Forums Discussions Social media, inspiring or discouraging?

  • Social media, inspiring or discouraging?

    Posted by Veena on July 10, 2014 at 11:58 am

    I started this topic because of a few comments made on a different thread about What’s hot for pole tricks right now. My reply became a bit long and decided that instead of derail the conversation I’d start a new one. 🙂

    It was interesting to read in the thread posted above, the comments about social media and only seeing really advanced pole work. I hear that very complaint a LOT from other pole dancers, they explain that seeing only clips of crazy tricks and video of performers doing pole work that is unobtainable for most who pole causally, is discouraging and really the majority who purchase pole related products only pole causally. We need elite athletes to represent pole too, but right now we are a small industry and I’m not sure that representing only the elite is working?

    While I think it is frustrating to only see elite pole represented or shared, tell me this…. Who is making the impossible and crazy trick so popular? From what I’ve seen, it’s us, the pole dancers AND companies that are pole related! On SV it’s a different environment so I’m not talking about this site, we comment and appreciate all aspects of pole, at least from what I see. We respect the impossible trick, yet we share in the joy of the first pole sit and the beauty of “dancing it out” when we are down. So why are we only sharing the crazy sh*t on our social media?

    On FB and other social media, I find that the only way someone will share my work, is if it’s pushing that “omg that looks so hard” or “wow, I’ve never seen that move before.” It’s beyond frustrating to me, I love to record and share my dances, but I’ve stopped for the most part because my work seems to fall by the wayside, (on social media) it’s not exciting enough to be shared. My full length videos rarely get shares, the clips that receive likes and shares are those that look the most difficult. In fact I’ve found I can post several 15 sec clips of tricks and everyone loves this, yet if I post the full video of the SAME pole tricks that I had shared individually…. shares will not happen, comments are few, for some reason it’s just not that interesting if it’s a full video.

    I no longer see a passion for the art that is pole, but rather a hunger for the wow of a trick…..I am very saddened by this because I truly love to make videos, it’s my art. I am sad that precise and beautiful is no longer interesting. I’m sad that pole realated companies only represent the elite athlete on social media and TV. People who have never pole danced see these incredible dancers and think “wow I could never do that”. I’ve talked with several people in the campgrounds and on our recent travels, this is the view they have of pole, “it looks too hard”. “you must have to be really strong to pole”. I feel like for years I’ve been trying to shout POLE IS FOR EVERYONE, IT’S NOT TOO HARD, but sadly this message isn’t one that is exciting enough to share outside of SV and it goes unheard.

    I want to know:

    What do YOU guys see in your social media feeds?

    Do you feel encouraged or discouraged by what you see?

    Have we been too spoiled by the video clip to sit down and enjoy a dance?

    How can we get everyone here to help spread the word that pole IS for EVERYONE?

    Maria-Elena Kadala replied 10 years, 3 months ago 35 Members · 67 Replies
  • 67 Replies
  • Kobajo84

    July 10, 2014 at 12:17 pm

    I JUST posted a list of 10 online pole and aerial related challenges I’ve been seeing a lot of in my newsfeeds via my blog: I love this concept and actually one challenge in particular I feel has been different in regards to the “all tricked out” aspect that has become common place is BeSpun’s new flow challenge. This challenge is great because it’s focusing on dance technique. They’re teaching small portions of a routine and breaking it down then offering tips. I love this concept, however week 2 did border the intermediate leaning more towards advanced area with some of the floorwork. I would love to see MORE of these types of challenges that cater to the “every day” and “casual” dancer. More in terms of moves, combos, or snippets of routines that are actually attainable. I don’t think seeing other’s progress as being discouraging. I’ve always been the type of person who will try to break down a move and try it and revise it to what works best with my body. I see it as an opportunity to tackle a challenge. However, I do know my own limitations and wouldn’t attempt a Rainbow Marchenko type move because I know realistically my body is not ready for that type of movement. As far as watching an entire video to full length, I find I am guilty of watching less and less videos to their entirety. This is mainly because I don’t have a lot of time anymore to do so. I reserve these moments for research personally when I am working on choreo and new content for my classes. Now a days if I do watch a video all the way through there is at least one point I’ve spaced out and my mind has wandered off elsewhere. This is just where I’m coming from in regards to why I don’t watch full length videos anymore. Rarely do I watch competition videos either unless it’s my really good friend. If I was to watch a full length video it’s practice videos and those enjoying a dance in the comforts of their own studio.

