Forums Discussions Splits in 6 weeks

  • kasanya

    January 1, 2011 at 3:40 pm

    Hmmm… If that's the case, then the description is using some completely wrong terminology. The instep is the inside (arched) side of the foot and the calf is the back of the lower leg. This picture shows the top of the foot (not the instep) facing the ground and the shin (not the calf) flat on the floor.

    I would be inclined to ignore the description–which sounds like an incredible feat of contortionism–and go with the picture.

  • PixiePole

    January 1, 2011 at 4:29 pm

    Lol, kasanya – exactly what I was thinking! It made sense to me, but with a bit of internal translation going on 😛

    I'm going to have a proper look in a minute, but is it just for front splits? I'm kinda okay with those, not there yet but I know that if I keep going I'll get there. It's really side split that I have problems with, it feels like I'm just not built to go that way – that's how bad my side split is! Need some help with that ><

  • chemgoddess1

    January 1, 2011 at 4:43 pm

    Yeah, I know what a lunge is but again I was having issues with the calf and the instep on the floor.  I am bound and determined to get these this year.  It has only been my resolution for the last 3 years!!!

  • MommaBear

    January 1, 2011 at 5:02 pm

    So, everyone else is thinking splits for the New Year's Resolution too?

    I started following this 6 week plan to and have no idea what the karate stance is, and the lunge (thanks for the pic!!) I was doing all wrong – I had my legs out to the sides instead of in front and back of my body.  Oops.  The Supine I can only do using a rubber band, I can't reach my ankles.  And the very last stretch – stretching for the actual splits, I don't understand.  I don't know if the goal is to do side splits or front splits?  It seems like the goal is front splits?

    I have been stretching for a whole three days straight (woo-hoo!) and when I started, I couldn't even bend over and touch the floor with my fingertips (while keeping a straight leg and straight back) and three days into it and I am able to go palms flat on the floor!!!!!  I doubt I am any closer to the splits, but just touching the floor is accomplishment enough for me.  

    I've found it actually enjoyable to stretch – but probably don't do it correctly.  I don't warm up or anything, I just do it while I am watching TV at night.  I also had to draw a little stick figure key to remember the stretches.  He-he. 


  • horsecrazy12987

    January 1, 2011 at 5:14 pm

    This program definitely works–I've been following it again for the past few days and today I just got all the way down in the splits on one side and was able to hold it without using my pole for support, which I haven't done before. It is still quite an intensive stretch for me, so I need to work on getting to a point where I can just drop straight down into them and not have to lower myself carefully, but this is a huge accomplishment for me, the amazing wooden-legged pole dancer. Also, my splits on the other side are much bendier than they were before–I can't almost get my front leg straight now. Just keep at it, everyone.

  • EvaRut

    January 1, 2011 at 6:55 pm

    I have been following the 6 weeks program and my last day is tomorrow. But I am not in the splits yet. But very close. Been stuck at the same place for 2 weeks now and not getting further down =/

    I even added every stretch for the splits that I could find and stretch for an hour at a time so I am doing 12 stretches instead of 6 like are in the program. I  do 3 sets of each and holding for a minimum 30 seconds.

    Maybe I would have them down if I wouldnt have missed about average 1 day of stretching a week? Is it really that important to stretch every single day ? I need my splits in 3 weeks for Battle of the Pole :S Oh my! Stretching twice a day from now on when I can fit it into my schedule… Hehehe

  • sazzle

    January 2, 2011 at 1:16 pm

    So excited to find other people working on splits for the new year!

    You know the lunge exercise that is being discussed? Is it possible that the instructions mean that the back leg has to be behind but the hip is rotated outwards? In that case, if it was the left leg back, the toes and the knee would point to the left wall, and then the instep would be on the ground. The "inside" of the calf would also then be pointing towards the ground (the inside of the calf being the bit that would be in contact with the other leg if you were standing straight up) and I'd guess with work would eventually rest upon the ground. Does that make any sense to anyone else? It is a baffling description!

    The main thing that made me wonder is that there are two ways of positioning your back leg for a split – either the "normal" way which is where your knee and  top of foot rest on the floor and the "alternate" way where your instep rests on the floor and your knee faces out to the side. The second way is a stretch more through the inner thigh, and puts more work onto your knees, but is more comfy for some. It just seems like that particular exercise is pushing towards the second style of splits.

  • chemgoddess1

    January 2, 2011 at 1:57 pm

    It explains in the beginning pages that the splits they are trying to achieve are what is considered jazz splits, which is the only kind you can really do while wearing heels.  It is with the back leg to the side.


    Momma…the karate stance is basically this:

  • horsecrazy12987

    January 2, 2011 at 2:02 pm

    That picture is exactly the way I've been doing the stretch. The way it was described sounded like just a basic zenktsu dachi, which is something I did a looot in karate. It definitely gives a nice stretch if you do it the way you describe.

  • Jemmie

    January 2, 2011 at 9:07 pm

    OK! I started the 6 weeks program and didn't even make it through one week (my excuse is that I like to strech when nobody can see me). So this is a great new years resolution! Stick to it for 6 weeks, and I finally have a camera so I can track my progress

  • HollySatine

    January 2, 2011 at 11:37 pm

    How long is is generally supposed to take for your muscles to give out (stop tensing during the stretch) and relax if you're just starting the 6 week program?

  • Charley

    January 4, 2011 at 10:19 am

    Dumb question but does anyone know how many reps you are supposed to do of each exercise?  It says sets of 3 – but how many reps?

  • chemgoddess1

    January 4, 2011 at 10:38 am

    Charley,  I assume "sets" is "reps" in this case.




  • vickiezoo

    January 4, 2011 at 1:46 pm

    This is a great thread, its my new years resolution too. I haven't started a programme yet, Alethea has a splits dvd coming out in Jan if anyone did not know I may start in the 6 weeks programme and throw in some of Aletheas stuff too. Good luck all 🙂

  • simulpole

    January 5, 2011 at 6:24 am

    Yes!  Thank you so much for posting this!  I am going to try to work on this.  I am soooo so so very inflexible its hilarious.  I've never been able to even touch the floor w/ my finger tips — unless I bend my knees.  Like MommaBear, I'll just be tickled to be able to touch the floor, let alone the jazz splits!!

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