Forums Discussions Splits in 6 weeks

  • BonnieAndClyde

    February 4, 2014 at 12:07 pm

    Hi Ladies! I started the 6 weeks to splits 2 weeks ago. I stayed on target the first week and the second week my life interfered with my schedule. I did find that after a few days I was really sore so I would take a rest day and be fine to stretch again the next day. I dont see this happening in 6 weeks but im not giving up! Im bound and determined to be as flexible as a barbie doll!!! lol

  • Heather005Poles

    February 4, 2014 at 6:38 pm

    I have been working on my splits since i was 12, i m 20 now and im 2 inches off the ground, so i have a while to go. I am inflexible, but have strong determination. I am going to try this splits in six weeks and hopefully it can speed up the process. 🙂 wish me luck.

  • SV26869

    February 6, 2014 at 9:30 am

    I absolutely agree with Runemist34… “splits in 6 weeks sounds very dangerous”. And unfortunately I have this painful experience. Come can you believ in it? If you are not naturally flexible it will take a year of hard training or more. I found the same schedule of getting the splits in a very short time and just did it…till I almost couldn’t walk .I stretched very carefully and did a really good warming up! about 30-45 min and I did not understand why it gave so much pain-(, what am I doing wrong and I have to say you that my frustration was enormous-(… But after consulting some poledancers on FB (Oona K.for example) I understood that this is absolutely NO Way to splits! 2-4 times a week deep stretching is enough otherwise the muscles won’t heel. Anyway, I am just sharing my experience, maybe someone will get the splits in 6 weeks-))

  • chemgoddess1

    February 6, 2014 at 10:52 am

    If one would actually stop and read the article it specifically states that you may not have your complete splits in 6 weeks….it depends on your starting point. There is nothing in this method that tells you to take anything to an extreme. It is simply a series of stretches that when done consistently will get you deeper in your split.

  • BonnieAndClyde

    February 6, 2014 at 11:57 am

    I agree with Chemgoddess. As I am doing this program right now I have taken a couple days off if I’m feeling really sore. You have to listen to your body and believe that you will accomplish this tremendous feat even if it takes a little longer.

  • Charley

    February 6, 2014 at 1:38 pm

    It’s never good to put a time frame on strength or flexibility gains. There are some safe and proven methods of gaining flexibility in a rather short period of time such as resistance stretching which can be done more often that passive, deep stretching and yin yoga once a week. Remember that flexibility isn’t just how much you can stretch but it’s also how strong you are. You want to build strength and flexibility simulanteously, this is why ballet is so great for flexibility training, you gain lots of strength in your hips and you are generally engaging your legs through stretches and movements. This will help you build flexibility very quickly. Deep stretching is very good or improving your active flexibility and splits in the air. You’ve also got to build flexibility and strenght though out your legs not just hips, you can have open hips and tight calves or example and you will not be able to get all the way down. So basically everything has to stretched and strengthened. If you are too sore for stretching one day, take a break do simple movements to warm up your body but don’t try to stretch exhausted muscles.

    It took me nearly a year to get down close to splits and that’s cool. I havent been able to do much as of late so I know I’ve lost some strength and flexibility and I will reenter that slowly once I am back up and running.

  • Lina Spiralyne

    February 7, 2014 at 4:35 pm

    It would be interesting to know the results of those of you who work or have worked with this guide. It doesen’t matter if you actually got the full splits or not in six weeks (few will, and I didn’t like the intro to the article btw), I just like to know if you found that the exercises were efficient or if you could have done without them. So, please report 🙂

  • Cherished

    February 7, 2014 at 11:28 pm

    Hi Lina It worked for me when nothing else did that’s why I always recommend it (Veena didn’t have her stretch lessons to try at the time)
    The reason why I stuck with it was also because many members here got all the way down with it. If you go through this thread there are posts of success stories and lots of progress accounts as well.

  • Lina Spiralyne

    February 8, 2014 at 5:03 am

    Thanks Cherished! Sounds like they are good exercises then. Maybe you needed the so important “change” in your stretching routines and this is what provided it. Did it all happen in six weeks for you? What was your starting point?

  • Cherished

    February 9, 2014 at 1:07 am

    No problem Lina 🙂
    I think to begin with I was about 6 or 7 inches away and it took about 6 months of doing the 6 week program. I should go back and check I kept track of everything but all the info is in a box some place. Anyway I’ve always noticed your flexibility – I still have a long way to go to be anywhere near your level so if you are doing any secret programs let me know 🙂

  • Lina Spiralyne

    February 9, 2014 at 9:24 am

    6 months seems much more reasonable. Thanks for the information!
    I would have loved to be able to break the ultimate secrets to big splits, but there was never any trick :(. It’s been belief combined with consistency, luck, and liking it!

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