Forums Discussions Spinning Too Fast!

  • Spinning Too Fast!

    Posted by villainvixen on September 27, 2013 at 8:38 pm

    I just started using spin and been practicing thinking everything was fine. But recently, I went to a friend's pole dance performance in Hollywood. Long story short, I got called onstage 🙂 I noticed her pole's spin was A LOT more gentle than mine. NO FAIR! So, um, who knows how to slow down the spin on an X stage lite? Pretty please, love and kisses forever for help. 



    Veena replied 11 years, 4 months ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • polergirl

    September 27, 2013 at 9:22 pm

    Spin pole is all about momentum control. Some poles are naturally faster than others … But. It’s of the time it boils down to being able to use your body weight to control the spin speed. Too fast? Stick something out. Too slow? Bring your whole body close to the pole. That’s a simplification but it’s a start. 🙂

  • villainvixen

    September 27, 2013 at 9:35 pm

    Aw, I was really hoping there was a simple fix to slowing it down. But this is an old pole. probably why its so fast. Thank you though. 🙂

  • Veena

    September 27, 2013 at 10:06 pm

    Down low on stage poles tends to be fast. However they can slow down sooner then a mounted pole once you start climbing high and moving around because of the wobble they all have. 

  • villainvixen

    September 27, 2013 at 10:27 pm


    Does the speed change depending on height? The more gentle pole I tried was at least 10ft. My own is 7ft. 

  • Veena

    September 27, 2013 at 10:34 pm

    Well it could be possible for I a shorter stage pole to maaaybe be faster. It seems the more pole the more wobble is possible on a stage, slowing it down. But that’s just a guess! Lol it really shouldn’t change though unless you climb up high.

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