Forums Discussions Social media, inspiring or discouraging?

  • Phoenix Hunter

    July 12, 2014 at 2:17 pm

    I totally agree with Olivia, about others seeing you as competition. And that is sad and unnecessary. I subscribe to lessons here but I am also a crazy fan girl who loves to get dvds and clothing items from other pole celebrities too.

  • Jenn1989

    July 12, 2014 at 2:47 pm

    Before I had actually tried pole myself, I was only interested in watching the videos of crazy advanced routines. They were super impressive to me, but also gave me the expectation before starting that I was going to fail because of how impossible a lot of the moves looked. Now that I do pole, I prefer watching videos of girls who are closer to my own level because I can appreciate how much practise and work goes into learning the simpler stuff. It’s also fun to see people advance and get new tricks for the first time. I can’t say that I really feel bad about myself when I see a video of a pro, because I know they started as a beginner too and worked to be where they are. I’m just starting to get more comfortable with intermediate level tricks, and if I’m feeling discouraged, I just think back to my first class and how much my body has changed since then 🙂

  • Anonyma

    July 12, 2014 at 3:47 pm

    but the harsh truth is : no matter how good they are there is no money to be made with pole

    unless you are in cirque du soleil like jenyne and felix , you can be as flexible as u want you can t have credit from a bank with pole skills. you aint gonna make a living from this

    so … lol stop competing with each other leave that behind and lets bring the real essence of pole back

  • MeganJoan

    July 12, 2014 at 7:45 pm

    I follow a lot of professional polers on Facebook and I do still find them inspiring. They remind me that so many regular woman have reached those heights so I can keep on trucking and I can get that next invert.

    I find Pole Art the most inspiring because of the focus on dance and emotion. I also love watching people at my own level, but I mostly come here for that. Although i have just got instagram (which I intended to be mostly for pole but has a lot of kittens photos right now!) and I want to follow pole dancers of all skill levels.

    One of the things I find most inspiring is actually seeing the flexibility of others. I’m trying really hard to work on my flex at the moment. I’ll be having surgery soon so I think knowing I’ll be out of action for a while is one reason I’m willing myself to get right into flex.

  • Lucca Valentine

    July 13, 2014 at 2:24 am

    Late night real talk: I do get discouraged by seeing girls on Veena or IG boast about how long they have been doing pole cuz it’s usually in reference to the quick progress they have made. I am a naturally competitive person and I really try to temper it cuz these girls often have been doing nothing but poling the whole time when others have work obligations or family obligations, moving to homes with no pole space, etc. And it takes them away from pole, for months or even years. I put when I discovered pole on my bio just cuz I wrote when I began pole in my bio and even have a lengthy blog about how it came to be cuz I think it’s nice to know when people got involved, then you know if they were around during certain movements within the community and you can bond over that or if someone would like to know about that movement within pole/pole celebrities of that time/etc. Posts where it’s like “blah blah blah….2 months into poling” what’s the place in that? Showing off your skill is one thing I get that cuz you were excited to get that and others like to see it too but for some reason just broadcasting it with every clip bugs me and makes me feel lesser and like I should be in that same place. But no, I’ve had to take breaks that were all a month long (at least) cut back time poling because otherwise I’ll overwork my body from doing too much maaaage and too much pole but I need the money when I can get it. My place is just as valuable as anyone else’s but sometimes I really have to try hard to remind myself of that sometimes. Just genuinely glad I don’t have Facebook from the sounds of it. I do YouTube, veena, and just started IG. Veena and IG in particular have exposed me to so many talented non pro and non pro seeking dancers that are so beautiful to watch and I’m VERY grateful for that so thank all y’all for sharing. I will be sharing again once I can reclaim the pole too ! Trying hard to get a sexy back video for y’all 🙂 it will be my first contribution, love to watch all yours though!

  • Skullpixie

    July 13, 2014 at 8:43 am

    I feel really discouraged when I see people posting hard tricks and that’s all I see on my feed it kinda sucks that I feel this way as I love pole and think it’s amazing when someone gets a really hard trick. What really inspires me about it is the simple combo challenges like bespun at the mo are posting a challenge every week and I’m following those at the mo they are not only inspiring me but motivating me to want to pole and dance again after my long battle with an injury. There not too difficult for me either. Beautiful simple combos are really great to learn I appreciate simple things I can do at my level, we don’t learn to dance much at our studio so that’s an area I want to address. But I still think posting difficult moves is great, as it is an amazing achievement. Pole is so difficult I think it’s just more people need to recognise this. It’s nice to see the dance being brought back into it not just tricks and combos and veena I love when you post your short videos of combos I have never seen or thought of always inspire me because you always post new ways of getting In and out of moves that I could never think of in a million years it’s keeps things new for me which then challenges me.

