Forums Discussions Slippery X-Pole!!!

  • TLizzard

    March 23, 2014 at 2:33 pm

    Let us know if the stuff works!

  • mwilsonstorey1589

    March 24, 2014 at 9:09 am

    Ok so I tried the purple power and……..drumroll……… really can’t say it’s made any difference 😞 I’m putting it down to the fact that studio poles just get far more wear & tear so they lose the super slippyness? Oh I also steam cleaned my x pole the other day and that made no difference either……..

  • mwilsonstorey1589

    March 24, 2014 at 9:38 am

    This is how my pole looks – what can I do if its too shiny?

  • HellOnHeelsNH

    March 24, 2014 at 11:44 am

    Same issue when mine is up so i went to sport store and got a rosin bag, simply sweet told me about this and its awesome!

  • Stephanie X Pole

    March 25, 2014 at 1:34 pm

    Hi All,

    There seems to be a lot of confusion about our pole finishes and how to make the pole non-slip or less shiny or more shiny etc…. The reality is that the pole is just a pole. It is not covered or coated in anything to protect it. It is simply chromium plated steel. There is no magic to make your pole wear out faster, make it less shiny, etc. There is no coating that can come off. If you have slippery issues, rather than trying to fix the pole you need to change how you condition your skin and think about body chemistry.

    If you have Dry skin, you should moisturize your skin and take care of it. Dry skin is a recipe for slipperiness. Try Itac for grip.

    If you have oily or sweaty skin, you should also condition your skin, but you may need to use a grip aid like dry hands or to really get a grip on those extra slippery days.

    Lastly, There are many external factors apart from body chemistry that contribute to a slippery pole such as climate:
    humidity can cause a layer of condensation on the pole (slimy feeling)
    Cold:- a warm hand or body will create condensation on a cold pole.

    Keep this in mind- and remember the pole is just a pole, so try to find what works for you.
    Please do not sand or steam you pole or put any type of harsh chemical- you will damage your pole quicker than you could do an invert. Its metal!!

    Any questions about the X-Pole finishes- please email

  • Xotos

    March 25, 2014 at 6:24 pm

    Hi all polers,

    Thank you for all info so far!

    Moisturizing the skin does help! But never ever wear any skin lotions when you are poling. Beyond that it’s unsafe, I’ve heard it can take some time before the pole behaves normally again.

    A thing I do, dear polers :), is to moisturize my feet for example, cause if I don’t they soon get dry and even a lil bit chapped. When that’s the case, I can’t for example perform a box split or a cupid with no hands on pole, which I normally can do, cause my lower foot just slips down the pole. But when I moisturize there is a biiig difference. 🙂

    I think moisture and maybe some care helps the skins physique and keeps it moist and elastic which I think is a key to get a good grip on the pole.

    Moreover, my hands tends to get sweaty often when poling, so I use Dry Hands, a gel that repels sweat and humidity. I think it’s really good and I highly recommend it! But keep in mind to not overdo it with that gripper cause it really can make your hands dry, here in a bad manner. 😉

  • Aretha

    March 25, 2014 at 8:57 pm

    The Pole I Bought From S Factor Is TheX Sport, I Believe, Which Is Also Very Slippery. I’ve HaD It For Three Years And Although It’ Better, It Is Still Very Slippery When It’ Cold. I Stick To Veena’s advice And Make Sure I Warm Up BefOre Session A Pole session. This Works For Me Everytime Unless My House Is Extremely Cold.

  • Xotos

    March 26, 2014 at 1:00 pm

    Cold poles are always unpleasant. They lose so much grip! And are uncomfortable to pole on. Consider to also start your pole sessions with some spins and climbs to warm up your pole and yourself. If your floor is very cold, you’ll lose the heat you’ve struggled for more quickly. I have the same problem at home. Sometimes I put a mat on the floor around the pole and it helps a bit.

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