Forums Discussions Social media, inspiring or discouraging?

  • CrazyKosters

    July 15, 2014 at 3:39 pm

    I really like that video and feel the same way Veena, I used to hate social media and was never on FB hardly ever because I thought it was stupid and feel the same way that guy described in the video but this year I gave in. What I realize though is the only good thing from it is being able to keep in touch with people you would have lost contact with or people you would only see at high school reunions lol until the invention of social media. However on that same note, besides people who live far away and distant relatives etc, I guess the only people that matter are the ones you stay in contact with off of social media I suppose. I would rather have 3 or 4 good friends that will come over, meet up, or pick up the phone and call you then 100+ friends who only will stay in touch with facebook and would not have cared otherwise about you if it weren’t for social media..

  • portableninja

    July 16, 2014 at 9:59 am

    I just stopped at the Hallmark store for a greeting card and saw this. We are beginning to wise up!

  • Veena

    July 16, 2014 at 10:23 am


  • PlatinumAni

    July 16, 2014 at 12:33 pm

    Amazing video. I really don’t use social media outside of SV. I opened a pole FB last summer for a group I was strengthening/conditioning with. Now that has ended and I rarely use it. It is pole friends only as I don’t welcome any additional drama into my “normal life”. I would close it except I use it to reach out to people for Skype jams and pole networking. However, I am not active enough for most people to really care…. Unless I am pulling some big trick. I shared my “Love out of Lust” video there and it was barely noticed *shrugs*. (So what I have SV!!) I am so grateful too as I would have probably quit without this place, since I have NO studio access. Hmmmm… Back to the point I am not discouraged by social media these days as I have accepted and love MY journey. With all it’s set backs and flaws, if is mine. After 3 years of poling I FINALLY don’t chase anything but my own enjoyment. I do like social media for ideas, but simply ignore/de-friend/forget anyone that makes me feel bad about myself OR that I find condescending or rude. Who has time?

  • Lina Spiralyne

    July 18, 2014 at 7:23 am

    What do YOU guys see in your social media feeds?

    I’m not following many of the elite polers and I think it has to do with the fact that I’m more interested in those that I can have some kind of a two-way communication with. With the elites it’s usually not like that, with a few exceptions.

    In general those who not only post pics or vids but also write something and share their thoughts get my interest to a larger extent. One girl whose page I’ve liked post a mix of pics/vids, blogposts and thoughts (usually training related but anyway in a personal manner). She doesn’t get nearly as many likes or comments (if any) on the texts but I think it’s probably a win for her anyway that she keeps doing it. I think that is what could be bringing in genuine fans. Any hard training athlete is able to do some mind-blowing tricks but not everyone seem to have an interesting personality (or is able to make it shine through).
    SO, my advice to Veena regarding what to post is to keep up the variety. Don’t focus on the amount of likes, shares, comments too much because if you only show the wow-tricks, you’ll soon be just one in the crowd of advanced/pro polers. Remember your target group and what has made studioveena successful (because it’s not the impossible trick I guess?).

    Do you feel encouraged or discouraged by what you see?

    Encouraged, but not always excited :). Because of the inflation of big tricks, they have in some sense become mainstream. It’s nice to show to people that you’ve nailed something difficult, but since that what everyone else does as well, social media is just full of it. I get tired of both myself and others (not aimed at anyone specific) on facebook and instagram evenso more. There’s something stressful about those medias. I like youtube better for various reasons. One of them is that there as rule I post longer videos that I have had to edit and work with. For example I collect contortion clips over months and make it one video before I upload. So it doesn’t feel like the instantly attention-seeking thing when you just have to show straight away what you managed to accomplish tonight at the gym. There are times when I wished I was only on youtube and here. SV and youtube are like the pacific oceans to me where I can feel more relaxed while FB and IG can be draining. Yet they are fun in their own ways so I’m split :).

    Have we been too spoiled by the video clip to sit down and enjoy a dance?

    This relates to what I said about some medias being stressed. Facebook is one of them and just like others, I usually don’t watch full-length videos on there. The feed is something we normally just scroll through when there is a minute or so over. And then the easy sharing of short IG vids helps making the short clip a standard. Another reason is probably the amount of friends many of us have these. If we had had 50 instead of 500 the newsfeed had been much more manageable.

    How can we get everyone here to help spread the word that pole IS for EVERYONE?

    On a smaller scale, by keep posting variety I think, whether they are much watched/liked or not. It will at least show that there’s something else than the super-trick.

    @CrazyKosters: I had a rant about people sending messages instead of liking in another thread. Some want to hide their activities and moreover I think that perhaps liking a pole video is considered extra ”dangerous” due to the reputation of pole. But I don’t think YOU should have to feel like the creep!

  • CrazyKosters

    July 18, 2014 at 3:28 pm

    Well said! And thanks for the last bit lol, I shouldn’t have to feel like the creep! lol

  • Maria-Elena Kadala

    July 18, 2014 at 4:25 pm

    Veena, first let me say that I often turn to your videos for ideas and inspiration!
    I’m not a dancer, so choreography is a foreign language to me, but I’m learning. This past year I’ve had some injury and health set-backs, and in my recoveries, I’ve been emphasizing correct form (which I didn’t learn in the beginning), working on my Other Side, and actual dancing. I’ve also fallen in love with spin mode — I need to take motion sickness pills to do it, but it’s worth it — to the extent that for a recent studio showcase, I had two poles on spin. Also working really hard on the dancing, and self-expression (I’ve got the dead-pan thing nailed down a little too tightly!)

    At my age (60) I won’t compare myself to others … I appreciate what my body can do, and simply try to improve. And if I want to compare myself to other sexagenarians, there’s Greta Pontarelli and Bel Jeremiah … so I’m much better off comparing myself to me! There’s no rainbow Marchenko in my future, but I’m doing some things I never expected to achieve. Also working on those fundamentals to make them really pretty, and delighting on perfecting my pirouette.

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