  • Veena

    July 10, 2014 at 12:38 pm

    I think sharing progress is great and important.

    We’ve tried to get those who create challenges to post about them here but for some reason they have no interest in sharing with us only fb and other media. I see plenty of talk when it comes to the challenges so I would thing the creators would post them here.

  • Phoenix Hunter

    July 10, 2014 at 12:42 pm

    I have noticed that I personally see a variety in my social media feeds, but that is because I “Like” or “subscribe” to a varied range of different pole dancers and I also follow real, everyday dancers, not just professional dancers. but yes, I do see a lot of the impossible and it is discouraging. Honestly, sometimes I will be watching a video of a dancer and if the tricks are just outrageous and make me feel discouraged, I will just quit watching it. I have to be careful with my feelings when it comes to pole. sometimes I can appreciate certains things, other times it makes me feel bad about myself. I realize that is my problem. the dancer is doing nothing wrong, they are just practicing their craft they way they trained so hard for. but I also know that my self image, self esteem, are closely tied to pole. I am new and I am healing from years of emotional damage to myself as well as medical/physical devastation. one day I will be strong enough to not tie my self image and esteem with my craft. they can be respectively independent of one another. it used to be hard to see pictures of myself , now I can look at them objectively and do some positive critiquing instead of putting myself down. I really do feel drawn to videos and dancers who are doing things that I feel I could do myself. I also feel drawn to dancers who have a body type similar to mine. it makes me feel the possibilities. I tell people that pole is for everyone too. I talk to women of all shapes,sizes, abilities, and I talk to a lot of men who are interested. I will show them videos of dancers that may appeal to them and I don’t always use videos of the pros. you really have to know what you are looking for to find videos of non-professional dancers. maybe that’s where the problem is for someone interested in pole and they don’t know where to look. I know this website is a good source for “real people”. there are also lots of videos on youtube. I have to monitor myself and sometimes disconnect from these images that are discouraging for me. it is definitely a constant balance act. I really am proud of all of you that are able to constantly post videos. I am not at the point to where I can do that without beating myself up. for now, I just go by how I feel while I am poling and not how I look. and sometimes I don’t care if I ever look “polished” while I am poling because the feeling is so positive, I don’t want to ruin it. I really enjoy the work I put into pole. you have to fall in love with the work and not so much the final outcome. I come from an acting background and this is how I approach acting, it has definitely helped me with pole. fall in love with the work, because if you don’t, you will be chronically disappointed with yourself. you don’t jump on a pole and do awesome shit everytime. when I first got my home pole, I was so disappointed. I was shit on the pole and I thought everyone was just good from their first try. I really didn’t know what to expect. it was a video of Joel, cant remember his username here on SV- his video showed him struggling to get a move. I was sooooo relieved and encouraged. I thought , OH!! Ok! I get it!! you struggle and try and try and eventually you will get it. you don’t have to be awesome from the start. that video of his changed the way I looked at pole at a very important time in my pole journey. I could have started off badly but I didn’t because I saw someone else struggle, then succeed.

  • Krista Bocko

    July 10, 2014 at 12:47 pm

    I *just* posted a 15 sec clip! Eek! 😉

    As to your questions…I personally don’t see a lot of craziness, bc I tend to follow a lot of ‘regular’ polers and that’s how I like it. 😀 I have followed some of the ‘stars’ before and it just got old. I prefer to interact with my students and peers. I really, really like clips actually…they are easy to reference. A lot of times, I do the clips more for me than anything. I love going back to see what I was working on without having to sort through 3-4 min to reference a specific combo, or remember in which dance I did what.

