South Bay/San Jose/Monterey Bay area Studios…?
Ladies… I need your help 🙂 There is some potential for me to be in the South Bay/San Jose/Monterey Bay area. Any time that I am considering relocating somewhere I preemptively check for pole studios/aerial studios (ie, nothing is set in stone as to whether I am permanently relocating at this point). I know there are some great ones in San Francisco, but that is most likely not going to be a regular possibility for me. However, from looking through threads on here and knowing studio locations from youtube, I have heard about Shelly's Pole Studio, Poletential, and Sedusa studios. I actually found Ms. Tryss Boutique in Monterey that offers classes as well. Does anyone know of any other aerial and pole studios in the area? Any suggestions are welcomed! Mahalo! 🙂
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