Forums Discussions Splits in 6 weeks

  • Shellectra

    March 28, 2011 at 8:21 pm

    I am a week into this program and focusing on all 6 stretches daily.  I have a question with the 2nd stretch, the supine (sp?) one, it says lie on your back, one leg bent at the knee with foot on floor and straighten other leg in the air and hold at the ankle and pull back.  If my leg is straight up, I can't reach my ankle without lifting my torso up!

  • PoleKitten87

    March 28, 2011 at 8:26 pm

    @Shellectra – I couldn't either! I started using a towel and wrapped it around my ankle and used that to help me pull my leg, which didn't really go much further than it started lol.

    Apparently my 83 year old grandmother does this stretch with no problem whatsoever. Hmph. 🙂

  • Madfelice

    March 29, 2011 at 1:23 am

    Shellectra,  I can do the stretch, but you could get a pilates resistance band from Kmart or BigW to help you.

  • Cherished

    March 29, 2011 at 4:55 am

    Here's a youtube clip I found of the supine hamstring stretch using a strap to help 🙂

  • Shellectra

    March 29, 2011 at 5:44 am

    Thanks guys! I never thought of using my band!! Tried it tonight and its much better, I can focus on lying back and keeping the leg straight now and breathing etc without worrying about grabbing my ankle and my leg bending etc 🙂

  • Miraine

    March 29, 2011 at 9:01 am

    I had a go at these stretches, and struggled with the supine bit even though I could reach my leg.  Didn't seem to be able to actually relax into the stretch.  I substituted that for sitting up with one leg stretched out and the other out to the side, bent at the knee with the sole of the foot close to the extended leg, then leaning forwards holding stretched leg.  Not quite the same hip positioning so might not be a great substitute, but quite easy to do a PNF type stretch like that.

    I'll be jumping on this thread properly in a few weeks once I've moved house, as at the moment, things are too hectic to get round to stretching every day.

  • SashaMae

    March 30, 2011 at 7:14 pm

    I have been working on these stretches for almost 2 weeks and I got 'em! I stuck with them daily and boy did they work for me. I can finally do a pain-free split! It takes me about 20-25 minutes of cardio and this stretch regimen to do them fully. 

    Stick with it and you will see results. I have never done the splits before frankly never thought I could. I have been into yoga and stretching for awhile but I have never seen thismuch progress so fast! I was surprised that I did them well before the 6th week!

    Now- onto the oversplits!

  • EvaRut

    March 31, 2011 at 4:20 pm

    Wow ! 2 weeks that is amazing! Congrats 🙂 took me 2 months and still dont always get them. Need to start stretching everyday again to maintain my splits and hopefully get some oversplit. 🙂

  • Shellectra

    March 31, 2011 at 5:27 pm

    I feel like I'm getting nowhere yet in week 2, doing the supine stretch especially depresses me cos my leg is still way up in the air 🙁 I Shall keep at it..

  • SashaMae

    March 31, 2011 at 7:19 pm

    Eva- Yeah, it does take me awhile before I’m warm enough to do a full split. But I’m going to keep at these stretches in hopes it will take next to none effort.

    Shellectra- I think the supine stretch is what does it for me. At first it’s really unpleasant but after a few consecutive days I started to crave that feeling of the stretch. What I do is focus on the hip and shoulder placement. Focusing on breathing and picturing what the muscles are trying to do helps take the focus off the pain. It’s definitely mind over matter. Keep at it lady!

  • EagleSpirit

    March 31, 2011 at 9:13 pm

    I'm going to start the 6 week program and hope it can work miracles for me.  I'm ashamed to say that the furthest I can go into the splits just looks like I'm standing with my legs spread wide.

  • JeHanne

    March 31, 2011 at 11:10 pm

    I am in week 2 but have missed a few days here or there. The combination of stretches is working very well for me. The supine is a killer for me too but I feel so much better after stretching. Looking forward to progress. 


  • Madfelice

    April 2, 2011 at 7:18 pm

    OK, just wondering for those of you who either have done this program or are doing it, do you notice that some days you are just better than others with it? I notice differences that while not huge are still there, but only in the final exercise, the splits themselves. The other exercises progress almost on a daily basis and become better, however my split can vary from day to day. They are better than 10 days ago when I started for sure, but yesterday was better than the day befor which was a little worse than the day before that, which was an awesome day( but yesterday was better than said awesome dot, yay!)

  • Miraine

    April 2, 2011 at 7:32 pm

    There are a lot of factors that can affect your flexibility on a day to day basis, from things like hydration level, to literally even time of day!  (Apparently people are usually more flexible around 2-4pm, though I find evenings in general are my most flexible time).

    I'd definitely agree that some days are better than others, myself.  And it does seem a bit odd that you can feel you're getting far further into the suppine stretch, say, but then your split is nowhere near as good as the day before.  I think it's my hip flexor that varies the most, and it's hard to be scientific with how far you're stretching that on the Karate stance etc, whereas the suppine one is a bit easier to gauge progress on.

  • unicorn

    April 3, 2011 at 4:12 am


    Could someone write the names down of the stretches to do for splits and general flexibility

    .I just seem to get in to a routine with stretches.. even pictures, videos.  need to see the stretches..or names so  can find them on the internet..

    If anyone has a video or pictures diary or daily stretches they do would be great… 

    I need to make a start  but not knowing where to start I am just not bothering.. 



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