    I also love the full length dances, of course. And I think it’s important for pole dancers to work on their skills in full length dances. But I don’t watch many videos all the way through, honestly. The sheer volume is overwhelming. I mean, how many were posted on this site alone in the past week? As much as I’d like to, I can’t watch videos all day, lol.

    I do think that pole is hard…I definitely do think it’s for anyone who is willing to put in the time and effort….but the reality is that many who get into it realize that it’s not as easy as they thought it might be and they get discouraged and give up. I guess it’s common to think things will come sooner and easier than they do. Sometimes it’s hard to stay motivated. Also, comparison is tough to let go of.

    Finally…I don’t hunger for new tricks. I’m not a trickster. I want (for myself and my students) to be the absolute best they can be, at whatever level they are. And most of all, to FEEL and to be set free through dancing. It doesn’t matter if someone watches my videos. It doesn’t matter if my photos or videos get likes or shares, what matters is what I felt and what led me to that point. And sharing with the world is good, yes, to give others a taste of that freedom and beauty maybe and inspire them…but first and foremost it’s for me, and what others think is not my business. Just my 2 pennies!

  • Krista Bocko

    July 10, 2014 at 12:50 pm

    Love that, Phoenix! ‘Fall in love with the work.’ YES. I have days when it’s a struggle.

  • Phoenix Hunter

    July 10, 2014 at 12:52 pm

    yes veena!!! I wondered why they don’t post their challenges here! that makes me sad. it seems like such a waste to not use this resource. currently I am loving the Bespun challenge and am glad to see regular dancers but don’t understand the disconnect between here and facebook. if it was me, I would use both resources to reach as many people as possible

  • Lucca Valentine

    July 10, 2014 at 12:54 pm

    I still watch full length videos but rarely are they competition videos because those are so trickstered out and not compelling in the same way. Been bummed that dirdy birdy stopped making full videos as did fleur who are two of my favorites.

    I watched a Pantera competition video (can’t remember which one now) and I kid you not the first 2 minutes of it was all just building drama and creating the theater of it, no crazy tricks just making shapes while doing nothing more complicated than a plank, then at the crescendo rocked crazy tricks till the end. It also makes me think of the first Australian pole championship Felix cane won and she’d only been dancing 8 or 9 months and so there weren’t a lot of insane moves but the performance is still provably my fave.

    It’s sad to see that because fewer people seem to be on board with full length videos fewer people make them, they’re my favorite to watch. Pole Leo comes to mind as someone who makes lovely full length videos on a really regular basis and I love that! (So thank you for that and for everyone else who does that, shoogstandley has really nice ones too as do many others!)

    I also find myself exasperated at explaining to people you dot need to be super strong to start poling and VERY few people START at that place (I don’t know of one but I’m sure they exist). And it also leads to more injuries when poling because girls who do decided to start poling go in and want to run and invert right away.

    Girls (almost) always perk up when I mention pole dancing but they’re automatic next reaction IS “that’s too hard,” but you can SEE that they’re interested and you just want to take them by the hand and be like….let me show you something beautiful! You! And the freedom to just be you and let it go! Feel momentum and you supporting yourself as you fall around the pole in that first spin. Feel what it’s like to start to trust yourself and trust your body. Feel yourself get stronger and move in ways you may have never moved before. Feel the journey, feel the unraveling, feel the flow, feel the freedom. Tricks are great, don’t get me wrong, but man. I miss the dancing. It really is getting harder and harder to come by

