Forums Discussions Spinny pole

  • Spinny pole

    Posted by Joalex on May 18, 2012 at 4:03 pm

    How on earth do you do spinny pole?!

    I just set my pole to spinny for the first time. Having seen a lot of beautiful videos on here of girls on spinny poles, I had high expectations and was all ready to make a graceful video of my own. So imagine my disappointment when I couldn't figure out what the heck to do!!

    For most moves (invert, gemini, etc. nothing too advanced for my first time…) either I couldn't get the pole spinning or it would stop spinning mid-trick. I tried a superman, but I found my arms pulling in the opposite direction to the spin and couldn't get into it.

    The only thing I could do was give a little kick before climbing the pole, then do dome seated moves. I managed a CKR but it was pretty scary!

    Any tips?

    LillyBilly replied 12 years, 10 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • PoleFitMom

    May 18, 2012 at 4:25 pm

    Veena has a great video on this  :o)

  • Joalex

    May 18, 2012 at 5:03 pm

    Thanks, that is helpful, esp. tips on avoiding dizziness. I do feel quite nauseous right now!

  • LillyBilly

    May 18, 2012 at 6:34 pm

    Hmmm… Some tips:

    1. Alternate between sides, this helps with the dizziness.

    2. Control your spin – most of the time, spinny pole moves require less momentum. You get that by doing a smaller movement.

    3. Practice on holding positions first. i.e – get into back hook spin ( but instead of sliding down like you would normally do on a static pole, hold your position and let the pole spin you. You can also hold an attitude or just enter a simple pole-up with momentum so that you have spin. Because you have longer time to spin, it is easy to change positions – i.e do front hook to back hook spin.

    4. With inversions from a standing positions, lean your body to the side and bring your leg in a round movement into the pole (like you would do for fireman only upward lol its hard to explain in words), this will give you spin for your tricks. You can also start with a spin (fireman or knee spin), and then climb and do areial invert, if your skill level allows.

    5. Take your time – centrifugal force will throw you away from the pole, so gripping is harder. 

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