  • Rachel Osborne

    July 13, 2014 at 8:55 am

    I find pics of tricks a bit pointless; I get excited to see a beautiful set of moves whether that’s simple stuff done gracefully or dazzling tricks. I want to see it as part of a dance, how it flows, how the dancer got in and out of it and how it was used to express something to music.

    I get motivated to work hard on simple things like flatline Scorpio if I can see how it is the launching pad for a beautiful extended move, or the foundation of an elegant combo. If it can’t be danced into and out of again I am not interested.

    So tutorials, clips of dances are motivating.
    ‘Look at me doing some crazy thing’ – meh.

    This Marion Crampe clip has really motivated me recently – some amazing tricks but the grace and lyricism in the simple movements is actually more inspirational for me

  • AllysonKendal

    July 13, 2014 at 8:56 am

    Kind of piggy backing on what Lucca said… It can be discouraging to see someone progress faster than you. It takes a lot to sometimes to not beat yourself up over it.

    I pole 2x a week usually. Maybe a hour each time. Obviously there will be people passing me… But sometimes when I count, and I’m like “crap, I’ve been doing this for 7 months” I feel like I should be way ahead of where I am now, especially based on what I see.

    I just remind myself how demanding my career is, and I have a son and husband and new puppy… All wonderful things, and pole has to share my time with those things. (Surprisingly I’m on SV a lot for someone with no time, I know… But usually I’m in the car with my husband driving to little league or something like that)

    I can also get overwhelmed with what I see. Like I want to work on certain things, I want to do the plank challenge, and find time to work on my flexibility and find time to practice my handstands, and pole. I thought hooping looked cool. It is too much sometimes and I feel like I’ll never get good at anything.

    Mostly I’m just happy I’m getting stronger and better. There are moments of insecurity though, I think everyone has those.

  • Kira

    July 13, 2014 at 4:16 pm

    one example of inspiring social media are the hilarious videos studio 409 uploads. I haven’t seen a video from her recently but her past ones are always inspiring!! she really charts her struggles and efforts that go into moves. Love her!

  • Paunobs

    July 13, 2014 at 6:02 pm

    Hmmm some interesting opinions in this thread, I have a variety of videos and clips come through my FB news feed, i am in awe at watching both professionals and beginners in their journey,I Regularly put both short clips and longer clips of both, dare i say my attempts at dance and also new tricks and combos that i try, NOI do not do this for attention i couldn’t care how many likes or dislikes i get, i couldn’t care what anyone else think about it, all i know is that if their is just one person who sees what I can do and it inspires them to live a healthier life or to see that anything is possible no matter why your age or life situation then what i put up has done its job, if not then so be it. and of course we ALL like to get compliments if some one puts a nice comment up then that naturally makes us feel good too and there is nothing wrong with that. If I get a rude comment then Blaa who cares.. Of course there are a lot of people who put videos up because they NEED to be watched liked and commented on i have no judgement of people on social media each to their own, each has their own story in life to tell if they need attention well thats ok, if they need to air their dirty laundry thats ok too, I do get a bit sick and tired of those who stand in judgement of these people. Each to their own in this life, I do love instagram by the way, a fantastic way to learn new short combos or moves. I do love to watch full length dance videos as well and Veena i love when you do a full length video they are few and far between now days, I also am surprised by just how many people in the pole community especially in Australia do not know of studioveena, i talk about it like everyone knows and when they stare at me blankly I’m like Oh haven’t you heard of Studio Veena?? I thought everyone has LOL.

  • Veena

    July 13, 2014 at 10:26 pm

    All great points of view!

    I like Instagram, it’s a great way for me to make posts people are interested in right to FB and Twitter. I just wish that clips were not the ONLY thing everyone wants to see. :/ I post a few non pole pics and vids there too, but they aren’t to popular. lol

    Paunobs, there are still many places in the world we haven’t reached yet, it’s challenging because we don’t have any pole related companies helping us out by advertising our site worldwide, but we do what we can!! We’re still growing and still the largest Pole site out there!

  • Veena

    July 13, 2014 at 10:28 pm

    Oh and Raven, I agree, I wonder where 409 went?

  • Phoenix Hunter

    July 13, 2014 at 10:34 pm

    I love 409 too! so funny

  • studio409

    July 13, 2014 at 10:57 pm

    Veener’s Hello! I’m still here! I was overwhelmed for 1 year with my Studio, class and bachelorettes. I will soon have time to make new videos; I look for combos or inspiring movements! I miss the time when I discovered pole and when I could spend my evenings watching videos Veena … Kiss from Montreal xoxo

  • Lucca Valentine

    July 13, 2014 at 11:56 pm

    For those on IG, biapoledance has such amazing combos…just found out about her (yesterday I think???) and have been way to excited about it

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