› Forums › Discussions › Slippery X-Pole! HELP!!
Im a pole teacher and have dealt and still deal with all types of hands and problems poles.
Things that work that havent effected my xpole
Kitchen surface cleaner that gets rid of greece
Hairspray directly onto pole or onto hands
tite grip lotion – brilliant x
My xpole was very slippery too but I use rubbing alcohol to clean it and only when needed. To get rid of the slippery film, I literally rubbed by grip cream (tite grip) all over the pole – it made it gritty – then used the rubbing alcohol to clean it properly and it has been great since! I find that when I get dry skin, it makes it impossible to grip too but using some on my legs (I never put it on my hands but I rub my legs together to spread the spray) I stick like glue!
I know I was ready to give up with my pole before I decided to rub the grip all over it, but thats all completely changed now!
Try cleaning with acetone then rubbing some dry hands on it. Make sure it is warm too. Also, wash your hands first and be mindful of what type of products you used on your body and your hair. I found I was getting moraccian oil on the pole from my hair and it made it very sippery.
I too have a Chrome pole….but just ordered a Lil Mynx colored powder coat for better grip. Should be here today.
Lyme Lyte, I just got the red coated pole about a month ago and love it! The grip on it makes me feel like I can do anything : ) Have fun!
I bought an xpole xpert when I started my level 2 class so I don't have to keep going to the studio and practice. I have an xpert gold and my friend has an xpert chrome, both of them is super slippery. I tried to do a basic invert and slip down to the bottom right away. I rub myself with grip and rub grip all over my pole and still going straight down!! I can do some basic spins but that's pretty much it. I asked some ppl and they did use sand paper to sand it down to get more grip, I think I might have to do that so i can practice my invert and dismount. Frustrated cuz I can't do any pullups and invert and ended up have to drive back to the studio to practice. Gonna get some sand paper tomorrow and see how it works.
Let us know how it works…
if it goes well, I'll consider it too.
Is there any risck to ruin the pole with sanpaper?
I’ve had my chrome X-Pert for almost a year and have the same problem. It gets several hours of use per week but is still super slippery unless I really warm it up, which I don’t always have time to do. Out of desperation, I tried giving the pole a light coating of hairspray, and (hooray!) it makes it just sticky enough that I don’t slide off. I spray it on, let it mostly dry, and then dab off any big globs or drips with a microfiber towel. I don’t know if it’ll damage the finish over time (it seems to wipe off fine when I clean the pole), but it can’t be any worse for the chrome than sandpaper.
well i do feel much better that i wasnt the only on w the issue, at work i fly up and down but on the xpole i jump on and slide down =( i heard the sand paper worked the studio where i go have lil mynx, im thinking about buying one
My pole is a PS not an X but sometimes it goes slippery on me. When that happens I spray Cramer anti slip on a paper towel (just a bit) and wipe the pole. If it's too sticky then I wipe it again with some rubbing alcohol – 70%, more than that is too dry for me. That usually gets me back to the regular stick I have when my pole is being normal. You can try that to get it grip at the same level as your pole studio. If anyone tries it just don't put too much or you will stick so much your skin will hurt.
I have an expert x pole too and you need to use a very low grade of sandpaper all over it and then pick up some dry hands hand grip. IT WORKS AWESOME!!!! I LOVE MY X POLE NOW… Hope that helps everyone..
Chrome plating is less than a tenth of a millimeter thick. if you are confident that you will not sand through that thin coating when you sand, then go for it. because if you break through it, then the chrome will start to chip off in jagged, sharp pieces.
I agree do not go to deep with a very fine grade of sandpaper. do it like you would your nails with a nail file just scuff the surface enough to dull it that all. DO NOT USE CORSE SANDPAPER, JUST SUPER FINE GRADE. Hope that explains it better.
I agree do not go to deep with a very fine grade of sandpaper. do it like you would your nails with a nail file just scuff the surface enough to dull it that all. DO NOT USE CORSE SANDPAPER, JUST SUPER FINE GRADE. Hope that explains it better.
My husband got me a #600 sand paper (the finest one) to sand down the pole, didn't work. So he got me a slighty thicker one, #400, seems to scratch the pole more ( I can see all the scratch mark under the light). Feels better on my hand, but once I do an invert, here we go again, went straight down. Sigh…maybe I try other method. I also order some thigh high boots. Maybe I will just have to wear the pleather boots and use it as a grip lol.
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