not always easy. Especially as a beginner, when it seems really easy to just give up… but stick with it. I’m going to…and I guess we’ll see how it goes!

  • quancutie23

    March 5, 2014 at 2:46 pm

    Itac is cramp for the hands but great for the back on the knee camp. I just figure out for me when I get out of the shower and dry off a little I stick really well and can do all kinds of tricks. Lol its weird idk why it works its a lil dangerous because im still wet but I can do all my leg hangs beautifully. But im going to try heating my house. I perfer cold roon to dance for one I get sweaty easily and I hate getting over heated and sweaty.thanks everyone for there ideas

  • PoleMoves

    March 6, 2014 at 1:20 am

    Also, take a look at your pole and make sure it has a consistent finish and polish. These are photos from 3 month old chrome poles that I didn’t know had issues because you can’t see it in the dark or if you are not shining a light at it. I know companies say it doesn’t make a difference, but I have a lot of women who will tell you there is a huge difference in their ability to stay on a pole that looks “brushed” and very slightly orange than one that is fully polished and fully chromed. Also, sometimes this is in patches and sometimes it goes all around the pole. Put your pole on spin, get close, look for your reflection and the polish quality. Do this at different heights as well.

  • Co

    March 6, 2014 at 10:05 pm

    My TG is the same way. I had it for years clean it over and over and I can barely grip. Im not naturally warm nature. I did buy Kramer spray and I do have a better grip and it helps dirty my pole up I just want to do some moves. I have the too, maybe I’ll mix them.

  • Cantetinza17

    March 7, 2014 at 11:46 am

    I have an S Factor Pole and its chrome When I bought my pole I didn’t even know that X Poles even existed (2005.) I have had it in my apartment for 3 years and it is a pain because I have sweaty everything, so at time’s I’m too slick. as for the room temp I just heat up my living room so the pole isn’t too cool on my skin and so I’m not cold while I’m practicing. Unfortunately using the hair dryer to warm myself up or the pole never worked. I literally have to warm up with my pole. I don’t know why it has to be that way, but I guess that is the best way for me to get my grip. I have to establish my relationship with my pole before it will cooperate. I have used so many products and I guess it comes down to how much do you want to stick? I recently discovered a spray called Firm Grip and it was used mainly by golfers and baseball players, but now pole dancers and aerialists are using it too. Caution it is extremely sticky! so just a little is fine. I found it on the Pole and Ariel website, but I think they might be sold out so look for it on Amazon or even at your local sporting goods store. I would only use it on your hands. If you want something for your body iTac and the other products are fine for that. Also Cleo the Hurricane has a good mix of regular products that you combine and put on your body that makes your body sticky (interesting concoction). If you put the Firm grip on your skin you may have a painful experience, so I do not recommend that.

    After reading some of the responses I’ve never thought about sanding my chrome pole because I thought that it would damage the pole. I’ll think about that.
    DancePantsPrincess, question for ya? What type of pole does your studio use? My studio uses brass which is so helpful, but they were special ordered because our ceilings are really high and I think poles stop at 14 or 15 ft. Our ceilings are like 18ft. Maybe if your studio didn’t special order like mine then you could buy the brand and type that they have.

  • chemgoddess1

    March 7, 2014 at 1:32 pm

    The original s factor poles were lil mynx stainless and were some of the slipperiest poles on the planet. I would never never never never never sand a chrome pole….EVER. Would you sand chrome wheels or a chrome bumper? The chrome is a thin coating over steel and if you break that seal you may have issues with your pole rusting in the future.

  • Cantetinza17

    March 7, 2014 at 1:35 pm

    I’m not going to sand it. It was a thought, but I had the same thought process as you, so no I will not be doing that.

  • Vertical Joes

    March 10, 2014 at 2:10 pm

    I agree with what everyone else said- new poles is coated in something to protect the finish. I use this degreasing product called Grease Lightning when I get new Xpoles to help me strip them down. It helps me out tremendously. I hope your slippery goes away soon but definitely don’t sand your pole 🙂

  • mwilsonstorey1589

    March 20, 2014 at 6:53 pm

    Where can you find the greased lightning? I take it it’s the blue one – the degreaser?

  • weldtex89

    March 21, 2014 at 7:09 pm

    I have an xpole xpert 45mm chrome and I’ve had this problem ever since I got it (almost a year ago). Super discouraging!!! But I think I just discovered a reliable fix! I just tried and fell in love. (Medium worked best for me) That plus mighty grip has given me grip beyond my wildest dreams lol. Nice bonus: the residue it leaves on the pole seems to make it even grippier! And as for cleaning it, the best thing I’ve tried is degreaser (we use “purple power”) and those blue shop paper towels. Idk why rubbing alcohol and plain ol rags seem to work great at the studio but not so much at home. I knew there had to be a magical cocktail of remedies to fix this problem, and this will work for now.

    Not saying this will work for everyone but its suitable to my skin and climate.

  • blondebird

    March 22, 2014 at 10:22 pm

    My x-pole 40mm xpert chrome is a year old and is STILL slippery!!! Anyone got any advice?

  • AllysonKendal

    March 22, 2014 at 10:54 pm

    @blondebird, I’ve seen your videos and your strength and grace amazes me. I cannot believe you have any grip issues what-so-ever!

    I’m just a beginner with used (but still slippery) 45mm chrome X-pole… but I have found that putting the space heater on the pole helps tremendously. I don’t love using grip aids… (as I just dont like having residue on my body) but while I’m waiting for the space heater to warm my pole I am usually at my macbook watching some SV videos, so I’ll put my powerbrick (which gets really warm) on my hand and thighs and it warms up my skin and that helps too.

  • mwilsonstorey1589

    March 23, 2014 at 8:26 am

    Oh I just bought the purple power degreaser in the USA! so I’m going to try it now I’m back home – fingers crossed it works

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