Forums Discussions Slippery X-Pole! HELP!!

  • Sephira

    October 8, 2011 at 7:03 am

    I will have air conditioner and dehumifier but still, the chrome is frustrating…I doubt it ill be ok.

    Not even doing basic tricks on it, really makes wanna selling it….:/

  • RoseMay

    October 8, 2011 at 7:10 am

    Sephira, you're really slipping with the mighty grip gloves? Do you use the ones with tack or without tack?

    When I use the gloves I'm sticking too much …

  • Sephira

    October 8, 2011 at 7:43 am

    I assume the one with tack, you mean the blck sticky tissue,right?

    In the begin they stick,after a short while,the hands get sweaty and they get slippery too.

    At the studio even then it is quite ok, but at home no…. i really stick in the hands grip for few seconds and then I slip down…..

  • sexygyrl

    October 8, 2011 at 10:38 am

    Warming up the pole- walking around the pole or doing spins creates a friction and when you touch the pole it is actually warm.

  • Dancing Paws

    October 8, 2011 at 11:16 am

    Initially, when you walk up to a pole when it hasn't been used, touch it. it will feel cold. When you rub your hands all over the pole, the friction creates heat, and the pole becomes warm, and the metal becomes grippier. You can also warm up the pole by blowdrying it. 

    If the poles at the gym work for you but yours does not, and they are both x pole, then it sounds to me like it is more of a matter of the pole needing to be conditioned and warm than anything else. Conditioning may take a couple of weeks depeding on how much you use it. 

  • Sephira

    October 8, 2011 at 1:16 pm

    I will try to blowdry it and see if it gets different.

    At the studio they got the old x-pert, I got the new one.

    At the studio the poles are not great even,they are just  little bit better.

    Most of the times I can't spin at the pole, it doesn't let me.I slip down before I get to half of the spin.

    I wonder if the brass pole would be better…I tried one years ago in a club in uk that was GREAT,but  couln't find it again anywhere.

    It was gold and grippy at the right point for everybody so I guess it was brass?

  • Phoenix

    October 8, 2011 at 1:41 pm

    I own a Chrome 45mm Xpole xpert I've had mine for 6 months and I still find it to be very slippery I've tried dawn dish soap to get that packaging film off when i first got it. Then for cleaning I've tried alcohol , vinegar, Windex,  acetone and a mighty grip cloth that you just spray with water and clean your pole. Out of all of them i find that the mighty grip cloth works best it's only $6.99 on badkitty and you can wash it and re-use it as many times as you like 🙂 also I have VERY sweaty hands even with grip aid I slip or they will work at first and then stop. But i found that works well on my legs, and elbow. I think It's just a matter of trial and error. Good luck! xo

  • Sephira

    October 8, 2011 at 1:46 pm

    what kind of error do you mean?

    Anyway 6 months trying all that stuff and still the pole is slippery…makes me considering even more that the chrome is not right for me…

  • Dancing Paws

    October 8, 2011 at 2:32 pm

    If you sweat a lot, then you will always have an issue with hand grip, no matter what material, but brass may help a little. You'll will still need to wipe down the pole a lot. Strengthening your hand grip will help, and developing caulouses on your hands will also help.

    Have you tried contacting platinum stages to see if they would ship to Italy? They ship to the UK. Also, Bobbi's poles is located in Australia, and they said they would ship to the U.S., so they might ship to Italy, but they are very expensive. Both of them have brass poles.


  • Dancing Paws

    October 8, 2011 at 2:34 pm

    If you try all the suggestions we give and you truly are unhappy, if you find an R pole or a brass pole and fall in love, then go for it!

  • Sephira

    October 8, 2011 at 3:09 pm


    thanks for the advises…

    Blowdrying is the only thing I didn't try yet…so let's see after.

    Getting platinum stages to europe is very expensive, at lest they told me last year, I don't know if something changed now but it might be a good idea.

    I know fitpoles from Finland are very grippy, I was considering them as an alternative too, but in that case I'd have to sell the x-pole anyway, so I wanted to take some time to figure out if it was the case to do it or not.

    Anyway the old x-poles were a bit better,not many complained but ith the new ones I heard many and not only here…it's weird.


  • Dancing Paws

    October 8, 2011 at 6:06 pm

    I don't think the new x pole metal has changed. They just changed the way they are put together. If you can get your pole warm and sticky, practice on it A LOT to get it conditioned. That should also improve the grip. 

  • jade s

    October 8, 2011 at 10:11 pm

    I have the 45mm chrome pole xpert & it was super slippery when I first got it. I took a little bit of sandpaper to it and now it’s much better. Just a few passes, hold it tight and go in both directions while turning it around the pole. Wipe it down really really well afterwards with a clear window cleaner. When my skin is super dry (most of the time) I also use a light spray grip.

  • Dancing Paws

    October 9, 2011 at 9:57 am

    I'd be careful with the sade paper. The chrome on the x poles is only a plating, so the sand paper could potentially lead to chipping of the chrome if done incorrectly.

  • smalltownboy

    October 9, 2011 at 11:37 am

    We all seem to have the similar problems and I am no different. I have tried all of the above with greater or lesser results but the two things that work the best for me are: 1. Make sure the pole is warmed up as well as myself and 2. (I haven’t seen this mentioned) I make sure that the towel I use to dry myself after a pre-pole shower and the one I use between moves to wipe my pole and myself has not had any fabric conditioner put in the final rinse. In fact the towels are quite hard. I don’t know if this is just my mind making me think that there is no conditioner residue in the towel so therefore it won’t be on me or my pole, or if it is a case of mind over matter. Try it, it won’t cost you a penny so you have nothing to lose.

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