    Pretty happy it’s bringing sexy back time right now

  • AllysonKendal

    July 10, 2014 at 12:56 pm

    First… I have to confess confess I really never listen to the sound when I watch everyone’s videos. This does make me sad, but I’m usually watching on my phone at work or on my laptop while my husband and I are watching a show. I feel like I miss a lot of the “art” because of this. Which is a bummer. In the context of Instagram and FB I think most people have the sound off so dancing appeals less to those people. Tricks look cool without music too. I still appreciate the dance cause I have music in my head 🙂

    Personally, I don’t have Facebook, and on Instagram I follow a few amazing girls from here, Veena of course, my instructor, and another girl I found randomly who is a pole dancing dentist too! So no big names except Veena. On my Explore page I see a lot of pole related things because of who I follow and what I like… Even though my account is mostly not pole related.

    I’m not particularly discouraged by anything I see. My main source of pole videos is here (and I love it here). I do sometimes wish I had flow like the girls here. That’s what I get most jealous of. I’ve never been one to dance or have any rhythm.

    I do think pole is for everyone. But I also think pole is hard. It’s a sport. And it’s not like something you can just be good at if you don’t work at it or you’re not passionate. Even if you’re a casual poler form is important and all that. I still think pole is for everyone, and there are so many aspects to it… But when people say it’s hard I usually agree… And I think we all work really hard at it. 🙂

    The thing I like best about pole is everyone here has something about pole they love. And if you’re a crazy trickster that’s great, if you’re a slow and sensual dancer that’s great too. It’s hard to control what other people will like or share. At the end of the day I guess you need to just do what you love… And you do Veena, and it inspires us all!

  • iheartpole

    July 10, 2014 at 1:31 pm

    I think the ‘about me’ in my profile says it all: “California Mom of 2 toddlers. Most pole profiles feature girls doing iron x I’m over here like “Did you see that invert!?” Poling since Nov 2013.”

    I have an instagram account where I post nothing but pole related pics and vids. I made it a point to follow regular women who pole. I find it so inspiring to watch women at my level, above my level, and the beginners (of all shapes and sizes). It inspires me to try different combos and try new moves. If I see a move I’ve never done I immediately log on to SV to look for a tutorial.

    I do follow some of the Pros (I call them “the unobtainables”), watching them is a different form of inspiration for me. The pros don’t post videos of themselves doing beginner or intermediate moves- They are doing dead-lift-shoulder-mount –body-waves and crazy contortions! And when I watch too many of those videos I do start to feel bad about my abilities. But then Michelle shimmy posts a video where she tells us she too has butt cellulite and that makes me feel a little better.

    As for the video clips because I am an instagram user that is mostly what I watch. However if I am on SV I take the time to watch the full video that users post. And if it’s a live performance you for sure have my full attention. I don’t follow many pole dancers on FB so I cant say much for that.

    Us casual polers need to post more videos of ourselves out there for other casual polers and non pole people to see and be inspired! I have shown my videos to neighbors and friends and have gotten quite a few of them to go to class with me. It usually is not until after they see my vids that they agree to try it. There is something about watching a regular person pole that makes you think “if she can learn to do that surely I can give it a shot”. I am not an amazing poler but I have gotten so many thank you from women (a lot more advanced than me) because my videos have inspired them to try new moves, learn something new, or revisit some of the basics I’m working on.

  • Veena

    July 10, 2014 at 2:42 pm

    I love to read that so many of you are following others who are at a similar level!!

    Who and what do you share?

    I also find it interesting that those who are newer to pole seem to follow and look up to each other. Where My friends on fb who started around the same time I did only tend to share the elite, pole star videos.

    I’m finding this thread very interesting!

  • CrazyKosters

    July 10, 2014 at 3:21 pm

    I agree with the initial post topic 100% veena. I see it and feel it to. I also hear all the same things from people like I’m to fat or to old or not strong enough. I’m like how do you think pole dancers get that way? Lol they do it! It’s a progression and it is as individual to each person as is their finger print. I love making videos to and it is another creative outlet. I find that the longer videos don’t get watched like the short clips as much. Most people on my fb don’t even like or comment anymore but I do get private messages because some people feel like they are being creeps watching them lol which is just as bad…I am trying to make people see pole as a great workout and form of art like ballet is. Not just some “stripper thing” (not that stripping is bad lol!)

