Forums Discussions Smacking the pole… and it hurts!

  • Smacking the pole… and it hurts!

    Posted by poloballerino on September 2, 2013 at 5:00 pm

    I'm clearly doing something wrong here, and since you girls were such a fabulous heap of advice when it came to my Gemini… I'm back with questions.

    Trying the V carousel, which I can't ever seem to perfect at all, can do a lot of the moves in the lessons after this, but keep struggling when I come back to this move…

    So after several attempts, here's my problem. As I spin around, my body throws into the pole almost and smacks it, ….. right in between the legs. This is painful, and so frustrating, as you can imagine 🙁 Where am I going wrong here, clearly making a massive mistake somewhere. Sigh.



    Veena replied 11 years, 1 month ago 6 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • CrazyKosters

    September 2, 2013 at 5:16 pm

    Could you post a short video of you doing it? It might help to see where your problem is. From what i read maybe it's s strength issue with not keeping your body facing the pole? I can't picture it without seeing it

  • CrazyKosters

    September 2, 2013 at 5:18 pm

    Are you pushing out with your bottom hand to keep away from the pole?

  • poloballerino

    September 2, 2013 at 5:35 pm



    my initial thought was I probably didn't have enough strength to keep my body away from the pole, if that makes sense… but then I manage the carousel and a couple of others quite fine – which confuses the strength issue. I am pushing out , but I wonder if the spin is starting to put me off and if it's worth trying on static?

    I will try post a video sometime tomorrow, of my very failed attempt, be warned for a few "Ouch!" sounds… haha.


  • Runemist34

    September 2, 2013 at 5:46 pm

    This is a tricky move to get! It's always been one of those tough ones for me, especially with holding my legs up long enough.

    However, with the striking the pole issue… have you tried doing this hold without spinning? Just set your hands into your split grip hold, and get those legs up? This is how I originally learned this move (it took quite a while for me to go "Wait, you can SPIN that?") and it really helped me figure out the hold and how to get my body away from the pole.

    I'll also point out that you want to tilt your hips forward, so much that your back rounds out! You want to make a big C with your body! It'll help you get your legs up and keep them up, so that you don't get tired, and you can stay away from the pole.

    The rest, I suppose, is that tricky bit of keeping your body rigid so that you aren't "overtaking" yourself (as in, one leg isn't hitting the pole as you spin, because your hips have gone too far, or whatever), and you are still able to relax your hands enough to make the spin happen.

  • Autumn Sky

    September 2, 2013 at 5:52 pm

    Have you tried it on both sides? This is one of the few moves I do with my left hand high, I feel more secure with my right arm(my stronger side)  holding me out from the pole.

  • chemgoddess1

    September 2, 2013 at 5:57 pm

    I HATED this move when I was first learning.  It was not until I watched the Vertical Dance dvd that this move finally "clicked".  In that dvd they teach you to only concentrate on lifting the leading leg, the second leg will instinctively follow.  It is the same type of thing as you do with fan kicks. I am also like Autumn who is better at split grip on my opposite side.


    Rune also has a good comment with the hollow C.

  • poloballerino

    September 2, 2013 at 6:08 pm

    These are probably such valuable tips… I am going to give all of these some thought when I practice this next time. Will still post a video if I'm not getting it. Havent tried this move on a static pole, or without trying to 'add spin' as such – which logically thinking, might be a great place to start huh? haha. I will also try alternating sides. I tend to stick with my more Dominant side (right) as it works best for most everything… but you never know, so will give that a go too. and practice that hollow C 🙂

    Thank you ladies, so helpful – as always x

  • Veena

    September 2, 2013 at 6:14 pm

    Have you tried it on static? Also the grip you use can make a difference. Is you're thumb up or down in your bottom hand for the Split grip? If you're taking the lessons here are you able to do it with the knees bent as shown? You'll also see what Rune and Chem mentioned, C shape body and push with inside leg lift with the outside lead leg, the other will follow in the lesson. 

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