Forums Discussions Space around your pole?

  • Space around your pole?

    Posted by JenLFG on June 24, 2009 at 4:25 pm

    i haven’t got my pole yet, it’s ordered but i don’t have it yet… anyways, i have a little room that is 11×13 & i wanted to ask if i put it in the very center of that room do y’all think that will be enough room? i’m 5’5"…. i sure hope it’s enough room!!!!

    JenLFG replied 15 years, 8 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • untamedshrew

    June 24, 2009 at 5:16 pm

    DOn’t worry; you’ve got plenty of room! I am so jealous! My bedroom is about 16×18, with a bed, two dressers, bedside table, bookshelf, and 4×4 stage mounted pole.
    I open my curtains on big spins!

  • SissyBuns

    June 24, 2009 at 6:53 pm

    I too am forced to work in a small space when on my pole. My room is full with my bed, tv, dressers and night stands. I can’t even extend my legs all the way when spinning!

    Your room sounds like it will be more than enough.

  • JenLFG

    June 24, 2009 at 7:41 pm

    good! i was worried about kicking the wall! lol! it’s actually my formal living room, right by the front door i moved all the furniture around & made the room pretty much empty, well i moved the furniture in to the bay window & partially into the next room, (ill add some pics so y’all can see what i’m talking about) i just happened to have a black couch in that room already and a black & pink chair && silver tables with glass tops so i think the pole will actually look *nice* in there & today i made some heavily lined curtains for the room so my neighbors won’t accidentally see me dancin’ around like a fool. oh & i’m gonna go to target soon & get about 5 of those cheep mirrors that usually hang on the back of a door & i’m gonna hang them Horizontally on the wall above one another. it will cost about $30 for 5 of those mirrors instead of the 1 big mirror that i found (&loved), it was $70, but it was one of those that you kinda *prop up* & i’m kinda afraid i will kick it when i get to spinnin’. i though saving over half of the money on the mirrors was worth the extra work! i’m so excited! it’s gonna look like a whore house when you walk into my house! lol! bet the inlaws are just gonna love that! LMFAO!

    ETA i added pics of the room i will be installing my pole in, they are in my pics on my profile if anyone wants to look i’m so excited i just keep going in there & looking like it’s just gonna appear, lol! hope it ships soon!

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