    Since I started this journey it has gave me a total mind body transformation. Seeing myself in videos achieving things I though I couldn’t do gives me so much confidence. Which is why i don’t post to much blooper stuff, because I like to see myself in a good light if that makes sense. Sure I’ve lost weight and toned up which helps confidence but I have always been embarrassed by my cellulite even knowing that 90% of women have it and eventually the rest of the 10% will someday. But seeing myself in a new light and always seeing myself in my underwear and achieving great things made me not care about cellulite and any other negative thing I seen about myself. Because of watching my videos I am no longer ashamed of myself and enjoy being able to walk around in my underwear or bikini with people around and not care about my cellulite. Sure it has been reduced since loosing weight and toning up but I still have it and I could care less 🙂 I love the new me! Now I just got to work on my ranting and filter on social media haha. Sorry if I got off topic..

  • iheartpole

    July 10, 2014 at 4:52 pm

    My absolute favorite video to share is Emma Haslam’s videos. (which has gotten over 10 Million views).

  • pr1nc3ss

    July 10, 2014 at 11:27 pm

    As a self professed creeper I dont have facebook instagram twitter or any of that. This is the only social media I do. I will watch full length videos from girls here and on youtube who I like their style like the russians and several elite unfortunately time is of the essence so if there are crazy contortion tricks I will quit watching too. I have found that people will try pole but want to immediately do advanced tricks like inverts and get frustrated that their is a process to doing these moves or they wont try pole because they want harder moves. I feel like their is a window to grab ppl and when they see 3mins plus they may not watch. A recent video from Raven Kai was very entertaining and she didnt do any crazy tricks. I think the more dancing videos boil down to what style you like as to whether you will invest 3 mins or more

  • Anonyma

    July 11, 2014 at 1:50 am

    i took a year break from pole and jeez things have changed (only my opinion)

    i dont like to watch long performances, exemple oonas video, yes she good but to me shes boring 30 seconds is enough

    i like the showgirls , like allegra cleo who come up with crazy costumes and are sexy

    what i see now: i find the new “generation ” of polers are focused on whos the most flexible , who can put their head up their … lol and to me thats not appealing , i dont like how its become too gymnastic and lost the performance side of it so thats why im loosing interrest

  • tacha666

    July 11, 2014 at 2:35 am

    I’m more a pole “dance” person. I could watch Alethea doing body waves and floorwork thew hole day, or Karol doing spins and pirouettes, or Cleo doind headrolls. Of course I like the tricks that they do as well, but the whole performance would be nothing worth if the dancing would be missing! Here on SV I rather watch the freestyle dances and performances than the tricks clips.

    As to the intro question, yes, it sometimes IS discouraging, especially when I don’t train as much as I would like to and the progress therefore is so much slower then I’d like it to be.
    For example, since I got my elbow grip Ayesha (it’s now 8 months ago) I still don’t feel comfortable with split grip Ayeshas, and I sometimes think I should be way further in my progress.
    Same with flexibility; I teach a strong & flexi class 3 times a week and sometimes find the time to do one more stretching session just for myself, but since I startet (over one and a half year ago) I just made it 2 inches closer to the floor in my splits. So sometimes it makes me mad when I see people doing rainbow marchenko (allthough most times I think that getting into it and moving out of it is not pretty).
    I know I propably won’t be able to achieve that (and other) trick(s).

    Sometimes I even feel like a cheater, because I sometimes get the feeling that as a poler you are only measured by the tricks you can do. And I can only do few.
    So that might be a reason (besides time issues) that I haven’t posted videos for a long time.

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